Chapter 7:

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As I walked up the steps to the throne room I began to contemplate on whether or not if I should leave the fact out that we're dating and were having a wonderful make out session before I watched my hero, my love, collapse before my very eyes from the sudden and mysterious arrow.

I pull at my face at the sudden stress of the situation. I better leave the second part out. I thought to myself as I made it half way up the steps. I could hear father's muffled voice suddenly become clearer.

"I don't care! Find the attacker! I want them thrown into the dungeon so they can rot away!" His voice boomed shaking my nerves to the core. Two of our general's second in command ran out the throne room and dodged me as they went to relay the message. I took one deep breath before prying my eyes open and heading up the rest of the way.

Almost instantly after I entered the room father sighed at my presence," Sidon. Come. I need to hear how this all happened."

I happily walked to the platform as father shoed everyone out of the room," Now, tell me what happened." His eyes softened and I found myself telling him everything, except for the whole kissing thing of course.

Father seemed to have taken everything well considering he had a soft smile, then he surprised me," I remember the day Mipha told me she was in love with Link... And now my son is admitting it too."

He let out a laugh, before looking me dead in the eyes." If you wish to be his then I accept, but while there is an attacker on the loose he cannot stay here." My heart fell." Once he is suitable to leave for home, he is to leave with you and one guard of your choosing." My eyes went wide as I let the words sink in. I would be going to Link's home. I held back a smile and nodded understanding completely." I will send you letter's then father if I am able to."

He smirked then chuckled," now don't go marking that boy's body to much okay?" He winked, I fell to the ground blushing like a madman.

"I WON'T. GOODBYE DAD!" I yelled quickly as I sped myself right out the throne room, down the steps, and to the medical wing. I plopped myself down and buried my face into my hands hoping that no one had seen me in my blushing mess. Yet I couldn't help, but smile. I would go home with Link, which meant everything in the world to me.

~~Link's POV~~

I groaned as I pulled my eyes open feeling a dull throb in the back of my head. Even though I felt warm, I knew half of my body was submerged. I looked around then found Sidon sitting by the pool side asleep in his own little world. I groaned pushing myself up once I realized my body was suspended in the water. I dragged myself to the ramp that led up to Sidon, but a nurse that saw me stopped me almost immediately.

"Sir, please stop. You are in no condition to leave the healing pool yet." The nurse yelled, but I didn't care. I wanted to go back out there and kill that bastard who shot me. I went to get out, but I felt familiar warm arms embrace me. I stopped then looked to the half awake Sidon who was guiding me back into the waters. He laid me back down then floated besides me as he wrapped his arms around my frame carefully.

I relaxed and snuggled into his warm embrace forgetting about my vendetta I only just acquired. I heard the nurse sigh before pulling curtains shut around my pool. I went to close my eyes, but Sidon pressed a kiss to my forehead causing me to reawaken.

"Sleep well love." He whispered gently.

I watched him slowly fall asleep, but I couldn't focus on sleep at all anymore. My mind throbbed along with my still healing puncture wound. I shifted slightly and shuddered as the pain spiked through my back. I only hissed before feeling Sidon's lips against my forehead. The blood rushed to my cheeks as he traveled down to my neck. I inhaled sharply as he nipped at my second most sensitive area.

I stifled a moan before wrapping my arms around Sidon's neck. His arms wrapped around me protectively, before he settled his face in my shoulder. I relax and close my eyes before hugging him closer. Sleep pulled at my mind and eventually I fell asleep with the comforting weight of Sidon atop of me.

I groaned awake as Sidon's weight left me. I pried my eyes open seeing Sidon rubbing his eyes and looking around before looking me over. I smiled which made him give one in return before he rolled me onto my side to take a look at the wound. When I took a peak, he had a heart warming smile.

"Does it look okay?" I asked feeling slightly self conscious.

He nodded and placed his hand against the spot. I furrowed my brows together before feeling water trickle into the wound. I shuddered and wanted to move almost instantly, but I managed to stay still. I could remember Mipha doing this for me back 100 years ago. Now she was resting peacefully with Calamity Ganon gone. I sat still though trying to ease my worries as Sidon healed me. He sighed out once he pulled his hand away.

"It isn't perfect, but it shouldn't open if you accidentally do something. Just don't over do anything for now." Sidon stated as he pulled me into his lap. The water was still warm and I snuggled into his broad chest once he wrapped his arms around me.

"I.. appreciate it Sidon." I mumbled before covering part of his hand with mine. He purred in delight before pressing a kiss to the side of my head. A smile formed across my face and stayed there until the doctor did his check up.

After a thorough investigation the doctor gave me the all clear and prescribed me enough healing pills and pain killers to last at least a month and a half. Sidon smiled and helped me out of the warm water almost immediately after the doctor approved.

As I stepped out the water, I wrap my arms around my body as a chill vibrates through me. A thick and fuzzy towel was placed on my head though so I took it and tried to dry off as much as possible. When I looked to Sidon I found myself becoming nervous. He had this gleam in his eyes and when I went to say something he took my towel and began to dry my hair even more for me.

I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. Sidon chuckled amused before leaning down pecking me on the lips slightly. He smiled then wrapped me in the towel before scooping me up and carrying me into a deeper, unknown part of the castle to me. I looked up at him confused before he opened a large set of double doors. He whisked me inside then closed the door with his foot.

"Welcome to my room." He whispered. I looked around enthusiastically before noticing all my belongings by his bed. I smiled and looked at him before kissing his jaw. His tail began to wag at the small gesture so I motioned him to put me down. He happily did so allowing me to drop the towel and stretch.

The air was by far the warmest in here than anywhere else. I went to turn to Sidon, but he covered my eyes and pressed a kiss against my neck making me shudder in delight. He chuckled and was silent for one minute before I felt his tongue go from my lower back up to my neck. I gasped and grabbed his large hand in front of my face.


He chuckled in my ear before whispering huskily," Don't worry. I won't go far tonight. Your still healing after all."

I gripped his hands tighter then pulled it from my face nervous. What is he planning? I thought till he scooped me up and sat me on the bed smiling. Then he held up some of my clothes and I smiled loosing all of my worried nerves. For now at least.

He helped me get dressed before he sat at a very expensive looking desk. I sat on his bed though blushing as I remembered his rough tongue. I slapped my cheeks as the blood rushed to them. Why did he do that? I looked at him once more seeing a peaceful smile on his lips. I guess I will never know.

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