Chapter 45:

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~~Link's POV~~

Something is definitely up, I told myself for the fiftieth time today as Sidon held my hand as we walked. I love my giant and all, but ever since waking up in the cold room on that marble table in a daze, well, he hasn't left my side.

Now I'm not complaining, considering I love his presence around me, but even this is a bit much. He wraps me up in his arms every night, he helps me when he feels like I need it. What could possibly be so wrong about it? Well, it's been a week. One whole fucking week. He hasn't left me. Whenever he gets summoned for a meeting he either drags me with him or doesn't go.

I ran my hands through my hair as I sat on the doctors table. The cold marble gave a chill up my spine at the memory from only a week ago. I huffed annoyed.

"Breathe in." I heard.

I took a deep breath in feeling a little irritated. It's not helping that the king asked for this check up either.

"Breathe out." I heard once more.

I exhaled slowly knowing that this would be over soon. Thank Hylia for that.

"Alright I think it's safe to say that all you need is a good heavy dose of sleep." The doctor said smiling.

I looked at the hylain. Big brown eyes, small nose, white hair, pale skin, and the nicest set of curves any girl would want. I blinked at her.

"That's it?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded," Yup. So far, you don't seem to overly stressed like the king was fearing, and just a wee bit tired."

She tapped my nose with her fingers gently," Now. My orders are absolute. No king or prince or even a princess can ignore. You need sleep. You are to not to do anything that will over exert yourself and get lots of rest."

I rubbed my neck. Hylia, now it's a reason for Sidon to stick by my side all damn day. I love the big guy, but every once in a while I do need me time. Only me time with little Isa to keep me company.

Doc seemed to notice my mood and snickered," I'm guessing your lover is driving you nuts?"

I groaned," You have no idea."

She snickered then helped me pull my shirt back on," I think I have a good idea."

I sighed as she snickered, but got off the table stepping onto the cold blue marble floor. I pulled my boots on feeling slightly silly. Maybe I could go hunting? Clear my head a bit. I thought then smiled nodding as I ran to the doors of the room.

"See ya later doc." I yelled.

"Link wait!" I heard and stopped looking back at the kind half hylain and half gerudo woman." I would like to thank you for saving this kingdom."

I nodded then dashed to the nearest window and launched myself over the edge. I opened my glider catching a up draft sailing high into the air to observe the area.

Where to go...? I asked myself feeling my heart clench. My eyes settled on Toto Lake. I smiled and glided toward the waterfall leading to it. Toto Lake is the perfect area. Far from everyone and far from monsters.

Birds sang softly, water trickled gently, and it was only me. I rolled onto my back in the tall grass feeling completely at bliss.

The wind that pulled at my hair, the grass that tickled my skin, it is all so peaceful. Something I don't think I will ever be used to. I open my eyes staring up at the bright blue sky above my head.

Not gonna lie, I've always wondered what the world would be like if everything was backwards. The sky not be blue, the ocean not be an ocean, the grass not be green, it's all so strange. Why would I think this?

I groan softly feeling a little nostalgic. Ever since that fight and that stranger, I've always felt a little off. Like I'm not complete anymore.

"Well look at what I have here.~" I heard a familiar voice, but when I looked to the direction a hand covered my eyes. I tensed before feeling another play with my locks of hair.

"You know, when I first came here I had little hope. Yet with you here before me again, I don't need to worry anymore. I have hope." A warm and velvet voice whispered before moving their finger slightly.

Dark chocolate brown eyes and grey skin filled what little vision I could get. White strands of hair fell into his face making those eyes seem more alive than before. The stranger smiled and slowly brought his hand under my jaw allowing me to see all of him.

Dark gray skin, big brown eyes, thin lips, small nose, shinning silver hair, and a diamond tattoo under his left eye.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

He smiled and twirled a lock of my hair with his nimble fingers," My name is Ghirahim. And don't worry. I'm not your enemy."

With a blink of my eyes he was gone and a large gust of wind enveloped me. This stranger isn't my enemy? I hardly doubt it.

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