Chapter 58:

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~~No One's POV~~

Sidon dodged and counter attacked multiple times, each one quicker than the last as Maya grew angrier. Her feral side began to show as she lunged to the Zora's waist. Sidon dodged only to kick her square through a set of chairs. He landed with ease, his mind at ease feeling the loving presence of Link on his mind. It was like he was a completely different person as he faught this beast of a monster. He had never faught anything like this, he was lucky she didnt have a weapon or else he probably would have fallen already. He just prayed that help would be here soon.

Dodge, counter attack, dodge, counter attack, this repeated another several times before he felt a cut go across his nose. He helped jumping back several feet and panting. He immediately noticed the blood dripping down toward his mouth and to his lips. His eyes though focused on the item that cut him. A tail with a sharp metal fan like fin had grown from her back. She smirked licking the blood off from the side that cut him, her long slimy tongue leaving a thick coat of saliva as she cleaned her new weapon.

Her eyes were completely black as she hissed at her opponent. She wasnt sane anymore. Sidon swallowed hard as he tail twitched with anticipation. He squared his shoulders, his body ready for the challenge.

She launched, her claws and tail ready. He dodged multiple times, only to get cut on his arm by her tail in the end.

Several minutes went by, small gashes littered his body, his face though still only had the one. He stood with his back toward the window. His mind focusing on his opponent.

A snicker flowed through her lips," Are you finally tiring your highness?"

He hadn't noticed his labored breathing very much, but he wasnt going to admit he was becoming exhausted. The presence of a warm embrace was disappearing every time she landed an attack.

"Why dont you relax a bit, unwind." Her eye color had turned green as his vision began to distort.

He swallowed hard as he swayed a little. Everything felt off and to make it worse he was beginning to feel sick.

"My my, are you alright? Do you need to sit and rest?" Her voice began to sound distant to him, but not only did she sound distant, she looked distant too. He fell to one knee panting as a poison began to settle in.

Maya smirked, stalking over ever so slightly as her prey finally fell victim to her assaults. She stood only a mere foot away from him and poised her tail at his throat. A wicked smile reaching her lips.


As she went to make the final blow though, her own body movements stopped. Confusion began to hit her until she heard the thump of a limb. She watched her tail go limp and she turned furious as the body part crumbled into ashes.

Rohell panted before her, smiling as he spun the weapon behind him and slinging her blood onto the floor.

"You. How dare you of all people get in my way!" She growled.

"If I hadn't met Link, I probably would have said the same by now." He stated readying his weapon.

"All you had to do was shoot that pathetic fool of a hylian champion, yet what do you do? No! You miss and only hit his side..." Maya hissed.

"Unlike you, I was hired to simply do what I had to, I did yet it's been killing me on the inside knowing what I've done." Rohell whispered. " Next time, do that damn job yourself you wannabe snake."

Maya growled before launching at the foreigner," Dont insult my pride you!"

Rohell smirked before a quick spin of his wrist and a sudden toss made the trident leave his hands. A flash went by, before her movements stopped. She stared at the purple eyed foreigner before her head slipped off her body and thumped onto the floor.


Her eyes began to cloud over as her body began to turn to ashes. A soft pant filled her ears before her body fell and puffed into a cloud of ashes. She growled as she watched the shine of Sidon's royal trident get slammed in front of her face.

Tears flowed to the floor as her mind began to fade. I'm sorry master, I've failed you.

She closed her eyes fading away into a clump of ashes as Rohell watched. His purple eyes glowing in the red light with a strange burgundy hue to them. He pulled the trident from the floor and fastened it to his back before turning to the poisoned prince.

He was doing so well against her. Rohell smiled and kneeled before him making his dulled eyes lock onto his.

"Hey big guy. Can you drink something for me real quick?" Rohell whispered.

Sidon nodded once before drinking a vial with Rohell's help. After the thing was done, with in a few minutes he began to refocus. He shook his head confused as Rohell stood.

"Comd on Sidon. We gotta go." Rohell whispered.

Sidon nodded, slowly standing as they made their way away from the destroyed room. Rohell kept his eyes trained around them as they made it to the throne room.
Rohell glanced around before smiling at the blankets wrapped around Ako and Isa. Isa reached out eager to be taken by someone else, but Ako simply walked over to the three. Rohell patted Ako's head.

"You did good kid."

Ako smiled as she recieved the pats, but she looked concerned at her cousin. She could tell his battles had been hard on him.

"Sidon..." she whispered.

The giant of a prince looked at her only to smile tiredly," Everything will be alright Ako. I promise."

Ako stared at her cousin before looking at Rohell," Ready?"

Rohell nodded," Yes, but do you know anything on the Zora king?"

Ako swallowed hard and shook her head," No one has seen him."

Rohell sighed pulling out the medallion. The soft glowing blue of the inscription made Rohell seem more attractive slightly as a transmutation circle formed around them on the floor.

"We'll just have to hope he's ok."

The transmutation completed and a column of blue light enveloped them all before disappearing without a trace. When the light began to die away, Rohell stared ahead seeing the master sword, forest spirit gasping at the new comers.

Sidon blinked surprised as Isa squealed with joy, reaching out to the great deku tree. The great deku tree hummed in curiousity at the new commers.

"My what a surprise, you all must be tired by the look of your wounds." The deku hummed.

Rohell looked the the tree confused as Sidon and Ako bowed. He though, being a foreigner, could not hear the hums of the massive sentient tree. He shook his head as he took his eyes away from it.

"Sidon, your in charge while we're here."

Sidon looked at him confused then noticed him holding his right eye. He stood as the korok's came over recognizing their princess. The oldest one of them all motioned Sidon to follow, and happily took the two to be examined by their doctors. Rohell though sat at the bottom step of the master swords pedestal and moved his hand showing that the area around his eyes was turning purple.

The air...... its really..... pure.....

Rohell sighed in relief as he looked up at the sky seeing the cherry blossom petals falling everywhere. He relaxed, placing the trident behind him as he thought.

Maybe..... it would be good to stay here for a while.... He smiled and looked at the sky with his glowing purple eyes.

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