Chapter 49:

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~~No One's POV~~

Link stood in Zelda' s study, the entire place was a wreck. Her journals were everywhere, the tables were practically destroyed, and what was worse was the blood splatters along the marble floor. He ground his teeth together irritated, he didn't have to get that tested to know whose blood it was.

His blood began to boil with an intense fire that he could only describe as one thing. Rage.

They'll pay.

Indeed they will.

Link's eyes snapped open at the voice. He hadn't heard it for quiet a while. He balled his fist and slammed it against the side of his head. It came back after all.

Well of course I would, you can't just talk to anyone after all. Not even that commissioner.

The hero tensed, What did it mean?

You know what I mean. You felt that cold chill. That rush of fear. Something was there, watching. You can't trust her anymore.

He closed his eyes and balled his fists. It was right, wether he wanted to admit it or not. Which only meant one thing.

He opened his eyes, a fire burning in them brighter than ever before. Something, or rather, someone was behind Zelda's disapperance. He placed a hand to his temple and closed an eye as he imagined Zelda on the floor fighting the unknown assailant for her life.


Link walked around the scene before stopping in the direction of the bridge to the castle. Whoever kidnapped her was either strong or took her by surprise. He frowned as he stared at the bridge. He keeled and placed his hand on a chip in the marble. It was almost unnoticeable.

He clicked his tongue annoyed, whoever did this would meet his furry. He stood and began to walk away until a small white rhombus flew into his vision. He stopped then turned around seeing that strange man. He was holding one of Zelda's journals with a frown.

"It's sad isn't it?" He whispered as he looked at the hero." To see everything you worked so hard to restore, to crumble around you."

Link's eyes widened with horror as the stranger stood there holding the one journal he didn't even pay attention to. It was small and red, the spine looked like it was broken beyond belief. It was his journal from all those years ago.

Ghirahim threw the journal to the hero watching the said recipient catch it with ease. They never tore their gaze apart from one another. The ocean eyes were filled with confusion while the chocolate ones were filled with curiosity.

"Who are you?" Link asked bewildered.

"Well i suppose there is no harm in telling you now." He stated then smiled gently at the hero." My name is Ghirahim."

Link blinked then looked at the aquaitence a bit more. He gave off the prideful vibe that Bolson gave off which only made the hero purse his lips. Was this person before him good or bad?

Ghirahim turned to Link then sighed and offered a gentle hand to him," Hero of hyrule." He placed his other hand to his heart and kneeled down to one knee." I wish to help you in your search for your princess."

Link blinked surprised at the request then scoffed as he took a step back. This guy had some nerve. He slapped the hand outstretched to him away and growled.

"There is only one person in this world who I would go for when it comes to needing help, you are not them so stay out of my way."

Ghirahim blinked at the hero surprised at the malice in the hero's eyes. It was almost scary, then he smiled. He stood and bowed at his hips with a smirk playing at his lips.

"If you insist." He stood back up with a smug smile and walked past Link with his head held high." You'll come begging for my help in the end anyway."

Link glared slightly at his smug attitude till he watched his new aquaitence spin and disappear in a flurry of rhombus'. Immediately he placed his hand to his heart feeling his lovers worry. He took a deep breath in and calmed his raging heart.

He's right you know.

Shut it.

Link huffed out before feeling a little sad, he could really go for one of Sidon's warm and loving hugs right now. He rubbed his arm gently before taking a deep breath in and walked toward the castle. Find her, then you can go back to him.

He sighed then glared ahead as he walked through the halls heading to the only place he knew of that Zelda spent most of her time. The throne room.

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