Chapter 51:

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~~No One's POV~~

Several weeks went by and Link didnt find a single clue. He searched high and low, every day from sun rise to sunset and in the end he would always scream out at the top of his lungs with frustration on the very top of hyrule castle. It was like he was at a road block that he couldn't get around. Everyone had the same stupid story almost that it was sickening.

'Well she had meetings with the queen of the seven seas before retiring to her quarters where she suddenly disappeared.'

Link sat on a ledge with a piece of paper in his hand and the shekiah slate in his lap. A list of hundreds of possible suspects dragged down to 10. Eight of the names where court marshals from the queen of the seven seas armada, one was the right hand man for the queen, and last but not least the queen herself was a suspect.

Even though he had yet to meet her, he doubted that he could even get close. All of the guards were on high alert, which meant she had guards with her constantly. He never got to see her face, and he honestly didnt care. He was to busy sorting everything he learned everytime he got the chance.

He bit his lip and looked up at the sky as the wind combed through his hair. He longed to see Isa and Sidon, but work came first. He reached his hand above his face making a tiny cloud disappear from vision as a shadow danced across his face.

The birds where out and about with grace, yet for some reason his eyes followed one specific one. His had bright white wings, but as it got closer toward him he began to notice something off about the bird. It shimmered like a bluepee, but had the color of fire. He leaned forward grabbing his slate and pulling up the camera. He zoomed in as much as possible then snapped a picture as it turned toward him a little. Its wings were massive, each one had to have been two feet wide.

Link looked up from the photo and gasped seeing the bird dive at him but lifted up extending a leg to him. He stretched out his arm surprised as the massive wings tossed his hair around in the wind. This bird was gorgeous, and well trained. It was almost rare these days to see it, yet here one was landing gently on Links forearm.

As it settled, it tucked its wings in gently allowing Link to see the sharp edges the bird had on its wings. Each feather seemed light and even while on his arm it felt like nothing, yet it was the blue hum of guardian technology on the tip of this birds wings that made him question its origins. He carefully brought the bird in, finally seeing a rolled up note attached to the birds leg.

He carefully removed the note confused, and as the weight of the note left, the bird took off leaving Link to watch the bird begin to glow blue before it teleported away. He let out a held breath before unrolling the note.

she's alive.

Link felt a tear slide down his face before relief found him. He smiled and balled the note up before tossing it away. He stood on the ledge with determination before turning to the castle.

There was one last place he didnt get to look yet. That gut feeling was telling him to check there, and to be quick about it. He began to head toward the throne room.

"Now Link, this chamber is where you will fight Calamity Ganon." King Rhoam stated with pride." This is the only place with one way in and out. I'm showing it to you, because most of the time Ganon destroys what he touches, which means the floor underneath will collapse and he will fall in. Once the fight is over though the entrance will be sealed back up, but if you ever need to get back in then all you have to do is this."

Link grunted as he began to push Zelda's throne to the side a bit. At first the stupid thing didnt want to give away, but eventually with a crack the throne slid over like it used to, showing the only hidden passage into the death chamber where he killed Calamity Ganon the first time. He swallowed hard as he began to descend into the dusty corridor. A small lantern was the only thing he held out in front of him as he made his way down the dark corridor. His shilloute danced on the walls in all sorts of shades before he began to realize how much he hated this corridor.

It took him twenty minutes at a steady pase when he realized how much his feet began to hurt when he finally made it to the hidden door that lead into the massive room. He dimmed his lantern a bit then pushed on the door feeling it give away a little to easy. His eyes narrowed a bit before he pushed it open a bit. A small beam of light entered the corridor he stood in, but as he peaked all he saw was a single torch that was on the ground. His fingers twitched slightly with anticipation before he slipped into the room. The lantern he used hung gently on his hip attached to his belt.

His eyes were trained on the torch on the floor, but as he knelt down to pick it up his ears caught the faintest sound of a chain rattling against the floor.

Link tensed as he stopped his hand from taking the torch. Something was down here with him. He lifted his hand to the swords hilt, his fingers brushing it ever so gently as he heard the soft clatter again. The hairs on the back of his neck raised as he felt a sense of oncoming dread.

Little did he know of the monster that was behind him.......

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