Chapter 3:

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I yawned softly as I awoke from my slumber. It was already seven o'clock in the morning, so after putting all of my armor and decorative ornaments on I sped walk myself to the medical wing. I just couldn't wait to see my hero! I even began walking with a pep in my step till I saw her. When did she get here? I frowned slightly seeing Zelda dressed in her royal blue and white princess gown talking to a doctor. Link's doctor.

"But sir, what happened? I saw him last night just before he went to bed." Zelda asked with confusion.

"We don't know. One moment he's asleep, the next we have to tranquilize him so he doesn't attack a nurse." The doctor explained.

I stopped dead in my tracks in shock. He attacked a nurse? I walked to the double doors when the doctor wasn't looking and peeked in. Link was strapped down to his cot wide awake, never blinking, but his eyes darted around almost like he was on high alert. I slipped in noticing that all of the other patients were removed from the room. My heart shattered at the sight of my hero. He was broken. I gritted my teeth together. I want to put him back together. I went over to the broken soldier seeing his eyes trained on me, he was tense and ready to attack.

"Link? It's me. Sidon. Calm down okay?" I whispered as I took the seat besides him. Blood was starting to stain his fresh bandages so I slowly reached to his chest and pressed my hand to the one gash that was the biggest. Link sucked in one big breath before he relaxed. His pupil's blew back out free from his trance and tears welled up in his eyes.

"S-Sidon?" He croaked out.

I nodded once with a small smile," I'm here my friend. I won't leave your side ever again while you are healing."

Link merely nodded once before rolling his head to the side. That's when I finally noticed the bags under his eyes. He was exhausted, and undoubtably in pain. I stood slowly and ran my finger's through the golden locks that I adored.

"I will be right back with the doctor okay?"

He nodded once as he closed his eyes, so I rushed to the doors and pulled them open. The doctor was still talking to Zelda surprisingly.

"Doctor! Link has snapped from his trance!" I called out as I went over to him.

"His trance? You mean he was in a trance?" The doctor asked shocked with wide eyes," But most importantly, WHY DID YOU GO IN THERE! You could have been severely injured sire!"

"Blah, blah, blah! What matters right now is that your patient is awake and needs tending to." I countered.

The doctor grumbled before heading into the room to tend to the unstable patient of his. I turned to Zelda and studied her surprise, she wasn't expecting such an outcome. I sighed and bowed slightly.

"Good morning princess. I was not aware that you came." I explained.

She nodded once then explained," Yes, I came in late last night after I received a message from your father of Link's status."

I gritted my teeth slightly as I held my fake smile in place. FATHER WHY!? I screamed internally, but then sighed and nodded," Ah yes, that makes much more sense."

My attention though shifted to the double doors as I felt like Link needed me claw at my stomach," If you shall excuse me. I have a feeling I am needed."

I happily left the princess to herself as I reentered the room. Link sat uncomfortably as the doctor began cutting the bloody bandages around his chest away. My heart stopped once my golden irises gazed upon Link's chiseled body. The blood rushed to my cheeks slightly, before I shook it all away and walked to the two.

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