Chapter 76:

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~~No One's POV~~

Lyric sat alone at the dining table, the quiet evening was completely destroyed by the news of the generals arriving back from their mission. Nearly all of the staff was bustling in and out with panic. He began to worry slightly as the whispers around him began to grow.

He had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. As he finished his last bit of fruit, he pushed himself up from the table. With grace like an antelope, he scopped up his pillow and hurried toward the throne room. Hall after hall, he noticed more and more maids were whispering as they walked.

His shoulder began to ache slightly, but he tossed the thought aside as he neared the throne room doors. Maids were all eavesdropping with curiousity and Lyric easily joined hearing the roars of his love more and more as time passed on.

His heart began to constrict before he darted down the long hall. A few maids gasping once they realized who was dashing to the scene.

"Young Lord! WAIT!" He heard.

He didnt stop though as he neared the large door to the room. With an extended hand Lyric forced the door open seeing Ghirahim seething with rage, his demon blade form consuming him as he roarred into the face of two people he hadnt seen in ages.

Hatsu Yuki, was the ice demon princess. Her arms like hard ice and blue hair with sparkling crystals that often flaked snow, a kimono of blue and white covered the snow demon. Her hair pulled away from her face with a look of mixed confliction shrouding her eyes.

The other one though made his heart stop.

"Dialen...?" Lyric whispered.

Everything fell silent as they soft voice seemed to be louder than their king.

Dialen who was bruised, beaten, and fearful turned her attention to Lyric. Everyone in the room did too, including Ghirahim.

"L-Lyric..." Dialen begged out with pleading eyes.

Lyric's only visible eye slitted as he frowned," Ghiri!"

Ghirahim clicked his tongue, before he looked to Iblis and his ice demon general Yuki," Leave us."

Iblis growled in Dialen's ear before passing her, her eyes narrowing at Lyric. She stopped at his side glaring down at him before whispering into his ear. Lyric's eyes went wide as she left and his vision was filled with massive breasts covered perfectly with a snow themed kimono. Yuki hugged the little ones face giggling as her blue hair began to shed snowflakes.

"Thank you." Yuki whispered before looking back to Dialen who was staring at the floor."I feel he would have killed her if you didnt come in just now."

Lyric's eyes narrowed as she left the room, her black shoes clicking against the floor before it was just the three.

"Ghirahim, explain. RIGHT. NOW." Lyric hissed as he stormed to the Demon Lord.

"Lyric, I do not have time for your interruptions! She knows everything!" Ghiahim started as he turned to him.

Lyric though with a hand ready, swung and slapped the holy hell out of his lovers face. Dialen stared surprised as Ghirahim stumbled back and into the throne. A shocked expression had formed as he finally got a good look at the one before him.

The black spot had consumed half of Lyric's face along with his arms. Ghirahim worried as Dialen hid behind Lyric. Her heart constricting with worry herself.

"Lyric. Enough with these shenanigans!" Ghirahim roared angry now.


Ghirahim went to say something, but stopped as Lyric growled. The lord instantly closed his mouth as he watched his lover.

Lyric pointed to the door," Go walk. Go calm down."

Ghirahim frowned, but teleported out the room without arguing. Dialen relaxed sligjtly before looking at Lyric," Th-Thank you Lord Lyric."

Lyric turned to her though and her heart stopped as the anger he felt only grew.

"Drop the act, your not impressing me." Lyric hissed.

Dialen dropped her gaze to the floor in a heart beat," I've been framed!"

Lyric stared at her before taking one of her shoulders," I know. I framed you..."

Dialen looked up with confusion before seeing him kneel to her. A few soft spoken words were said in that moment, Dialen's head began to spin until it all clicked.

She spilled every last detail she knew: the location of Zelda, the Zora prince, the rogue half breed demon, and the location of the weakened master sword.

Lyric soaked up all of the information like a wet sponge, before standing and looking to the door," Now we only have one option left."

He turned to Dialen moving his bangs from his face to show a third eye. It began to slowly open making Dialen freeze in place.

"Im sorry old friend. But don't worry, I'll take good care of everything from here." Lyric stated as the forest Demon turned to stone.

Lyric blinked tears away and moved his hair back making the eye close," Yuki!"

The ice demon popped up behind him, a smile on her face," Say no more, I'll put her up."

Lyric grunted before walking to the throne and sitting in it, the orb happily being placed in his lap," Good. I'm glad I can count on you."

Yuki nodded, as she froze the floor under the stonified demon," Don't worry, everything is going according to plan."

Lyric closed his eyes as he relaxed,' Indeed it is...'

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