Chapter 52:

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~~No One's POV~~

A down pour of icy rain fell upon the warm lands of the jungle to the southeast of Hyrule. The steam rising upon collision made a battered wanderer shudder at the sensation. Her vision was blurred, but she knew where she was going. The path was as clear as she could remember, but that didn't stop her aching bones and flesh. The bruises and cuts that littered her body from being a prisoner was becoming more and more excruciating as the steam rose.

Sure it felt nice at first, but that was until her wounds began to burn with the signs of oncoming infection. She coughed slightly, wincing in the process and falling to her bruised knees. Doubling over from the pain in her ribs. Tears spilled down her cheeks for once and she sobbed in silence for the fear of her life. She had to get to safety. She had to warn everyone of the incoming threat.

She slowly pushed herself up to her feet, staring ahead through her tears. If only i had a horse, she thought desperately. She looked up to the sky, her sky blue eyes glowing with determination. The bandage around her neck as tight as she could make it.

Zelda was alive, even though she felt like she shouldn't be, there she was in the middle of the jungle past Farron woods with only her dirty rags for clothes and a poorly made cloak to go over her. The bags under her eyes didnt help, but she knew where there was safety. She just had to get there in time.

Her vision began to blur as she pushed herself through the underbrush of the jungle finding herself on the main road that ran through the jungle. The wind blew gently kicking up the dust, causing her to begin to cough horribly. Her coughing went on for minutes until eventually her knees buckled as her last ounce of strength left. She fell harshly onto the ground, coughing until she was coughing up blood.

Her red essence splattered against the dirt road before she slowly pushed herself up. Her eyes pried open with force before she wiped the blood away from her lips. She slowly, but surely, began her journey along the road to the closest horse stable she knew from memory.

Mere moments after she disappeared in the dead of night, a large set of talons landed beside her blood splatter. Massive black feathers ruffled in the wind as a pitch black beak leaned down toward the blood. The stench of blood and decay wafted through the air as a slimy tongue ran over what little blood hadn't dried yet. With a hiss and flap, the talons disappeared as it slowly began its track of the princess.

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