Chapter 61:

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Hello everyone! As promised, I have made the artwork of Isa!!!
Now before I continue, i just want to thank you guys so much for getting me to 61 fucking chapters! Like guys you have no idea how much this means to me! I appreciate each and everyone of you all for reading this fan fiction of mine. No lie, I have never made a book with this many chapters before so I really love seeing all the snide comments you make to one another and everything else. I love that you all have decided to keep reading this trash story of mine anyways.



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55.6 thousand plus reads!

Thank you so much
( TДT)

So as a thank you gift for reading i wanted to do this drawing for you all. Keep in mind it isnt my best work so dont criticize me! I know its flaws lol.

Say hello to baby Isa!!!

Say hello to baby Isa!!!

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Now that you have gushed, enjoy the chapter!

~~Zelda's POV~~



Wake up.....


I pried my eyes open seeing the gentle soft fairy lights of the korok forest. When I looked to my left to see the doctor talking to a strange man I felt a gentle hand take my other. I looked with no restraints and smiled at the Zora prince before me.

He was bigger than when I last saw him, but that didn't tell me much.

"Your highness, welcome back to the world of the living." I heard. I looked to see the korok before me. Her strange posture didnt help her tree like body, but her leafy hair that went to her back told me everything. She was made specially for me.

She extended her hand to me," Try to sit up."

I swallowed hard feeling no pain then balled my fist.

No pain.

I closed my eyes took a deep breath and slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position. I pried my eyes open and smiled at everyone as tears flowed down their faces.

"Dont worry guys. I'm ok now." I whispered.

Sidon patted my head chuckling as he walked out the flowery area. The stranger following him as the doctor began to do a check up.

~~No One's POV~~

Sidon rubbed the back of his neck, she hadn't changed much. Her hair had grown past her waist, but that was to be expected. What he hadn't expected was the changing of her eyes. Her sky blue eyes were now brown and her voice had a slight rasp from unuse.  Other than that she looked like she had hardly aged.

He stopped and looked back to the way he came. Why was that? Was it the supposed goddess blood running through her veins? He took his chin curious as he thought more and more.

Rohell though watched the Zora's every move, even though he was alert, his puffy red eyes couldn't fool anyone. He was keeping his mind busy. He didnt want to have the thought of Link's death on his mind.

Rohell looked away, the guilt of telling him crawling up his throat. It was so sad, but at the same time he needed the closure. The longer he waited, the longer the devastation after closure.

Rohell's amythest eyes glowed only slightly as he began to think more and more as well. He shook his head and continued forward through the winding tree root hallways to get toward the entrance. He smiled as the thought of Isa came to mind. He chuckled and looked to the Zora who was far behind him at this point.

He shook his head again, heading toward the child's room. As Rohell got closer and closer all he could hear was the gentle giggle of the one he was just thinking about. He peeked inside seeing her no bigger than a ten year old child. Her hair had grown out and puffed up in a nature that made it look like she had a lot of hair.

Her evenly tanned skin and bright gold eyes seemed natural compared to everyone else here. Her sky blue dress the koroks had made her ended at her knees with a small gold trim at the end of her skirt, and the gold sandals they made to match made her look like a mini princess instead of a simple girl.

Rohell smiled and tapped on the door way as she began playing with one of the koroks. The gold eyes turned toward him and a smile formed. She launched to him and easily hugged his leg smiling.

"Rohell!" Isa cheered with her gentle voice. Rohell patted her head smirking as she looked up at him.


Isa's eyes had a glint of mischeif as her smile turned to a toothy one. She darted to her hammock bed, pulling a chest out from hiding behind it. After a quick rummage, she happily pulled out a wooden sword.

"Always!" She cheered.

Rohell began to walk out the room promting her to follow happily to their hidden spot to train. A small field with a few trees greeted their view as they entered on this fine morning. Birds were singing, and butterflies danced in the wind. Isa happily cart wheeled into the field, pointing her sword at him as she stuck her landing.

"Fight me like you've never done before!" She growled, the excitement laced in her ten year old like eyes.

"We both know I can't do that until you're a little older." Rohell stated picking up a wooden sword of his own.

Isa pouted slightly before frowning," Then dont go easy on me!"

Rohell shook his head smiling before he readied his natural stance. His feet spread to a shoulders width apart," Then what are you wanting for?"

Isa readied and simultaneously... they attacked.

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