Chapter 33:

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~~No Ones POV~~

"PRINCESS, WHERE IS HE!?" A stern voice boomed in the reconstructed throne room walls as Zelda stared at the threat before her.

Before the almost queen, stood the neighboring one. Pitch black hair that went to her back, very revealing robes of silk, jewelry hung from her small ear lobes making them seem to big for her. Her make-up represented that of the beautiful women in the sheikah tribe's whenever they searched for a husband.

Her deep brown eyes seemed to cold for anyone to stare into for a long period of time, her figure was nearly perfect like she always watched what she ate, and her small porcelain colored hands seemed to fit her. She truly was a beautiful and terrifying person.

"For the last time, he isn't coming. He is healing and we don't know how long it will take." Zelda stated calmly making the queen before her scowl.

"I see...." She glared at the princess," I hope he recovers quicker. After all, I don't think that recent eclipse is the last of them."

Zelda watched the queen leave the room before sighing and going to the closest window. Her blue royal dress flowed around her as she stared out the window. The sun made the now distressed world seem calm.

"Oh Link. Where are you?" She whispered delicately before placing her hand down on the window seal. She was just at his house in Hateno Village a few weeks ago, so where did he go from there?

She stared out at the country side before suddenly looking at it all. He was somewhere out there and knowing him, he wouldn't show himself until he was ready.

She took on one final deep breath before going to her study. Many servants and knights wandered the halls, but what was still troublesome was the ones that felt the need to bow at her. She hated it. She missed the first week after Link's nap as they traveled the country side. Everything changed a lot over time.

She walked across the bridge entering the small space seeing a glowing blue orb that was mostly dormant half of the time pulse with energy. Her eyes lit up and she rushed over nearly tripping in the process. Her fingers slid across the cold orb before the magic mail she received arrived. She swallowed hard and read.


Do not worry. As of right now I have finished guiding Prince Sidon on a journey to experience the land of hyrule. Do not worry, I am healed and making sure I don't get incredibly injured once more.

Yours truly, Link.

Her heart stopped as she read it. He was safe, or for now at least. She deleted the magic mail then hugged her waist as she felt her mind go numb. That prince.... Her eyes went wide. Sidon can save him! Her eyes began to sparkle before they welled up with tears of relief. She closed her eyes feeling the warmth on her face.

"So, this is where you've been hidding?"

Zelda opened her eyes at the slightly familiar voice. Her eyes narrowed as she dried her tears before turning to the purple scaled Zora secretary.

"Maya, can I help you?" Zelda asked turning to her noticing her jewelry.

Jewels far more beautiful than anything she had seen before her hung around her neck, a headdress crested her head in a beautiful way, her lips were painted red as her eyes narrowed.

"No wonder you lived through Calamity Ganon..... you truly are a beautiful beast." Maya whispered as she twirled a sharp hair pin behind her back.

"Yes, now who are you really. I know good and well that the 'queen' back there was a decoy." Zelda stated as she narrowed her eyes.

Maya only hummed in delight," If only you could have played the pretty blonde princess like in my people's fairy tales. It's such a shame that it has to end like this."

"End? No. It's only beginning." Zelda whispered as the triforce on her hand began to glow.

Maya narrowed her grey eyes at the goddess like figure, she didn't want to loose her life when it only just recently began to shine.

"I will only ask again. Who are you truly?" Zelda demanded.

Maya smiled with malice as she gained her confidence," Me? Why princess you should now better than to guess. Why do you think true tyrants have decoys!"

In a flash of purple and blue, Maya lunged for the princess posing her make shift knife at the princesses throat. With a squeak and a thump both were on the floor, Zelda holding Maya's arms back as the Zora sat on top of her. Both gritted their teeth as they used all of their strength into what they were doing.

"Wh-What do you hope to gain by killing me!" Zelda weazed out.

"Power! With the goddess figure out of the way and the prophesied hero of courage being slowly corrupted I can rule this land with a titanium thumb!" She growled out as her eyes began to glow red.

Zelda processed what the zora said as she watched the beautiful Zora become a monster before her eyes as her bloodlust began to show. Her teeth sharpened, her muscles began to twitch and bulge, and her gorgeous eyes were replaced with blood colored eyes.

"Now I see why your nickname back one hundred years ago was so vicious! Your no longer Zora or even remotely sane!" She hissed out as the sharp hairpin inched closer to her neck." You demon!"

Maya lost it and drove the hairpin down making blood spray all over the floor. The demon stood and stumbled away to the castle way as the decoy queen stood there holding gentle fabrics of clothing.

"Here you are as requested before hand." They whispered before taking the true queens bloody hands." After all, we have much more things to do."

Maya nodded and watched her servant transform into the true demon he was. She smiled wickedly as she neeled to the demon lord before her. A small smile was plastered to the demons face," I will listen to your advice my lord~."

The white haired and grey skinned demon before her snapped making his favorite red scarf appear around his shoulders and neck as his eyes changed from dark brown to a hazel," Yes. Indeed we do."

He walked to the closest window and stared out at the world before him. He pulled out a picture then pressed a kiss to it before looking at it once more," I'll bring you back to me..... Even if it is the last thing I do."

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