Chapter 4:

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~~no ones pov~~

Link sat on his bed watching the kingdom go about their daily lives. Sidon was in front of Mipha's statue playing with the zora children like always. Link smiled at his giant of a friend before waving when Sidon looked to his direction. When the prince waved back Link's heart leapt with joy.

Knock, knock, knock!

Link looked to his door," Come in." With a gentle click the door was pushed open by a purple zora who was gentle on the eyes and was at least his height.

"Are you Mr. Link?" Her voice chimed, he nodded.

She walked to him then held out a beautiful envelope," I was told to give this to you."

Link took the note skeptical at first till he recognized it as Zelda's hand writing. He pulled at his face annoyed then motioned the strangely colored zora to leave. Once she did, Link closed the door and ripped the envelope open without a care in the world about the design. He flipped the letter open instantly.


If you remember the last time you were in Hyrule there was a representative who visited to see the status of Hyrule after Calamity Ganon was put to an end. I thought it would be the end, but they've come back.

They wish for peace, yet when they came they brought a army that is double the size of ours. If you can try to stay away from Hyrule. After Sidon said it would take you a little while to heal I thought it would be safe. I don't want them to see you, or the master sword. If your healing period is finished and she is still here I want you to go home to Hateno Village. If I ever send you a letter from now on it will more than likely be addressed to someone else. Take your time to heal your wounds my friend.


Link red over the letter once more before sighing. One war ends and another one begins. He looked out the window of his room seeing Sidon smiling, happy. Link smiled then balled up the note and threw it over his shoulder. He didn't care about any matters right now. He was on "vacation" after all.

He limped to his bag then knelt by it carefully and he began to dig through his stuff for a fresh set of clothes. He felt dirty in these already and he was only just beginning to enjoy his stay. He stretched then ripped his champion's tunic off to pull his light grey Hylian tunic on.

He smiled as he felt warm all over just from pulling the long sleeve shirt on. He sighed in joy before taking one healing pill. He had a long day planned out. He was gonna ask Sidon if he wanted to hang out at the reservoir, but if he wasn't able to then he would go by himself.

He pulled his boots on before heading to the square. He could easily hear the children laughing as they played a game, but Link had no idea on what it even was. He merely shook his head as he made his way to the huge red zora. Sidon smiled as he saw Link in his cute long sleeve shirt. It was slightly chilly, but not chilly enough that a zora would shiver.

"Link! What brings you out here this fine morning?" Sidon asked curious.

Link motioned for him to come closer, so Sidon knelt and gave him his ear." I was wondering if you'd like to swim with me at the lake." Link mumbled, pink dusted his ears slightly.

Sidon smiled and nodded once before scooping the Hylian up," Sure! Let's go!" Link blushed and hid his face embarrassed as Sidon walked them both toward the reservoir. Link began grumbling, but Sidon knew that Link didn't mind being carried. In fact the Hylian was so caught up in his own little world that he didn't notice that he snuggled against the prince.

Sidon smiled as they arrived at their destination then placed the Hylian down on his feet. Link scratched the back of his head as Sidon walked to the dock. He lowered himself into the water without a care in the world before looking at his childhood friend.

"Come on Link!" He yelled.

Link snapped from his daze and pulled everything but his boxers off then ran an canon balled into the water. Sidon chuckled and dove down after the hero with ease.

Sidon merely smiled at the Hylian as many types of fish, big and small, swirled about him. It was breath taking to the zora. Link pried his eyes open and blinked a few times before swimming back to the surface to breath. Sidon watched from below entertained by his actions.

Link gasped for air like he would never get air again though once he finally broke through the surface. He was about to start to head to the dock when he felt Sidon's strong back come up under him. He blushed as the shark like zora shook his head free from water then looked at him. Sidon had the most dashing smile Link had seen yet.

"Hold on tight okay?"

Link nodded and gripped his friend's shoulders as he nestled himself on the zora's back. Sidon took off without a second thought and swam as fast as he could to the other side of the reservoir in no time at all. As they neared the banks of the shore, Link jumped off the zora's back though and walked up on shore as he saw a daisy. He plucked the thing smiling as he thought of Sidon. He was strong, kind, supportive, brave, and had the body of Link's dreams.

The hylian plucked a petal:
He loves me
He plucked another:
He loves me not
He then plucked the rest:
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not

He plucked the last petal blushing:
He loves me

"Hey fishbait, what are you doing?" Sidon asked as he looked down at his friend.

Link blushed and threw the plucked daisy away," N-Nothing. And what's with that nickname?!" He signed.

Sidon chuckled and scratched the back of his neck," Well your nothing close to a angel and you always run into battle like bait would. So hence the nickname Fishbait."

Link huffed then pushed his hair from his face with a slight tint to his cheeks," If I were a angel what would the nickname have been?" He signed once more.

"Who cares, lets just swim!" Sidon scooped Link up with a smile then jumped in the water so suddenly that Link held onto the zora for dear life.

"S-Sidon!" Link instinctively wrapped his arms around the giant's neck," S-Stop!" He begged using his voice.

Sidon blushed then pressed his hand to the smaller ones's back and slowed his swim to a stop in the middle of the lake. Link held onto him for dear life, before he relaxed. Sidon's large hand rubbed his back softly as he began floating along his back," I'm sorry Link. I won't go that fast unless your prepared." He whispered.

Link blushed then hugged him even more as he laid on his chest. They floated along under the warm sun, then Sidon blushed as he took a peek at Link. 

Drool was escaping down his chin as he dozed

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Drool was escaping down his chin as he dozed. Sidon combed his fingers through his golden locks  before chuckling. He is like a angel. I would have called him angelfish, but I don't think that is perfect for him.

Yet I don't think fishbait is perfect for him either. He thought, maybe sharkbait is. He smiled then leaned his face down to the smaller ones and kissed his forehead. Link smiled in his sleep for once and sighed out before Sidon laid back. He smiled at the thought. Sharkbait. It has a nice ring to it.

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