Chapter 56:

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~~No One's POV~~

Isa happily chewed on Rohell's finger with glee. Her gentle blue eyes stared up at his amethyst ones with curiousity. He was currently in charge of her, she knew that, but where her papa went she didnt know and it worried her.

When Ako left to go check on something, next thing she knew all of the guards were looking for something. She didnt know what, but what she did know was that so far she had seen Maya fifteen different times. Isa didn't like Maya, something was off about her...

"Isa... why do you think I can't get a love of my own?" Rohell asked making her attention focus to him.

She shrugged making Rohell smile with mischeif.

"Ah so you do understand us." He whispered.


She looked away from him quickly, a blush coating her cheeks slightly. Rohell smirked as he poked her cheek.

"Ah. So when were you gonna let me in on this hmmm?" Rohell snickered.

Isa turned her face to him and stuck her tongue out at him. Unlike everyone else, he was different. Sure he had strange traditions, but that's what made him unique, and thats what Isa enjoyed. Rohell smiled and combed Isa's bangs away from her face.

"Dont worry, you can play koi with everyone else, but with me you can relax." Rohell stated as he turned away from the door.

Isa smiled gently and gripped the air multiple times to his face. He lowered his face to her, feeling her cold hands trace his skin. Her golden eyes laced with the brownish-black speckles made him smile. She was something special, he could feel it.

A red hue though began to befall the world. His heart dropped as he looked to the window seeing the blood moon he had encounter numerous times. His grip on Isa tightened. Shit.

As the red hue fell all over hyrule, something shifted making the center of hyrule rumble. The tremors though reached every corner. Pitch black clouds took over the skies and everything began to shift. Rohell's amythest eyes glowed in the red, along with Isa's golden ones.

The tremors subsided and the roars of the waterfalls disappeared. Rohell froze as his rounded ears began to pick up the soft sounds of scrapes. He swallowed hard and began to move quickly about the room they were in. Something in the pit of his stomach told him to run.

He grabbed Isa's favorite toy and wrapped her in a thick blue blanket.

"Isa. No matter what, do not make a sound." He whispered to her.

She nodded once confused as to why Rohell was acting this way. He looked to the door and silently walked to it. He slowly clicked the door handle and with a silent pull he took a peek into the hall. It was empty unlike before. He shuffled silently, holding Isa close to his chest as he hurried to Sidon's room. He had a hunch, and a bad one.

As he neared the room, he began to hear slow but soft movements travelling the halls. He stopped, eyeing the way past Sidon's room. His eyes trained on the door only a few feet away.

I have to make it, he thought desperately.

He dashed to the door, his silent foot steps becoming soft as he ran. A hiss formed and before he knew it the soft movement he heard became rushed. He took the handle and opened the door as silently as possible and as he crossed into the room he closed the door, stopping his movements as he heard the hurried and heavy stomps of a beast go by the door. He exhaled softly, before turning to the red tinted room. A gentle set of pink eyes were glowing at him as he locked their gaze.

"Ako...?" Rohell whispered.

The small adult Zora peaked a little more showing that she was safe and sound, hiding under a small blanket meant for Hylians. Rohell sighed in relief.

"Do you know where Sidon is?" He whispered.

"Last I knew... he was in the infirmary with the princess." Ako whispered.

Rohell swore under his breath, that was in the direction he came from. There was no way he could make it through whoever was out there.

A idea flashed through his mind. He smiled a nervous and toothy grin. Hylia he hoped this would work. He looked to Ako.

"Ako, we have to get them." Rohell whispered.

Ako stared at him with disbelief,"Huh?"

"You heard me, find a few things in the room that would work well for supplies." Rohell hissed as he began to scavenge the room with Isa held tightly to his chest.

"What do you mean supplies...? Where are we going?" Ako asked.

Rohell reached under the large bed then smiled as he pulled out Sidon's royal trident. It was a little heavy, but it would do. He fastened the weapon to his back, knowing Ako and Isa were confused.

"We're going to the safest place in the world. Right now." He held up the teleportation medallion he stole before Link left." Link always had a scape goat for these situations."

Ako's eyes gleamed with realization," Wait, you think that we can go there...?"

"Theres only two places where monsters cant emerge in Hyrule. Knowing Link, he made it one of those destinations." Rohell stated," but we need to get everyone we know there in one go."

Ako nodded then began to scavenge the room. Anything they could burn or wear was thrown into a sack along with small snacks Link had stashed away in a drawer. Ako took Isa and tightened the stash of goodies onto her back. Rohell looked her in the eyes and motioned her to be as quiet as possible before opening the door and the two headed down the halls to the infirmary.

The two swallowed hard as they headed down the red tinted hall. Blood splattered against the floors and walls in small patches, but the closer they got to the infirmary ward, the more blood there was. Rohell looked at Ako as they made it to the main doors. Ako began to reach to push the doors open like they had been doing, but he stopped her from opening it.

"Go to the throne room Ako. I'll meet you there." Rohell whispered as he readied his weapon.

Ako nodded and silently made her way away from the scene with a in tow. Rohell took a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open with the trident. Blood lined everything and the body count was massive. Half of the Zora guards had to have been on the floor and the sight sickened him.

He snarled following the blood bath. Whatever this thing was, was going after Zelda. He just had this feeling. The red tinted didn't help the scene, and as he passed a hallway, a chill rolled up his back. He kept moving though and began to gently twirl the massive item in his hands.

It was astounding that such a weapon felt so right in his hands, but it did. He began to spin and twirl but, as he began to pass a hall a massive demon took up the space. Its bulbous body smelled and reeked of blood. Yet as Rohell spun the weapon he launched up, the blade easily slicing through the pink blubbery neck severing the demons head from its body. Rohell landed with grace and swung the blade to a stop, sending the blood on the blade to fly off with the force of him spinning. The massive body fell behind him in one clean swoop. With the crash to the blue marble floor, the whole maze of halls began to echo.

Rohell opened his eyes, and like a hunter finally hunting again, his blood began to grow warm. The thought was exciting. For he could already hear the sounds of 10 or so demons just as big stomping down the halls to check out the source of the sound.

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