Chapter 16:

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~~No One's POV~~

"So this is a goron hot spring?" Sidon asked as the two walked up the the most remote one.

"Yup and they have healing properties unlike the others." Link signed as he ripped his fire proof armor off. Sidon watched curiously as Link stepped into the pool of water. His cheeks flushed slightly from bliss as the warm water swallowed his aching muscles.

The Zora pulled his jewelry off and placed it beside Link's armor before stepping into the water. Almost instantly he began to feel rejuvanised as he lowered himself further into the hot bubbling spring.

Link turned to him and smiled warmly as the Zora snake down to his chin purring as he soaked in the warm water. Link blushed and pulled his hair from his pony tail. 

Sidon's tail began to wag slightly at the sight. Light golden waves framed the soft ocean eyes and pale skin in an elegant manner. Sidon purred at the sight before settling his feet on the bottom of the pool. Link smiled as he stepped off the ledge he was on and began to float along the edge of the water.

The prince smiled before he reached out and traced Link's slim side. The hylain smiled, giggling to himself at the tickling sensation left from his superiors claws. The ocean orbs opened and stared into the gold ones before he reached up and cupped Sidon's cheek.

The prince returned the smile before he floated up and became Link's raft. The hylain chuckled and rolled to where their chests were pressed against one another. Sidon wrapped his arms around Link making a light and gently embrace while the said one laid his chin on his hand. Both hummed softly as they floated, but Link slowly closed his eyes losing himself to his own music.

Sidon blushed hearing the normally mute knight humming with joy. He pried an eye open seeing the hylain's pointer finger swaying, keeping track of his own beat. A small smile graced the princes lips, he wanted this moment to last forever.

But nothing lasts forever, now does it?

"Sidon, where is the next place you want to go?" Link muttered for once as he stopped humming.

Sidon closed his eyes thinking for a moment, savoring his lovers voice," well, I was thinking we could head toward Rito Village next."

Link already loved the sound of that. He knew the perfect way that was both nice, safe, and had the scenic route Sidon would adore. With a pry, the ocean blue eyes found themselves holding relief and joy as they glanced at the Zora prince.

"Okay." Link whispered closing his eyes once more, snuggling against the prince with a hum.

Sidon smiled softly as he rubbed small circles in Link's lower back. Link could only hum in delight at the sensation of his lovers thumb pressed carefully against his delicate skin.

"Sharkbait, I'm sorry I made you sad on the way here." Sidon whispered causing the hero to look at the other surprised.

"I.... I accept your apology." Link whispered as he rubbed Sidon's chest.

Both smiled feeling a sense of relief, both where happy.

"What would you like to eat for dinner Sidon?" Link asked smiling.

"Whatever you make will be wonderful." Sidon replied.

The knight hummed in thought," How about gourmet meat grilled to perfection, a apple side dish of some kind, and a dessert?"

"It sounds splendid Sharkbait!" Sidon cheered and ruffled the golden waves. Link could only laugh and when he went to push Sidon's hand away he found himself a blushing mess.

Sidon's breath was warm and his lips even more so, but it was the little things. The way his fingers knotted into his hair and his palm cupping the back of the knights head, the way he bent his head down to kiss him had to be painful, and the gentleness he used.

The prince broke away and smiled as Link's eye lashes fluttered open. His rose red cheeks were adorable and made the prince want to kiss them.

"Wh-What was that for?" Link asked confused.

"Can I not kiss the love of my life?" Sidon asked amused at the sight. Link's ears were bright red along with his cheeks. He hated it when he became embarrassed.

"I'm not saying you can't, but next time warn me or something." Link stated pouting slightly.

Sidon smiled and took his chin making the hero blush slightly as their lips connected once more. Both hummed in delight before they pressed themselves closer together. Their breathes becoming heavy and filled with lust.

Sidon shoved his tongue into Link's mouth making the small one groan as the wet muscle caressed his teeth and gums. Meanwhile, Link's arms slowly slid to wrap around Sidon's neck. His mind becoming quieter with every passing second.

They broke apart slowly and Link panted as he tried to steady his raging heart beat. Sidon smiled and pressed a kiss to Link's cheek after the hylain began to blush furiously.

Link hid his face in the Zora's chest and clenched his eyes tightly. Hylia he was so embarrassed. Sidon's hand made its way into the blonde locks and began to braid them slowly as he purred.

He was happy, his Link was finally coming back.

"Link. Could I braid your hair more often?" Sidon asked.

The smaller one was quiet for a moment before sighing out and tightening his hold on his lover," Sure, why not."

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