Chapter 88:

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~~No One's POV~~

Link stared at the field of his consciousness, well his collective consciousness. The cherry blossom tree petals fell around him as Lyric sat next to him.

"Did you know this would happen?" Lyric asked.

"Not even in the slightest." Link stated.

The wind blew gently ruffling both of their hair before they looked at one another. A demon and a hero side by side. Link stared at Lyric, they had similarities but they also had their differences.

"Are we dead?" Link asked.

"Not quite." Lyric whispered his head glancing at the cherry blossom tree." Something is holding us here."

Link looked at the tree, his mind racing with questions. How long had it been now? What was happening out their? He was so confused as he looked back at the bright blue sky. He missed Sidon and Isa dearly. His head dipped down with sadness before a golden butterfly landed on him. He looked with surprise as its gentle wings glowed.

"Follow me."

The butterfly flutter back up before it began to fly away.

"Wait!" Link cried as he bounced to his feet.

"Link? Link!" Lyric began to chase after him.

As both ran further and further from the tree the landscape began to decay. Lyric ran to keep up and as Link slid to a stop so did Lyric.

The master sword was embedded in a rock slab with a familar encryption Lyric knew all to well. As Link went to grab the sword hilt Lyric stopped him.

"Link stop! If you pull that sword we will die!" Lyric cried shaking him.

"What do you mean?!" He snapped.

Lyric pointed at the pedistal," That is the monster I had to seal away multiple times! If you pull the master sword I don't know what will happen!"

Link looked at the intricate rock, it looked like a half inserted key. He bit his lip as the golden butterfly landed on the intricate hilt of the master sword.

"Link, do you remember why I took over?" Lyric asked.

Link stared at the sword, his mind digging through his memories to that moment when he first began investigating the room where he faught Calamity Ganon. The monster...

Link looking at Lyric, his eyes trying to find the answer. Lyric poked his abdomin and all the memories flooded back. The monster was a abomination, a concoction of multiple monsters he had faced already merged into one being filled with pain.

"You got hit here. It was a fatal attack that would have cut you in half if I didn't crawl out and take over." Lyric whispered." Granted I couldn't remember very much until I saw Ghirahim once I healed us."

Link stared into Lyric's eyes, the red ruby eyes that were no longer blue.

Lyric smirked," Don't fall in love with me now."

Link rolled his eyes, his mind working at what to do. The golden butterfly waiting for his decision as he scratched his head.

"Listen, if i think what will happen does happen. We can fight that monster, we just need to be quick about it." Lyric stated.

Link looked at him," Tell me."

Lyric smiled and nodded," Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Lyric drew the monster from his time, the massive beast that Demise had turned into when he was sealed away. Link felt his stomach churn when Lyric drew a stick person to represent the size of them.

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