Chapter 41:

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~~No Ones POV (Yes again)~~

"You sure about this love?" Sidon asked as he walked with Link, hand in hand.

"Yes. I promise to be super careful too." Link stated smiling as he looked up at Sidon.

Sidon stared at his lovers face absorbing him in before hugging him tightly and huffing," I swear if you come back with even a scratch I will never forgive you."

Link snickered at him then looked at his clear skin. He could still feel the ghost touch of the Lord's power. After both had fallen asleep, the markings went away leaving Link to look like a normal young adult like before.

"Try to be back quickly. I hate it when you do these things." He mumbled.

Link's ancient bow hung on his back along with his royal guard shield and royal guard broadsword. Arrows hung along his lower back as he double checked his rubber suit.

Link looked up at Sidon then motioned him to come to his level. The zora prince sighed before kneeling down. Link easily slipped his arms around his fíance's neck before giving him a loving and light kiss which the other happily returned.

Link broke the kiss as quick as it began though and ran to the westward bridge. Sidon bit his lip worried as he watched his whole world run off.

Link started his hike through the mountains. The wind whipped at his hair in such a way that it was becoming annoying.

He let out a huff then looked ahead of himself as the dull grey clouds of a thunder storm began to roll in. He narrowed his eyes as lightening rolled through them making him look at his weapon and shield on his back. He pulled on his rubber helmet and rolled his shoulders.

"Alright. Let's get going Link. Isa and Sidon are waiting after all." He whispered to himself then bolted up the mountain.

The rain was cold as it began, the on coming sign of snow was evident. The top of Polymus mountain was only a few minutes walk away as Link's rubber suit was being pelted with the cold rain. Link swallowed hard as he neared the top of the summit. The clicking of the lynel's hooves echoed in his pointed ears.

He rounded the corner stepping onto the large flat top staring at the white and black striped kimera. It's shaggy mane was drenched in the rain along with its fur, but that didn't make it any less terrifying. As the beast turned toward the knight, lightening flashed across the sky making both sides weapons gleam.

Your doing this for them, he told himself. He pushed his feet apart readying his sword and shield as the lynel readied his savage bow.

Link's eyes grew cold as he launched to his enemy. The lynel shot a shock arrow at him only for it to miss. Just as Link went to attack the beast though it reared up onto its hind legs drawing his sword and shield. A mighty roar pushed Link back a few inches stopping him in his tracks.

"Rrraaaaaahhhh!" Link roared out as he fought against the push.

When the lynel landed back on all fours it charged making Link dodge and swing, slicing the side of the beast deeply causing blood to spray everywhere. The kimera roared in anger and pain loud enough to reach the ears of every Zora in the domain.

Link swallowed hard as he twirled his sword in his hand. He had to defeat it and fast. Come on Link! Get an idea through your thick skull!, He scolded himself as he dodge a frontal attack with a black flip. He glanced at the sword as lightening gleamed on the blade. His eyes went wide before the metal object began to spark. He threw it into the lynel's side watching lightening strike the item immediately electrifying the beast it was buried into.

A ear bursting cry ruptured through the air from the lynel's throat making Link cringe in discomfort. The life in the beasts eyes vanished slowly before it collapsed disintegrating into a cloud of purple and black malice leaving all of the loot behind.

Link smiled taking the lightening filled sword, the rubber easily making the sword safe once more. His eyes softened before he collected the loot and began to head back down to the west bridge of the Zora kingdom.

That was.... to easy....., he thought before stopping at the path to go back down the mountain. The hairs on his neck stood up on instinct and he swallowed hard as he felt hands slide around his waist.

"Gorgeous. Simply marvelous." A velvet voice whispered against his skin.

Heat flooded his cheeks and as he turned his head all he could see was beautiful white strands of hair. His eyes filled with worry as he stood there with the stranger. Where did they come from?, He thought as he tried to gauge the chances of this person being an enemy.

The doubt left his mind though as he felt thin, but warm lips grace his skin in a flurry of light and delicate kisses. Link's head rolled back onto their shoulder as his knees gave out. G-Goddess that spot! He reached up into the sky blushing. One hand slipped from his waist and joined his in the air entwining with his own. 

His breath hitched as they ripped his rubber shirt away leaving his neck exposed. On the left was the glowing and pulsing spot on his shoulder. Link released a gurggled moan as the stranger bit into the spot on his shoulder gently. Heat flooded his body and he reach back playing with the silver strands.

The stranger pressed a kiss to the spot though then nuzzled it," Soon, very soon and nothing will stop me...."

Link's mind went blank a second later as the stranger released him allowing him fall to his knees. When he looked all he could see was white and red before the stranger disappeared in a flurry of rhombus' of all shapes and sizes.

What did he mean? Link thought desperately as he pulled his rubber shirt back on. Once his breathing relaxed he pulled his shiekah slate out and teleported to the shrine in the Zora kingdom.

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