Chapter 24:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Goodbye Riju!" Link cheered out as his friend and her bodyguard left to go back to Gerudo Town.

The sun was setting when Link finally walked into his room, but smiled as he saw papers everywhere. Plans sat in the center of the mess while Sidon had the biggest smile on his face as he stared up at the ceiling. Link chuckled as he reached down scooping paper off the floor.

"I'm guessing that went really well?" Link asked as he gathered more papers.

Isa cooed as she reached out for a paper too, trying to at least mimick her father. Link smiled at her, but kept her away from the mess so she wouldn't get a paper cut.

"It went beyond well." Sidon stated as he turned to Link, a big broad smile was on his face as his eyes met with Link's." She has agreed to dig a trench to fill with water from the canyon to Gerudo Town for easy travel for Zora's."

Link smiled as he listened to his lover talk estaticly. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for them. Well until Isa got a hold of some papers and tried chewing on them with her gums.

"Isa. No." Link scolded taking the paper from her.

She pouted slightly before she squealed with joy as Link gave her a raspberry on her cheek. Sidon smiled and began to help Link clean their room as Isa looked about curious. The bright colors made her happy and when she was happy everyone was happy.

Link smiled and gathered the pillows in the room onto the bed and sat her down gently. She looked at her toes and wiggled them slightly confused as to why he placed her down. She didn't like it, but then again she really didn't like being on her stomach. So she was fine with it for the time being.

Link and Sidon cleaned though as she wiggled her toes. Sidon's smile never left while Link's new found one started to hurt. Sidon looked at Link though studying the Vai outfit he was still wearing. He looked good in all of those bright bold colors, and it didn't help the fact that he had the figure for it.

He turned his attention away though as he threw the un-needed papers away. The only papers he needed were on the table. He looked to Link smiling then snickered as he watched his lover sleep peacefully on the bed with Isa curled into his arms. His chest was bare and it looked like he was contemplating taking off his pants, but decided to leave them on last minute. Sidon slowly laid down next the the two as he began taking everything off of himself.

He happily laid himself down before putting a arm around them both and falling asleep.

Isa, though couldn't sleep. She patted Link's chest and looked up at him. He was fast asleep unlike her and so was Sidon. Well that's what she thought. She turned to him and tapped his chest slightly seeing his eye pry open just barely before opening all the way. He looked down at her.

"Guppy? What's wrong honey?" He asked curious as he slid his arm around her. She hummed out at the action and tapped his chest again.

"Sweetie you need to go to sleep." Sidon whispered as he slowly sat up bringing her with him. She curled up into him pouting. She wasn't tired.

Sidon smiled and slowly went to a bag Link always used," Now I didn't want to give you this till we got home, but I'll make one exception this time."

Isa watched curiously till she blinked and squealed with joy. Sidon held a plush bluepee to her smiling as she took it with curiousity. Riju was kind enough to get this for her while her plush merchant was in the Bazaar.

Isa hugged the plush to her chest smiling while Sidon went back over to the bed. Isa began to chew on one of the olive branch antlers it had when Sidon slowly began to rock her in his arms. A minute went by and she yawned out softly before rubbing her eye.

Sidon smiled and nuzzled her gently as she finally closed her eyes falling asleep. He laid her down gently next to Link before laying down himself and falling asleep once more with a smile on his face.

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