Chapter 31:

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~~Sidon's POV~~

The meeting seemed to be going on forever, politics this, everything else that. It's quiet boring actually. I stared out one of the windows as I heard the splashing of the sound I knew all to well. Many of my fellow Zora were diving down into the deep and dark waters below our city. My fins dropped slightly with longing. Knowing Link he would more than likely do it too.

I closed my eyes grunting as Muzu began to draw on about the future of the domain. This was the part I hated most.

"Your highness! When will you pick a suitable mate!" Muzu roared finally.

I pried my eye open in his direction annoyed causing many to silence from horror. Muzu finally realizing what he did swallowed hard. I merely placed my hand against the table and sneered in his direction.

"For your information Muzu, I have picked one. I'm just waiting for them to be ready." I hissed.

"Enough." Father snapped slamming his hand on his table causing a deathly silence to fill the room.

"Muzu stop worrying about my son's love life. That's my job." He began." Now, instead of going at each other's throats like savage animals let's focus on the more important things."

I sighed with relief, knowing that father was finally on my side about this. Well what would you expect from a supportive father who knew you were planning on proposing.... WAIT!

I took a nervous glance at him seeing he was eyeing me with a glare I knew all to well. A glare that said 'I want to talk to you afterwards and your not getting out of it'. I shuddered nodding and he smiled before turning his attention back to his second passion.

How could he love this stuff? First thing I'm doing as king is declaring meetings a twice a month thing unless it's for special occasions or emergencies.  Good idea Sidon. Thank you Sidon. I told myself.

I turned my attention back to the window staring at the waterfalls. They sparkled brightly from the rising sun and as time passed the sparkles only grew with intensity.

I huffed with irritation, I want to be out there, I want to be acting like a child. I turned my attention to the table as a paper was slid my direction. My eyes narrowed at the words scribbled in my native tongue.

"Sign here and here." An elder stated pointing to the lines I needed to sign.

My eyes lingered on the title of the page as I reached for my pen. The words sent a chill up my spine in more ways than one.


This form was the one form I've been dreading to sign ever since father told me about it several years ago. This form states that If by any unforseen reason that father should pass, then I become king without needing to go through the trial that every Zora prince goes through.

I signed my name quickly and shoved it away before anyone could protest. And that's how this meeting went on for several hours and once it was done the sun was high over everyones heads. I stretched in my chair, throwing my arms above my head as my tail wagged with joy.

I love this part of days like this. Everyone finally leaves me alone to where I can go enjoy my loves presence.

"Sidon, don't forget I would like to talk with you after everyone leaves." Father stated.

I blinked up at him before nodding once. I watched everyone hobble away before standing and turning to my father. He had the warmest smile he ever had in years.

"So did you finally do it?" Father asked with an amusement to his tone.

"Do what?" I asked unsure. 'It' is a vague word to use after all.

"Oh you know: propose, Mark, the whole nine yards of love?" He asked smirking.

My cheeks grew hot," I proposed and that's it. We're gonna save the rest for our honeymoon."

Father only chuckled," That's what they all say, and then mating season happens."

I pulled at my face, I was not about to have this conversation. I already got it once, and I was not about to have it again.

"Father, I respect you and your thoughts, but I respect Link more than anything. If he doesn't want to do anything then I won't." I stated matter of factly.

All I got in return was a cheeky smile and an eye rool," Alright son. If you say so."

I sighed and looked up at his massive form, to think I'll be his size or maybe even bigger. I swallowed hard and walked away from him and leaned against a window watching the waterfalls.

"Sidon, come here my boy." I heard father say.

I sighed tearing my gaze to him seeing his worry filled eyes," What's wrong my son?"

I looked at the floor and sighed looking back up at him," I just want to forget that I'm a prince sometimes father."

Dorephan smiled at me before motioning me over. I obliged and made my way to his outstretched hand. I stepped onto it like Link would do from time to time and sat down in his palm. He lifted me up and we placed our crests against each other.

"I understand completely son."

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