Chapter 77:

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~~No One's POV~~

Lyric had taken the reigns for the time being. Ghirahim was still trying to calm himself down, but as he finally grew calmer he realized that it was time to go back.

He looked semi decent, before teleporting back into the throne room only to blink surprised.

General Yuki and Lyric were laughing together, the ice demon's nimble fingers weaving through Lyric's soft hair forming a few small braids for him. Even though everything seemed happy, he began to notice the small details. Charred marks on the floor, stone shavings here and there, and ice flakes that made the floor slippery. Ghirahim honestly didnt want to know.

He looked at Lyric right as Lyric noticed him. Almost instantly a smile formed on the both of their faces.

"Ghiri, feel better?" Lyric asked.

"Yes. What has become of the traitor?" Ghirahim asked.

Lyric sighed and placed his feet on the floor," I turned her to stone."

Ghirahim swallowed hard before sighing," Did she at least say anything?"

Lyric looked at Yuki who only nodded.

"Yes, yes she did." Lyric whispered as he turned his attention to a window." She simply stated what you wanted to know most."

Ghirahim's mouth went dry as Lyric stood from the throne.

A look of confliction graced Lyric's face before he looked at Ghirahim," The goddess blooded princess is in the lost forest, and as for the sword that seals the darkness..."

Lyric looked out the window and took the window seal letting the warming wind hit his face," It's no where to be seen."

Ghirahim balled his fists, before hugging Lyric from behind," I wont let anything happen to you."

Lyric closed his eyes before smiling sadly," I know Ghiri. Just promise me one thing."

Ghirahim closed his eyes.

"Promise me that you'll never loose your composure ever again."

Ghirahim chuckled and nodded before burying his nose into Lyric's hair.

"Of course." Ghirahim whispered.

~~Meanwhile else where~~

"Come on! We are not waisting this chance!" Zelda hissed as she waded through the thick waters bellow Hyrule castle.

"Zelda please be careful! The last thing we need is for you to get hurt and mess up the timing of evetything." Rohell hissed back.

"Can we please stay focused!" Sidon half whispered making everyone tense.

"Sorry.." The two whispered as they looked up at the castle.

"Are we sure they havent noticed?" Zelda stated as she watched a group of demons go by above.

"Yes, your majesty." Rohell whispered.

"We didn't waist three weeks for nothing." Rohell stated as he readied a grapple.

"We only have one shot, and from what I've gathered from snippets of conversation, Dialen is safe." Rohell stated as he pressed his hand to his ear.

Attached to his head was a small remote control of the device he was gifted from freeing the Shekiah tribe. A small lizard bot that mimicked the style of Rudonia was dashing its way about the palace, and so far he had found every location of the demon generals. Now all that was left was to find the Demon Lord's room.

It was a struggle going from the bottom level to wear he was now, but it was worth it in the end. He hummed to his self slightly as he moved the small contraption about the palace. From what he could see, the staff was in chaos, until he found the throne room.

As he moved the small lizard robot, he sucked in a breath that made Zelda and Sidon look at him worried. Rohell's mouth went dry before he ground his teeth with anger. Ghirahim was sitting on the throne, a black haired demon sitting in his lap.

"I found him.. and hate him already.." Rohell stated.

Zelda smiled and shook her head," Throne room Im guessing?"

"Yup." Rohell stated as he began to control the lizard away from the area.

Sidon looked at the two then looked toward the direction of Karahiko Village. Isa was there under the protection of Impa. The elder was more than happy to watch the unique child.

He just hoped his dicision was the right one. He turned his attention back to the castle, the air here made his skin crawl in an uncomfortable way.

Rohell moved the screen away from his eyes and nodded to them both. Zelda smiled immediately sending magic mail to their allies. A minute later thunder clouds began to roll in. The rumble and sparks of lightning making the three tighten the rubber armour they were given.

Upon the first lightening strike, they bolted up the side to the bottom layer of the castle. An old rusted door greeted Zelda's eyes making her grab and pull. It didnt budge very much until Sidon took the handle and pulled too. With a groan the large door opened slightly enough for all three to squeeze inside.

With a semi pull back, the door was shut again making the three sigh in relief before turning to the room they were in. It was the old weapons room and so far, it was empty. Zelda pulled her helmet off sighing before looking to her two friends," We only have one chance. Let's make this count."

The two nodded before stripping their armour and readying their gear. Zelda was doing the same until she looked to the door. The sounds of footsteps drew nearer and nearer making everyone freeze.

"Tril come on! We have to get out there and fend off those stupid Gerudo and Gorons!" They heard in the hall.

"Im coming! Sheesh!" They heard back, before the two sets of feet ran by.

Zelda waited a moment before sighing in relief," I'm glad Riju finally mastered her ability."

Sidon chuckled," Its a good thing we freed the gorons too. With Yunobo protecting Riju it'll be an interestinv battle."

Rohell began tightening his regular clothes before looking to the two," Let's not waist anymore time. Lets get to the throne room and kill that bastard."

Zelda nodded with Sidon before turning to the main door to the hall way. Rohell took his sword, while Sidon readied his trident. Zelda merely patted her side to make sure her dagger was attached.

With a quick pull, Rohell rushed an unsuspecting guard. Within seconds he was unconscious making Sidon and Zelda rush out and head down the hall toward the throne room. With a toss of the body and close of the door Rohell ran after them.

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