Chapter 28:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Are you sure you can watch her?" Sidon asked as Ako held Isa.

"Of course cousin!" Ako cheered as she began to tickle Isa's stomach.

Sidon smiled before he stood with a covered basket in his arms. He looked at the clock on the wall before turning back to her," Remember to tell Link to meet me at the resevore stairs 30 minutes before dusk."

Ako nodded smiling before she made Isa wave bye to her other father figure. Sidon smiled and kissed Isa's forehead before leaving to the resevore. The clock hands sat getting at 8"30 in the morning.

Link walked into the room at 5:30 and cooed softly. Ako and Isa were fast asleep in a rocking chair. He placed a blanket over them before looking at a note that was folded up into a tent. His name was written in a beautiful cursive he knew all to well.

He picked up the note opening the card and smiled.

My love,

30 minutes before dusk I would like you to meet me at the stairs to the resevore. Our night together will be one for the books and I would like to keep it that way.


P.s. Look your best.

Link blushed and smiled before looking up at the time. Dusk would be at 6:30. He had thirty minutes to get ready. He smiled then turned to a dresser where he had most of his clothes. He opened it gently then blinked surprised at an unknown outfit. He grabbed it's he and pulled it out. Silver body decor was attached to flowy blue Gerudo like pants that ended at his ankles.

He grabbed all of it then shuffled to a changing area, pulling his clothes off. He began pulling on the flowy pants when he realized that many of his body jewelry only covered his lower back and upper chest. He swallowed hard as he began pulling the rest of it on. A neck piece that matched Sidon's sat against his neck but it also attached to a swirling piece that went along his chest.

He stepped out onto the cold floor bare foot heading to the mirror. He looked at his hair and began to braid a small strand to go into his pony tail. He fluffed up his bangs then exhaled softly.

"I'm missing something." He mumbled softly.

"In deed you are." Ako stated softly as she sat him down. A paint brush sat gently in her hand along with a bowl of silver paint.

Link smiled then allowed Ako to paint on his face. When it was all said and done, he opened his eyes to see a completely different person. Soft gentle lines of silver were at the edge of his eyes. Small silver scales were painted at the corners of his eyes and to top it all off she added the smallest triforce symbol in the center of his forehead. His bangs hid it though.

"Thank you Ako." He said as he stood then hugged her smiling. 

She hugged back before shooing him out of the room. He smiled and took off to the resevore with eagerness. He couldn't wait to see Sidon, well more like he couldn't wait to see what he did.

Link jogged to the stairs and smiled seeing Sidon reach the last step. A loving smile graced their features before Sidon offered his hand.

"I see you found one of my surprises." Sidon mumbled.

"Yeah. It's a gorgeous outfit." Link replied as he took his hand.

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