Chapter 63:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was strange to say the least that everything changed that day. The endless blizzard had miraculously stopped that fateful night as everyone went to sleep and as the sun rose that morning everyone everywhere rejoiced at the warmth. Yet as everyone rejoiced, in hyrule castle nearly every moving body was busy. Decorations were being put up along with lights and more. Yet on that fateful morning only a few demons slept with little worry. Two being the demon lord and his lover.

The past Link stirred slightly as the morning rays danced on his eye lids. With a gently pry and a huff, he slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position with Ghirahim's arm tightly wrapped around his waist. Even though the grip was tight Link smiled and slipped right out of those arms like he used to in the past and shuffled to the massive windows that were barely covered with curtains.

His ruby eyes barely adjusted to the light, but he didnt mind as he stared out into the frosty snow covered landscape through the window. He didnt know why, but he longed to be out in the snow, to bad he didnt have any winter clothes. He sighed, his black hair falling into his face as he thought on this cold yet warming morning.

He took a glance back at Ghirahim his shoulders tensing as he began to get cold from standing near the window. He looked peaceful for once, his hard features had melted away into his gentle slumber. Yet every once in a while, Link would hear a heavy snore. A smile graced those lips, but he turned away and stared out at the world. So much had changed from way back when. It was almost to weird for him to make the noticeable changes immediately. The terrain had changed and he was eager to go explore it.

He sighed placing his forehead against the frosted window pane. Something in him longed to be back out there, he could feel something pulling him out there. He took his shoulder confused as a spike of pain went through it. He ground his teeth together as he gripped the throbbing flesh.

He put his back to the freezing panes and slid to the floor to sit for a moment as the pain became more and more unbearable. His vision blurred slightly before he closed his eyes, his hand slipping off his shoulder as he fell into a deep slumber.

Thirty minutes later, Ghirahim pried his eyes open, his arms empty. His eyes snapped open and he jolted up confused until he saw his Link sleeping against the window. Puzzled, the lord got out of bed and quietly went over to the demon before him. He stretched out his hand touching the demons skin before taking his hand back.

He scooped him up and happily laid him back into the bed concerned. He was ice cold. He piled blankets ontop of his demon hoping that it would help.

Nearly all day, the demon took care of the nearly lifeless body. The only sign of life was the slight rise and fall of Link's chest. Ghirahim's eyes narrowed slightly, he had a feeling deep in his stomach. With a snap of his fingers a demon appeared in a black cloak.

"Yes my lord?" The demon questioned.

"You can detect abnormalities correct?" Ghirahim whispered.

The demon swallowed and looked at the unconscious demon," Y-Yes sir...."

"Do it." Ghirahim eyed him, curious at the demons nervousness.

The demon swallowed hard, pulling his cloaks hood back showing an ice blue demon with white eyes and silver hair. Snowflakes dusted the demons cheeks as he walked closer to the unconscious black haired demon.

"I dont care how you do it, just do it." Ghirahim snarled, becoming impatient.

The demon swallowed hard as they stared at the individual before them. He had only done a few tests in his life, but he knew that didnt matter at the moment. With a shakey hand, a green aura began to form around the poor demon who was sweating profusely.

Ghirahim watched with a keen eye as the demons hand shook with nervousness. It was mean of him to get an apprentice to do this, but that was all he had at the moment.  His generals who could easily do this were out exploring the area for a recon mission. He turned his attention back to the poor demon who looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

Sadly the poor demon was on the edge of one. His brain began to hurt and the strain on his body was becoming more and more painful. As he focused though the more and more he began to feel... something. It felt like a warm sun compared to the cold air around him. He lowered his hand and stopped focusing on his sensing.

Ghirahim rose a brow," Well?"

"Well... I felt a normal cold exterior, but the more I concentrated... the warmer his soul felt." He admitted.

Ghirahim stopped and stared wide eyed at his sleeping demon. The more he looked, the more he became infuriated. The tips of his hair started to become red. The demon he summoned paled before fading away in a mist haze.

Ghirahim though stood and the temptation to strangle the poor defenseless demon was so satisfying, but he with held and kissed his loves forehead.

"Dont worry... you'll be better in no time." Ghirahim whispered, the tips of his hair turning back to white. The demon lord sat back in his seat and snapped once more. A shadow demon appeared and bowed to her lord.

"Relay a message to my little sister. Tell her I will need that... thing after all."

The demon bowed once more before disappearing without a trace of her presence. Ghirahim simply looked out to the world seeing the rising sun say hello to him once again. He sighed and looked away before taking his little demons hand and stroking it with his thumb.

"You'll be fine, I promise."

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