Chapter 80:

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Link found himself standing in a flower field. Cherry blossom petals falling in the wind as the crisp air combed his hair.

Did he die?

No that wasn't it.

He looked up at the cherry blossom tree seeing the massive trunk sprialing in many directions. The branches extending with amazing and unique patterns. As he looked at the trunk of the tree though he paled. There sat a skeleton, old armour rusted beyond belief with a old and unknown looking sword drapped on the skeletons shoulders. 

Link walked to the skeleton curious as he looked about the area. Everything in this area was new to him, the terrain, the flowers, everything was different.

He walked up to the tree, his eyes scanning the intricate swirled and designs until his eyes found an engraving.

He brushed away a bit of dirt and blinked at the old characters.



Link knew that the goddess was once amung them, but no one knew she fell in love. He looked at the old skeleton and put to and two together. This was Grand.

Link knelt by the skeleton and hummed," Who killed you?"

"I did." He heard.

Link's head snapped around seeing a massive walking mummified corpse, with hair as radiant as fire and a scar across his forehead.

"Who are you?!" Link questioned.

"You don't know?" The man stated then leaned down until he was face to face." I am the star that has been in your life since the very beginning."

Link growled, but felt his arms and legs got held back making him pale. He looked down seeing he was being dragged down into malice.

Link looked back up to the mummy, his heart pounding as he looked up only to see he was alone. He wanted to place his hand to his throat, a burning sensation began making him shudder with pain. This thing that was swallowing him, it was hurting him. He cried out, the pain becoming more and more unbearable.


Link pried his eyes open seeing Lyric. The demon was running toward him. He reached out, or tried to anyway, but cried out again as the malice shocked him. Lyric slid to a stop next to him the malice hissing as Lyric grabbed a hold of Link's arm.

"Link you can't disappear here!" Lyric yelled.

"It hurts! Just let me be swallowed!" Link begged. His vision becoming clouded.

"No! If you get swallowed then this place will be swallowed too!" Lyric yelled.

Link looked up at the massive cherry blossom tree. His eyes seeing dates enscribed along certain parts of the tree branches. Link began to cry from the pain, his mind just wanted to give in like all those years ago.

"It hurts!!" Link yelled, tears flowing.

The training days as a child, the entrance exam to be a knight, the test to be the princess's knight, it all hurt like this very moment. Link wailed, his mind hurting like never before as the malice brought back all of the memories he hated. 

"Link! Dont let this thing win! If it wins then everything will be for nothing!" Lyric begged before slapping the holy hell of out him.

Link stared at the ground, this pain wasnt like the rest. He blinked confused as Lyric grabbed his collar roughly and yanked him up to him.

"Sidon wouldn't want to see you like this!" Lyric yelled as he began to cry too.

Link stared at his past life," Y-You're right..."

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