Chapter 75:

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~~No One's POV~~

Lia stared out a window in Hyrule Castle watching as the demons residing in the area chat and frollic about in the square. It was strange to see so little snow after so many years, but it wasn't surprising. She had read in their old texts that the demon realm used to be mostly snow until Demise had formed.

So the question of the moment was why did this spark this memory? She bit her lip as she looked down the main hall to her brothers room. She could already hear their laughter from joking, tickling, and the sorts. She closed her eyes, the rhombus under her left eye shimmered as she walked forward to her destination.

She was going to meet this man who stole her brothers heart so long ago.

The laughter she heard only grew louder and louder as she drew closer. She balled her fist and raised her hand to knock, but froze as she went to do it. She looked at the doors with worry before reassuring herself this was what she wanted.

Knock, knock, knock.

She waited paitently as the laughter died away slightly before the large doors opened elegantly to show her brother with questioning eyes. His brown eyes gained a happiness to them though as he smiled.

"Lia. What brings you by?" Ghirahim stated.

"Big brother, I was stopping by to give my report of progress like you wanted." Lia half lied.

Ghirahim hummed, his eyes narrowing slightly as their rhombus' shimmered at the same time. Ghirahim smiled though with his eyes closed before stepping aside.

"Well come in then." Ghirahim stated.

Lia happily walked in, her eyes darting about the room only to not see the black hair she had see before. Her eyes gained a questioned glanced, before feeling her brothers hands take her shoulders.

"Now Lia, tell me how everything has been." Ghirahim stated as he walked past her.

"Yes, well, the gorons have been well behaved, the shekiah village has been quiet, the zora have been moving to Lake Hylia, the rito have been obidient, and the guerdo women have been under heavy watch." Lia stated as she closed her eyes.

It was silent for a moment before she pried an eye open slightly. Her brother had a death glare directed to her making her blood run cold.

"Why are the zora moving..?" He growled making her shut her eye again.

"The water demons drove them out of their region... Something about them being difficult to handle after a certain issue happened." Lia stated.

"What happened..?" Ghirahim demanded calmly.

Lia swallowed hard," A few water demons were going through the kings possesions when they stumbled upon a relic. When they were transporting it the zoras... well they say the zoras under their control went berserk at the sight of it."

Ghirahim tapped his night stand irritated," Damn that zora king..."

Lia opened her eyes confused till she saw her brother looking out of his windows," What do you mean brother?"

"The zora king has been missing hasnt he?" Ghirahim stated as he looked back at her.

"Well yes." Lia answered.

"Exactly my point, without a true pledge of allegiance from either the prince or their king, they will be troublesome if they gain any powers other than healing." Ghirahim growled." If only we could find their king..."

Lia hummed slightly before finally getting the picture, anything they were doing and will be doing had to be questioned. She opened her eyes to see Ghirahim tapping the window with one of his nails lightly. He was thinking now.

She went to leave with her hopes of seeing the mysterious man crushed, but froze as she looking into a red eye. There he was. Small, tiny, and adorable in a shrunken state with the pillow and orb ontop of his head. Lyric had strange abilities and one was being able to shrink his form to hide himself.

She shreiked with surprise and jumped back as the adorable red eye gained confusion. She never noticed him.

Lyric snickered at her reaction before walking up to her and extending a hand," Hi, I'm Lyric."

All of Lia's worries washed away as she took the small hand. Almost instantly she felt safe and care free. No wonder her brother chose him.

"I'm Lia." She whispered.

Lyric smiled, but returned to his full size, making his baggy clothes fit. Almost instantly she felt the impression to hug him. She with held though and left the room with her composure intact.

Lyric though looked at Ghirahim before going over to his side with curiosity. Both stared out the window before Lyric removed the pillow from his head and laid his head on Ghirahim's shoulder. He wanted to ask what was bothering him, but knew Ghirahim was only going to brush the question aside.

A few minutes later Lyric lifted his head, walking away from his love and headed to the dining hall. His stomach groaned out making him sigh as he rubbed his stomach slightly as he craved a few star fruits.

As he walked down the halls though, he grew a little uncomfortable. His back began to burn slightly making him swallow hard. His eyes darted about him as he tried to get an idea of what made him feel this way. He bit his lower lip as his fingers began to itch. Something was watching him...

He turned suddenly only to see nothing from the way he came. He relaxed a bit, but when he turned back, he squeaked and jumped back. General Iblis glared down at him before shoving her way past him. He huffed softly before he continued to his destination, drooling slightly at the thought of fresh starfruit.

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