Chapter 91:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a bright crisp morning, the remnants of a storm dripping off the palm trees of the shore. The echo of construction bounced along the shore catching the ears of both demon and Hylian children. Laughter had filled the air as the citizens in Hateno near Loshla Harbor grew. With only a few days notice the villagers were happy to accept hundreds of new citizens. New houses, businesses, and hobbies were made to accommodate. The small village easily became a small city within a week.

"Tomorrow the appointed city council will begin nominating people for a new mayor." A announcer stated at the end of the library table, Zelda and several new council members were sitting evaluating everything that was happening. From new laws, to daily reports, Zelda was keeping track of everything she could to make sure peace was possible.

"Send word to the council to nominate Dialen of the Wilds for me." Zelda stated.

The announcer bowed," Yes ma'am. Is there anything else?"

"No, you are dismissed." Zelda stated with a smile.

The announcer lifted themselves up right before disappearing with a puff of smoke. The council immediate began to converse, laughing and smiling as Zelda relaxed. A soft knock echoed from the main library doors. The laughter and whispers ceasing as a knight pulled the door open revealing Lyric on the other side.

"Lord Lyric. Nice of you to join us." Zelda chimed, her eyes creasing as she smiled.

"I'm sorry to be so late, managing the time difference and building between here and Loshla Harbor is quite trouble some." Lyric stated as he walked to the first empty chair available.

"How is everything? Are the people listening?" Zelda asked as she lifted her pen from her papers. A small set of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, the reflection of the words catching Lyric's eyes.

"Yes and no. They vote on my building designs, and if its passed then they begin. They have being a council down, but its having the two sides agree." Lyric stated as he slid a paper down to her. It spun elegantly to a stop just before her other paper, she happily picked it up, her eyes scanning the report of each individual.

"I just hope everything goes well Lord Lyric. I want this peace to work just as much as the other worried souls. Can you promise me one thing?" Zelda asked as she looked at him.

"I can try." He retorted.

"Promise me to leave a few generals to help keep the peace." Zelda stated.

Lyric understood her plea, demons without a ruler usually became uncontrollable. With some form of a leader to listen to, that wouldn't be an issue.

"I can talk with Ghirahim to see who would be best to leave." Lyric stated.

Zelda sighed with relief," Thank you."

As everyone read over their documents and read over other documents, by lunch time everyone was exhausted from reading execpt for Lyric. His eyes scanned over document after document unfazed as most of the council got up to go eat.

Zelda began to organize her papers before she looked up at him. His black hair framing his face in a daunting way almost. She stood slowly, her heels click along the floor before she leaned over his shoulder to see what he was reading.

Her eyes recognized the document before he began to wright with blue ink to make corrections with the wording. She smiled," How long have you been able to do this for?"

Lyric paused as he thought," When Ghirahim regained his demon Lord title, he told me I didn't have to do anything. I grew bored of doing that though within a week and begged him to do something -- anything to help him. He eventually told me to look over a few documents expecting me not to understand a single thing. To his surprise I had brought back revised laws and decrees within the day. Ever since then I did just that until my final breath...Well the first time that is."

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