Chapter 1

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AN: An idea I've been working on for too a while, I'm wanting to share so bad, updates will be weekly, similar to family ( I am working on an update!) simply down the fact I'm focusing more on school now as I've got GCSES in a few months, thank you for all being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this x

"I forgot your name again." She laughed weekly, the people behind the cameras chuckling too, "Jacob." He smiled, "Connie." She joked, "It's nice to meet you." He smirked, "you too, Jacob." "So do we like, do this whenever?" He looked to the people stood around, a few of them nodding, "Cameras rolling." the pair nodded, looking back to each other.

"So you agreed to do this because..." he asked, "It sounded fun." "Same here." She smiled, "It's a lot more awkward than I had hoped." She gushed, he hummed in agreement, "Let's just look at each other for a moment." Their eyes settling on one another.

The pair edged forwards, their lips meeting. The longer it lasted the fiercer it became, her arms looping around his neck, their lips not leaving for what felt like months.

She stumbled back slightly, her cheeks flushed. "Well, that was a nice kiss, Connie." He smirked, she moved some hair behind her ear chuckling, "It's not the worst." She smiled, "I have lipstick-" "Yeah... It's not really your shade." She teased, a smile breaking on both their faces. "Alright, Thank you." A woman called, the pair nodded and followed a man outside the room, to grab their extra items.

"Well it was nice to meet you." Connie smiled, he nodded "Ditto." She laughed lightly, "Who says ditto?" "Me." He grinned proudly as they walked outside. She shook her head smiling, "So where you off too now?" "Home, I've got paperwork and things to be getting on with." She sighed, he nodded, "Oh, right... Well have a good night." "You okay?" She asked, arching her brow. "I was just about to invite a pretty lady for a drink, but she's busy." He smiled, she felt her cheek blush, looking to the time at her watch she looked back to him, "I can make one." A wide grin rested on his face, before they walked.

She sipped the white wine gently, "So Why did you agree to meet a stranger and kiss them, for a social experiment." He chuckled, she shrugged gently "I was curious." He nodded with a small smile. "So what is it you do Connie?" "I'm a Doctor, well clinical lead." She smiled, "So you're the boss lady?" He chuckled, she arched her brow "What is so funny about that?" "Nothing, you just have the bossy vibe." "Oh, trust me I'm much worse at work." She smirked, he smiled looking ahead as he took a sip of his drink. She looked to the now empty wine glass, sighing quietly "I should be going." She smiled weakly, "Alright... Maybe we should meet for a proper drink." "Nice try." She smirked, moving to kiss his cheek "Is that a no?" She looked at him, placing her coat on "I have wine at home, we could possibly get something for you if you want to come over?" He
quickly downed his drink, placing his coat on "Let's go." He grinned.

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