Chapter 71

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"Mummy?" Eliana spoke as she woke the next morning, Jacob being the one to wake. He couldn't help but smile seeing them curled up together, "El, let's leave Mummy to sleep for a little bit." Jacob smiled as he moved to pick her up. Eliana nodded, "When will Grace be home with us?" "Soon, Just while we sort the house out." Jacob smiled, sitting her at the table. "Daddy?" Eliana asked, "Yes princess?" "Will I walk when I'm four?" She asked innocently, "Maybe." He smiled, kissing her head "Why can't I walk?" She asked, "It's complicated." Jacob smiled weakly, "Do you know when I'll walk?" "Not yet princess." He smiled, "But you're perfect." "I think so." She smirked, Jacob chuckled gently.

"Morning you too." Connie smiled as they lay on the sofa together, "Belle Mummy." Eliana grinned, Connie smiled glancing to the tv, she took a seat as Jacob sat up, resting his head on her lap, running her fingers around his hair. He smiled up at her "I love you." He beamed, "I love you too." She smiled, "Last night, happened didn't it?" She nodded, taking his hand and pressing her lips to it, "Yeah... so I was thinking." She smiled, "That's never good." He smiled, "We go looking at houses... no time like the present, Charlie and Duffy have said they'll watch El for us." "I can stretch to that Sweetcheeks." He smiled squeezing her hand.

"How's Grace?" Jacob asked as they drove to the next viewing they'd managed to book, "Missing us but she's okay." Jacob nodded, smiling as she kissed his cheek. "Jay?" She asked, "Beautiful." He glanced, "What if this baby... has whatever El's condition is." "Con-" "It's a possibility Jacob." She uttered, "I know and we'll cross that bridge if it's the case because I can't tell you Con, but we're strong." He uttered, she nodded resting her head down in his shoulder "Don't get tried now still another two houses." He chuckled, she smiled gently "I'm not."

She stood in the last house, the estate agent waiting outside so they could speak. "So?" He smiled, "This one feels right." She stated simply, "The garden is so much bigger." She started, "El's room is already in a sense there, all the rooms are much bigger and it just seems right, especially compared to the others." He smiled gently, "I suggest we put an offer in then Sweetcheeks." He chuckled, she smiled at him as his arms wrapped around her. "It's closer to the girls school." She stated, "I know." He smiled, she rolled her eyes. "Longer in bed." She smirked, he shook his head laughing easily with her.

"You been good baby?" Connie asked, lifting her up, "Perfect." Charlie smiled, "Thank you... we really needed to that." She uttered, Charlie nodded smiling, "Everything Okay?" "I'll um, talk Monday when ears aren't about." She smiled, Charlie nodded "Have a nice evening." "You too." She smiled walking back to the car "Let's go get Gracie and go for some dinner okay?" "Grace coming home?" "No, just for dinner."

"Only a few weeks of this Sweetcheeks." He uttered as she sat on the bathroom floor, not being able to hold her emotions as she sobbed tiredly. "I just want to sleep." She uttered he sighed heavily holding her hair back, "I know baby... just a few weeks and it'll stop." She nodded before emptying the contents of her stomach once more. He rubbed her back, feeling sorry for her. "I hate you." She snipped, he bit his lip trying not to laugh "It takes two and I love you too." Her eyes darted to his, piercing through him "Sorry beautiful." She hummed gently, "Come on, El is in Grace's bed, we can watch tv." She sighed leaning into him. He pressed his lips to her temple, "I'll get some ginger tea tomorrow, don't worry beautiful."

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