Chapter 56

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Grace waved goodbye to them Friday, rushing into the house as she heard shouting. "Harry?" She asked quietly as he sat under the table, "I don't like them shouting." He whispered, "They're just being silly, let's go upstairs." She smiled kindly, he nodded taking her hand the pair rushing up the stairs. Harry crying more as something smashed, worry written all over Grace's face.

She stayed with Harry till he fell asleep, slipping her phone into her pocket she rushed down the stairs into the living room "Stop it!" She yelled at them, looking to her Dad blood pouring from his head "Dad?" She uttered, tears stinging her eyes "Grace go upstairs, I tripped on the glass." He lied, she looked to Emma seeing the guilt on her face "You did it!" She yelled, "Grace-" "Get away from me!" She rushed up the stairs to Harry's room, pushing things in front of the door. Tears rolling off her cheeks, "Grace?" "Harry, you go to sleep." She smiled.

She ignored the pleas to let them in, phoning her Mum.
"Grace, Everything Okay?" Connie asked,
"Emma hurt Dad, I've locked me and Harry in his room but I don't know what to do... I'm scared Mum." She sobbed,
"How did she hurt him baby?" Connie asked, Jacob's head jolting over,
"Things were smashing before and I think she threw something at him... his head is bleeding."
"Alright, Grace, Jacob and I will come and get you."
"Harry too?" She asked,
"Grace, Emma and your Dad won't let me do that."
"I'm not leaving him!"
Connie exhaled, "Harry too."

They left Eliana in the car, Jacob knocking on. "What do you two want?" Emma snapped as she answered the door, "Grace called, we know what's happened Emma... just let me get my daughter and speak to Sam." Emma huffed turning around "Sort her out." She glared to Sam, who nodded. "Can I go and get my daughter?" She asked, "And Harry?" She spoke quietly. "Harry?" He frowned, "Grace won't leave him and quite clearly Sam this is no situation to raise any child... You need to go to hospital." She uttered, "I've called you mum." She added, "Connie I'm fine." He growled, "Yeah Course." She rolled her eyes, "Go to the hospital with your mum, stay at hers... she's not worth it Sam, both your children are upset over it." He sighed heavily as his mother's car pulled up, "You know how to make everything ten times worse." He growled, "I'm trying to help you Sam."

The pair followed him upstairs, "Grace it's Mum... and Jacob." She spoke softly, Grace sniffled moving the things out the way opening the door, rushing into her mother's arms "Baby, it's okay." Connie uttered, kissing her head, her fingers running through her hair. Connie looking to Jacob sighing quietly, "How about we help Harry pack some of his things... All we have is our toys and he might want some of his own." Connie smiled, she nodded drying her eyes. Going getting him a bag, helping him. "Connie she's never going to let you." Sam uttered, "She doesn't have to let me... she has the right mind she'll leave it." Connie snipped, "Jacob go and sit with El, we won't be long." "You're going to be okay?" He asked, "Nothing I can't handle." She smiled, he smiled back kissing her head gently. "You okay?" She asked, looking to Sam, "I don't know how it got this bad Connie." Connie smiled sympathetically.

"Sam?" Emma frowned, "Harry and I are going to stay at my mums for a little while." He spoke quietly, "Harry is fine here." Emma snipped, "Emma think wisely." Connie sighed, "Its nothing to do with you." She glared, "It is when my daughter phoned me upset." She snapped, "Grace go to the car." Connie smiled, she looked at Harry before looking to her parents, reluctantly going getting in. "Emma, just leave it." Sam uttered, walking down to his mother's car, putting Harry in Connie's car, Connie quick to follow.

Connie put Eliana to bed, along with Harry who opted to stay with Grace. "When can I see Dad?" He asked, "Soon." She smiled, "Harry?" He nodded looking to her, "Your Mum, She's never hurt you has she?" Connie asked softly, "No... Just Dad, they argue lots, she shouts at me a lot... Grace sometimes but she says it doesn't matter." Connie nodded, tucking him up in the quilt, "You're Dad will come and get you soon, he just has to go to the hospital... You might be stays and your Grans though." He nodded turning on his side, "Night Grace's Mum." Connie smiled leaving the lamp on for him going downstairs.

"Grace, you could have told me." Connie spoke softly, hugging her, "Dad said it would be okay." Grace spoke quietly, Connie nodded kissing her head. "Your Dad will be okay Firecracker." Jacob smiled, "I know." She smiled back, "Firecracker?" "Jacob?" "Is that Why you went to stay there?" He asked, Connie looking at him. "Harry doesn't like it when they start shouting, it scares him and I didn't want him upset alone." Grace spoke quietly, Connie kissed her head "You should have told us." Connie uttered, "But I'm ever so proud of you." Connie smiled, "Family's look out for each other, just the way it is... this part of my family didn't need me like my other one did." Connie hugged her tightly, "I love you so much." "I love you too." Grace smiled, "I'm glad you and Jacob don't argue." Connie glanced to Jacob smiling, "Me too baby." "You tired Firecracker?" He asked, she nodded "A little." "You'll be okay sharing with your brother?" Connie asked "Yeah." She smiled, "I had the best day with you though." She looked, "We had the best day too." Jacob smiled, "Hop on." Jacob smiled, Grace giggled as he lifted her up on his back carrying her to bed.

"You okay Sweetcheeks?" He asked, his fingers running through her hair. She propped herself up on her arm, looking at him. "Yeah... it's just not Sam to put up with it." She uttered, "But they have Harry and he'll have wanted to work it out and it'll be a build up." Connie hummed, looking down to his chest as she drew patterns on it. "Talk to me Beauchamp." She smiled a little, looking at him "We'll never get like this will we?" She asked, "If it gets bad, unrepairable kind of bad we'll give it up, us, not force it for El, Grace even?" She looked, he moved his arms around her, pulling her close, her head on his chest. "Never... But you and I Con, we're never getting to a point of arguing, let alone unrepairable." She cupped his cheek, looking at him "I love you Sweetcheeks, more than anything." Connie smiled kissing him, "I love you too Muscles." "Good, get some sleep." He smiled, "You too." She smiled claiming his lips once again, resting down.

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