Chapter 13

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She placed the phone down a few weeks later, darkness consuming the pair. Turning to her side she looked to Jacob who slept soundlessly. "Muscles." She uttered, he groaned rubbing his face, "Sweetcheeks." "Work need me-" he pulled her close to him, "No." He moaned, she smiled a little, "I'd rather be here too... but I'm needed." He sighed heavily, opening his eyes to look at her. "When will you be back?" "I probably won't... not till the end of my shift." "Con." He sulked, she kissed him gently, "I'm sorry." He nodded a little "But I just need a favour?" He nodded running his hands up and Down her back humming, "Could you take Grace to school for me please?" "I can do that." He smiled warmly, "You're a life saver Muscles." She grinned kissing him deeply.

"Where's my mum?" Grace asked as Jacob made her cereal, "She got called into work early this morning... so I've got to take you to school." He smiled placing the bowl down, "That's if you don't mind." He smiled, she shook her head smiling. "Jacob, mummy's not sick again is she?" Jacob sat next to her shaking his head "No, I promise... why you worried about that Firecracker?" "When Mummy was ill last time... I use to have to go with my Daddy and she'd never say goodbye to me." Jacob nodded, "She didn't say goodbye because you were sleeping... I Promise She is okay." Grace nodded. "I like you Jacob." She smiled, "I like you too Firecracker."

"Did she go in Okay?" Connie asked quickly, "Perfectly fine... although she was a bit worried about you." He looked, "About me?" He nodded "She thought you might be sick again." Connie sighed, shutting her eyes "I normally tell her-" "Shh... Don't worry, she knows you're fine." Connie nodded, "Thank you." "It best not be a regular occurrence... I like watching you get ready." She rolled her eyes with a small smirk, "Everything sorted?" He added, she nodded. "Alright, well I'll see you after." He smiled before looking to the doors as Iain and Sam came crashing through. "Or now." She smiled walking as Iain spoke. "Gran?" Jacob uttered as he looked at her.

"Jacob no." Connie looked, as they moved her onto the bed, "Conn-" "Staff Nurse Masters." She glared, he sighed storming out as Louise took over. She looked out of resus seeing him watching, sighing quietly she continued treating her.

"How's she doing?" He asked seriously as she walked out of resus. "She's doing okay, CT scan is clear we're just waiting on the x-ray." Jacob nodded, "What do you think it is?" "A pelvic fracture... But I need the X-ray to make sure." He nodded gently, "You can go and see her." "Thank you." She nodded watching him walk in.

"How you feeling?" Jacob asked as he sat down, next to her bed. "Fine, those stupid stairs... I told them they were dangerous." Jacob chuckled gently, "No need to go falling down them to prove that one." The older woman laughed gently. "How they treating you?" "Good... that doctor, she's bossy." "She's treating you well though?" She nodded "I like her, she gets it done and she's been particularly nice to me." Jacob smiled "I'm glad to hear it."

"Alright Mrs.Masters, the X-ray results confirm that it is a fractured pelvis-" "Just what I need." "The good news is that it's not a bad fracture and surgery isn't needed, so strong pain relief, crutches and bed rest is needed." The older woman nodded, "Bed rest." She mocked looking to Jacob, "Gran, listen." Jacob chuckled, Connie smiled "We'll also send you for physio but your GP can sort all that." Connie smiled kindly, "How long till I'm set free?" "We're just waiting for your prescription." She nodded "Thank you Doc." "You're welcome." Connie smiled, leaving them both. "One minute." Jacob smiled to his gran.

She looked back as he grabbed her arm gently, "Yes?" "Thank you Sweetcheeks." He smiled, moving to claim her lips. "Sorry I've not been much use today." She shook her head, "Your Gran, don't worry." He smiled kissing her once again, "I want her to meet you... not Ms.Beauchamp, Connie, I want her to meet Connie." She looked at him and nodded slowly.

"Gran, there is someone I'd like you to meet." His gran looked up to him, "Well hurry up then." He laughed gently taking Connie's hand and guiding her inside. "Jacob, that was my doctor-" "I know that, but this is Connie... My girlfriend." His gran smiled fondly, "You're punching above your weight there." She smirked at him, Connie blushing lightly. "Tell me about it." He smiled. "Jacob do you want a medal or something?" His gran looked, Jacob laughing, "No, just thought I'd show her off." "Well she looks nervous." Jacob looked to her smiling.

"Sorry to disturb but Sam's here with Grace." Charlie looked to Connie, "Sorry, excuse me." Connie smiled wandering out to reception, "Grandad would be proud of you for getting a girl like her-" "I'm proud of me don't worry gran." He chuckled causing her to smile.

"Don't you ever answer your phone Connie?" He snapped, "Sam?" She frowned, "School, they've been phoning you." He sighed, "I was working-" "Remember what happened last time-" "That's uncalled for." She glared, Sam sighed once again, "Maybe if you hadn't have just left this morning she wouldn't be so upset." "I'm not going to argue Sam." She groaned, he handed her book bag over, as she took Grace's hand saying bye to her dad.

"Gracie?" Connie asked as she knelt down, helping her take her coat off. "I was worried about you Mummy... Jacob said you wasn't sick again but you just left this morning and you wasn't there." Grace sobbed. Connie pulled her close shutting her eyes tightly, "Gracie, I'm so sorry baby." Connie breathed, kissing her head "I just had to go quickly and it was very early, I didn't want to wake you up." Grace nodded, "I promise I'm okay, I'm not sick okay?" Connie looked at her, Grace nodded gently, "I love you Mummy." "I love you most." "Can we see Jacob?" She asked, "If you want too." She nodded with a smile as Connie dried her cheeks.

Connie popped her head round the door, "Someone wants to see you." She smiled at Jacob, "Come in." He looked, Connie opened the door wider for Grace to run in "Careful." Connie looked, Jacob lifted her onto his knee. "You okay Firecracker?" She nodded "I was worried about Mummy." "But I told you, your Mummy is okay." He smiled, "But I still was worried." He nodded understandingly. "Jacob?" "Firecracker." "Can you make your special pasta for dinner?" She asked sweetly, he nodded "If that's what you want?" She nodded. "Gracie, lets leave Jacob for a little bit." "Why?" She sulked, "He's busy." Grace sighed "Bye." She groaned, stomping her feet as she came over, Jacob chuckling quietly.

"Her daughter." Jacob smiled, his gran nodded "I guessed." He nodded smiling at her, staying with her till she left.

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