Chapter 39

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The months continued to go back, somewhat slowly for Connie. She sighed heavily as she listened to the mans chest, a Braxton hick reaching her body. "You okay love? Look like you could pop any second." Connie nodded "Yes, thank you, I'm going to arrange a chest X-ray... anything else we need to know?" The man shook his head with a smile, "Louise, can you do obs please?" "Yes Ms.Beauchamp."

She stood at the nurses station, reading over the file. "Sweetcheeks, you Okay? Louise mentioned-" "I'm fine, it's just Braxton hicks." She sighed, Jacob nodded gently "You sure you aren't over doing it, you're two days over due... most women are at home-" "I'm not most women." She commented. "You can say that again beautiful." He smiled, his hands pressing into the small of her back, a satisfactory moan leaving her lips, "Not long now Sweetcheeks." She nodded "Everywhere aches and I'm tired... really tired." She uttered, "Don't cry beautiful, you'll ruin your makeup and we wouldn't want that." He spoke gently, pulling her into his side.

"She Okay?" Charlie asked, He nodded "Yeah... she's just tired now." Jacob smiled, "You're good for her." Charlie smiled, "Thank you." Jacob commented, "But you'll always be her favourite man." Jacob smiled easily, "I wouldn't be so sure." The older nurse chuckled. "Jacob?" Connie called, he spun round smiling. "Can you come to my office when you're free?" She asked, "Yeah, two minutes." She nodded wandering back into her office leaning back against her door for a moment.

"It's started." She looked as he walked inside her office, "Con?" "It's started Jacob and I'm scared." She whispered, "Shh..." he breathed, keeping calm as he stepped over to her. Holding her close as she sobbed, "I'm not ready Jacob." "But she is." He replied simply, "And I know you can do this, ready or not." She shook her head, "I can't Jacob." She breathed, "How about we nip home? Have a bath?" He smiled moving some hair behind her ear, "What if it moves fast?" She sniffled, "We know what we are doing beautiful." He spoke softly, she moved into him again "I love you." "I love you more." He smiled, kissing the top of her head "You've got this Sweetcheeks."

"Any better?" He asked, she nodded shutting her eyes. "If you don't think you can do it beautiful, just think about our beautiful little girl." She nodded enjoying the sound of his voice as she lay against him. "Everything with Grace was so rushed... I didn't have to wait like this... it was fast." She uttered, "I know baby, but you've got this." She nodded slowly, "I'll miss this." He spoke softly, "Miss what?" "Your little bump." "It's far from little." He chuckled softly, kissing her neck.

"Take me to Holby." She spoke quietly, "I thought-" "Holby just seems right." She smiled gently, he nodded squeezing her thigh. "How's the pain?" "You're asking as if it's going to improve." She mumbled, he bit his lip holding in his laughter. He glanced over watching as the air left her lungs, "You know if I could take it away I would?" He uttered, "I know." She breathed.

Hours seem to pass by, she smiled softly looking to their daughter. "You did amazing Sweetcheeks." He smiled kissing, looking down, still not being able to control the emotions that ran through him. "We did that." She whispered, he nodded kissing her head again, moving his finger to their daughter, her finger wrapping around it a smile on his lips. "She's even more perfect Con." "What about Eliana?" She looked, he smiled fondly at her, "Eliana Masters... sounds like she's important." He smirked, Connie smiled gently, kissing his lips. "You amaze me everyday Miss.Chase."

The midwife came round, running some tests on both Eliana and Connie. Connie frowned as she went to get a doctor, Jacob smiled reassuringly. "Grace will be here soon." Jacob spoke softly, "She's excited to say the least." Connie smiled before the doctor came up. "Ms.Beauchamp, Mr.Masters." He spoke, worry all over Connie's face. "We need to take her down to special care to run some tests-" "She's perfectly fine." Connie snipped, "It's better to be safe than sorry." He simply responded, Connie frowned "What's wrong with her?" Connie pressed, "We don't like to share till we are sure." He simply responded. "Con, let them... she'll be back before we know it." Connie looked to him her eyes full, "She'll be okay." Connie nodded a tear rolling down her cheek as she watched them wheel her away. He took her hand squeezing it, "She'll be fine, you've always said she likes to irritate you." He smiled, she smiled briefly with a small nod.

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