Chapter 6

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"How was Daddy's?" Connie smiled as they walked to her car, "Fun!" She cheered, "Mummy?" "Yes Baby." Connie looked as she helped her into the car, "Promise not to tell Daddy." "I promise." Connie smiled, getting into her side. "Daddy and Emma are having a baby." She cheered, Connie smiled softly "Wow!" "I get to be a big sister." She squealed as Connie drove, "The best big sister anyone could ask for." Connie smiled, looking to her, seeing the cheeky grin Grace had on her face.

"What shall we do monkey?" Connie joked as Grace hung her coat and bag up before sitting on the stairs and removing her shoes. "I don't know." She spoke, becoming agitated as she couldn't undo the buckle on her shoe, Connie came and knelt down before her helping her, "You had a good day?" Connie questioned, "Yeah." She smiled, "Can we make cupcakes?" "Why do we need to make cupcakes?" "To eat them Silly." She giggled, Connie shook her head smiling, "Well let's go change." Grace nodded running up the stairs.

The music played through out the kitchen, "Can I lick the bowl?" Grace grinned, "Use a spoon." Connie stated as she placed the tray of cupcakes in the oven, coming back over to the side to clean it. Grace threw her arms around her mothers neck, "You're the best Mummy ever." Connie smiled lifting her up, "You're the best Gracie ever." Connie grinned, "I love you." "I love you more." Connie smiled, kissing her head lightly. Connie placed her down as the doorbell rang.

"Fancy seeing you here Sweetcheeks." Jacob smirked, "In my own home, I know, such a shock." She chuckled, "Now what is it you want?" "To spend time with you." She exhaled, looking down for a moment "Jacob we have known each other three days and not spent a night apart." She uttered, "So what?" He smiled, "Grace is home and I just want to spend some time with her." Jacob nodded "I should have thought... Sorry." He uttered, "Don't be." She smiled, moving to kiss his cheek. "Mummy, Who is it? You're taking ages." Grace whined as she walked to the door, "It's your friend." Grace giggled, Connie rolled her eyes "What's so funny?" Connie looked back, "It's funny." She laughed coming closer, wrapping her arms around her mothers leg, Connie running her fingers through her curls. "Well I'll be leaving." He smiled, she nodded hesitantly, "Mummy. Your friend didn't even get to come inside." Connie rolled her eyes, "I suppose you should come in then." She smiled as she saw his grin return, following them both inside.

"Me and Mummy are making cakes." Grace smiled as she sat at the breakfast counter with Jacob while Connie boiled the kettle, "Grace, go and get your book bag, we need to do your reading." "Okay." She called rushing to get it. Connie turned to face him, a smile on her lips. "I like domestic you." She blushed slightly, a little chuckle passing her lips. "Mummy, it's the mix up on Friday and it's your turn." Grace stated as she sat back at the table, Connie nodded handing Jacob his coffee before coming to read through any letters in her book bag. "Alright, read your books then we'll do your words." Connie stated simply as she began to wash up, Grace reading fluently before going on to her words and Connie filling out her reading diary. "Are the cakes ready yet?" Grace asked, Connie nodded "But they need to cool." "Okay, I'm going to play in my room." She called as Connie lifted them out the oven.

The pair moved into the living room, watching tv quietly. "You okay beautiful?" He asked gently, she nodded leaning into his side as she tucked her feet beneath herself "You sure? You don't seem yourself." "I'm just tired." She mumbled, "Truth." He pleaded, keeping his arm around her tightly. "I just feel... feel- Well I'm just nervous about us." She looked, he nodded softly allowing her to carry on. "I'm not use to feeling like this about someone- Nor am I use to things moving this quickly... You're the first person I've let see me naked since after the Cancer and I'm just worried this little bubble will burst." "It won't because I'm not going to let it... They say when you know, you know and I think I know." He smiled, She exhaled "Jacob you hardly know me." "But I just know Sweetcheeks." He grinned, she smiled moving to kiss him. "Ew." Grace giggled, Connie pulled back swiftly "Gracie, I thought you were playing upstairs." "Well you thought wrong." She smiled, Jacob chuckling as he saw the similarities within the pair as Grace came to sit on her mothers lap. "Daddy says boys are smelly." Connie smiled, kissing her head lightly "Is he your boyfriend?" "Jacob?" Grace nodded, "Maybe... But how does that make you feel." Grace just laughed, "What's so funny madam?" "You've never had a boyfriend before." She continued to giggle, Connie's cheeks beginning to blush." "Thank you Gracie." "You're most welcome." She grinned, hugging her tightly "I love you Mummy." "I love you too." Connie smiled before she skipped off.

She looked at him as he sat laughing, "What?" She frowned, "She is so like you." He chuckled, Connie rolled her eyes "Well she is my daughter... we share half the same DNA I should hope she's like me." Connie retorted, smiling as he pulled her back "Alright smarty pants." She smiled warmly, "I take it you plan on staying again?" She exhaled, he hummed "Only if you'd like me too." She nodded with a warm smile "I suppose I can live with it."

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