Chapter 85

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AN: Updates for the next couple of months are going to be a bit all over the show, this week I've got to get coursework finished for Friday so I'm stressing about that because I'm so behind and then obviously my GCSEs but once over I'll hopefully find a rhythm like I use to have, thank you for all being patient with me x

She threw herself forwards, beads of sweat across her forehead, she looked to Jacob sleeping peacefully next to her. Sighing she rubbed her face, going down to make herself a drink. She hadn't been able to think about anything else since she'd saw him. She placed the glass wandering into Eliana's room, turning her alarm off before climbing into the bed, letting sleep take over her.

Jacob smiled as he stood watching the pair, leaning against the door frame, watching for a little while longer he left them going to make breakfast. She placed Eliana on a chair as she woke, smelling the food. Stepping into the kitchen, he wrapped his arms around her causing her to chuckle, "What were you doing down here last night?" He questioned, she shook her head "I just struggled to sleep." he hummed kissing her cheek "I'm here when you're ready." Connie nodded with a fond smile.

She rolled her eyes as he watched her closely as they walked the shops, "Jacob it's really nothing." "It doesn't seem like nothing." He commented. She paused looking down "I saw him." She whispered, "Who?" He frowned, "Ethan... What he still isn't over it? Finds our home?" He pulled her close sighing, "He won't, I won't let him hurt you three ever again." Connie nodded slowly, "He only hurt you and El-" "Shh, he's not hurting any of us." She nodded.

She exhaled loudly as she sat on the toilet, this couldn't be happening right now of all times. Quickly, she washed her hands coming out to the pair. "Let's go," she spoke hastily. "Con? Dinner?" He questioned, "Bring it home, we need to go." She snipped, Eliana looking between the pair "But Mummy-" "We need to go." She looked at Jacob, rolling his eyes he handed Eliana her sandwiches. "Connie?" He looked as they walked back to the car. "I've lost my mucus plug- no way am I starting labour in there." she hissed.

He looked at her late that evening, "Con, they aren't going to get easier-" "I don't want to go to hospital." She looked, "Connie, It'll be fine." "I want it to just be us." She looked at him, "Just us." She begged, he came over keeping her close. "Don't get upset Con." He pleaded, "Just us Jacob." She looked regaining her emotions, "We can go after, please Jacob." He exhaled looking at her, "Can Duffy come?" "After." He nodded reluctantly, pressing his lips to her head. "You're bloody crazy." She laughed gently, caressing his cheek with her thumb "I love you." She sniffled, "I love you too beautiful."

He'd phoned Duffy, letting her know of the situation. She took hold of his hand as she felt a contraction, breathing deeply, he smiled sadly hating seeing he pain. "Come on Con, you've got to start pushing." She nodded focusing on her breathing "What if they aren't okay?" She panicked "They will be." He reassured, she nodded "Ready?" He asked, "As I'll ever be." she exhaled.

He couldn't help the shock that rushed over him as he held his baby, "Jacob?" She panicked, their child's crying setting off. He wiped the tear moving him to her chest, claiming her lips "I'm so proud of you." He uttered, stripping his hands from the gloves, "Looks like your little fantasy might come true- If he likes football of course." Jacob smiled, she looked at the baby on her chest "A boy?" "A boy." He grinned, he dried his eyes  "I need to phone Duffy." "Five more minutes." She smiled, holding his hand. 

Duffy had been and checked both Connie and their son over, "Will you go and get El?" She asked, not looking from her son, "He needs a name." Jacob smiled as he went to wake Eliana. "We'll think of one I'm sure." She called.

"Daddy?" Eliana groaned, "Mummy and I have a little surprise." Jacob smiled, lifting her up "What?" She asked sleepily as Jacob carried her through "Meet your little brother." He spoke softly, sitting her next to Connie. Eliana looked at him, looking to Connie "He came from your tummy?" She asked, "Course he did, just like you and Grace." Eliana smiled, "He's small." "Like you were." Jacob chuckled, "When did get here?" "A couple hours ago." Connie smiled, "Can I hold him?" "In the morning, you look sleepy." Eliana nodded as she hugged her mum "I like him... does he have a name?" "Daddy and I are working on that." Connie smiled.

"You're bloody amazing, you know that?" He asked as she lay with him, "I don't want to feel like I'm giving him everything but with both Grace and El I had options taken from me." Connie spoke honestly, "Hey, nobody thinks that." She nodded, "He needs a name." "Let's sleep on it." He smiled, kissing her head "You did phenomenal Con." "I couldn't have without you." She spoke honestly "Team work is the best kind of work." She nodded, "We need to make use of the time." She retorted, he laughed kissing her head "I'm so proud of you, I love you so much." "I love you too."

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