Chapter 78

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Grace sighed heavily as she stood at the door waiting, "No!" Eliana yelled, "Baby, you had yesterday off, you can't have another." Connie spoke softly, "I don't want to!" Eliana snapped, "Mum we're going to be late!" Grace called, sighing heavily. "Grace, I'm trying." Connie snipped, lifting Eliana up into her arms, picking up her bag and keys. "No!" She screeched, "Yes." Connie sighed, Grace walking out the door.

Connie smiled gently, kissing Grace's head, "Sorry." She added, "It's okay... love you, see you later." "I love you too." Connie smiled, watching Grace get out the car. "El-" "No!" She snapped, looking out the window. "Right I'm phoning Daddy." Connie sighed, getting her phone out. "No!" She screeched, "Eliana, you're being very silly." Connie sighed, calling Jacob.
"How long you've got?" She asked quietly,
"As long as you need me." He spoke softly,
"She won't go in school Jay... what am I suppose to do?" She exhaled
He sighed, "Maybe just bring her in today Con."
"Her attendance... it's not fair she's too scared to go in."
"Hey, I know that, but why let her get upset and her attendance I couldn't give to shakes of a monkeys tail about."
She inhaled, "I'll be in soon."

"Mummy?" "Eliana?" Connie sighed, as they walked into the ED, "Are you upset with me?" She asked, Connie sighed quietly, "I'm upset with how you acted this morning... it was quite silly." Connie stated simply, "Hello." Noel smiled, Eliana smiled waving to him as they carried on past. "I'm sorry Mummy." Connie hummed, "Well you have to go to school El, I promise those boys won't do that again." Connie smiled a little as she helped remove her daughter's coat. "But I don't want to." She groaned, "Sometimes El, it's not about what you want." Connie spoke gently, placing their things into her locker. Connie looked to her kneeling down, "El, it is just those boys?" Connie asked quietly, the thought only just passing through her mind. "I'm not allowed to tell anyone." She whispered quietly, "You can tell me anything." Connie smiled kindly, her expression soft but Eliana shook her head "No Mummy." She stated harshly, "Can we see Daddy now?" Connie sighed heavily, standing up and kissing her head, "Course we can." Connie smiled.

"Hey you." He smiled, she smiled briefly, watching Jacob lift Eliana into his arms. "What you being silly for?" He asked, "I don't want to go to school, I hate it!" Jacob glanced to Connie who shook her head, "Those boys are silly... they got into trouble." "It's not them... can I go to play now?" Jacob placed her back in the chair, "Give me ten." Connie commented, he nodded smiling watching them as they left.

"What's all that about?" He asked, "She said she can't talk about it." Connie spoke quietly, "What if it's worse than we thought Jay?" "Shhh, she'll tell us... just with a bit of bribery." Connie smiled a little as he snaked his arms around her waist, "How are you and the littlest Masters doing?" Connie nodded, hugging him tightly "We'll be good." She breathed, he smiled kissing her head. "Sam's picking Grace up, so we'll take El for ice cream straight as we finish, get it out of her Hm?" Connie nodded, looking up to him, smiling he kissing her lips gently. "Do you think I've gotten bigger?" "Height? No." She swatted his chest "Shhh." "Con you're going to get bigger." "I know, but do you? I couldn't really tell this morning." "You'll grow in your own time... now patients to treat." Connie nodded kissing him again before, taking a file.

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