Chapter 80

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A few weeks passed, Connie's hand resting on her ever-growing bump, sighing as her phone rang, quick to excuse herself answering. Jacob looked over as she spoke, "She okay?" Charlie questioned, Jacob hummed "She will be, just a lot on with Elle and obviously the new baby- Grace too." Charlie nodded understandingly, "She's got you." "Now that is true." Jacob chuckled as he made his way over to her 'Sweetcheeks' he mouthed, she shook her head, Jacob listening while she finished up.

"I've had it up to here." She snipped, "Con?" he frowned, "Can you go get El?" "What's happened?" Jacob asked, she sighed heavily "Somethings been thrown at her, her eye... blackening and I want to check it out before I take her home." Connie commented, Jacob inhaled deeply keeping his cool. "I'll go now." He kissed her head before going to get the car keys from the locker.

"Connie?" Charlie asked as he took a seat next to her, she removed the tear paths humming, "What's going on?" "Eliana... Everything I didn't want to happen, is happening and I don't know what to do Charlie." she breathed, "She's being bullied and they ask her all these questions yet she cannot answer them and they know that- Just because she can't doesn't mean it didn't happen." Charlie nodded keeping quiet for a moment. "Connie, why don't you just finish here... homeschool her-" "It's not fair on her, she shouldn't have too." Connie argued, seeing the car park up.

Connie lifted her up, holding her tightly "You okay?" Connie asked, "Gracie saw Mummy... but they won't listen." Eliana uttered, Connie kissed her head "They will." Connie muttered, "Let's go look at this." Connie smiled, sighing as she looked at the blackening eye.

"Feels fine." Connie exhaled, Jacob nodded gently. "If they can't keep her safe Jacob, why does she go?" Connie whispered as they watched Louise laugh with their daughter, Jacob snaked his arms around her, kissing her shoulder "What you thinking?" "Charlie said something-" "Share." "I finish here... homeschool her." Jacob nodded "We'll talk properly later, you get her home... keep that bed warm." She nodded slowly, turning her head to kiss him before getting her things together, taking Eliana back home.

"El?" Connie asked, her fingers running through her daughters hair, "Mummy?" "What if you stopped going to school?" Connie smiled gently, "You stay at home with me and soon your sibling and I teach you." Connie smiled again, "but how will I ever make friends?" She giggled, "We can meet up with them." "But Mummy, you work." "I can stop." Eliana smiled, hugging her tightly. Once Eliana had fell asleep she moved to grab her notebook and pen, along with an envelope.

Dear Mrs.James
You may or may not be aware of the incident that has occurred with Eliana today but to cut a long story short, a girl, possibly group, have been picking on her and today has resulted in my three year old daughter having a black eye. Jacob and myself have spoken to her teacher and nothing more seems to be said, Grace tried to tell the staff today but they simply wouldn't listen because Eliana couldn't answer the questions. Taking all this into consideration I think it's best that Eliana no longer attends Holby Primary, which is a genuine shame as Grace has excelled massively, but I don't feel comfortable sending my daughter to a school where she isn't safe.

She placed it into the envelope, closing it as Jacob strolled into the bedroom. "Can you pick Grace up, hand this in at reception?" She asked, he nodded "You okay?" He asked, she nodded looking to their daughter "I'm not letting her go back Jay... I can't do that to her, or even myself at this point, she's not safe there." Jacob nodded coming to claim her lips, "Whatever you think is best beautiful." Connie smiled, squeezing his hand "I love you." "I love you most." Jacob smiled, "budge up." "You need to get going-" "I've got half an hour yet." She glanced to her watch "God, it felt later." He shook his head, getting on the bed, smiling as she cuddled up to him.

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