Chapter 22

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She took his hand kissing it lightly as they lay in the dark, "You okay Sweetcheeks?" He asked kindly, She hummed turning in her side looking at him, "I'm sorry we haven't done anything exciting, just relaxing really." She sighed, he rolled his eyes "You do remember I work in a busy ED and enjoy a relaxing break too?" "I know but I just wanted it to be a bit more, I don't know, just more rememberable." "Every second I spend with you two is rememberable." He smiled fondly, "Now get some sleep, we're up early." He spoke softly, she moved to claim his lips the pair deepened it instantly. She sighed heavily as she heard Grace call her, she shut her eyes for a moment, "Go." He chuckled, she kissed him gently before tying her robe around herself, going to check on Grace.

Only a few hours after being home, Connie was dropping Grace off at Sam's for the weekend. "Nice time?" He questioned as Grace hugged her tightly "Yeah, thank you." She stood back up waving Grace off before wandering back to her car, finally calling Henrick back.

Jacob smirked as she strolled into the house, taking her arm he pulled her close "Hmm... a whole two days with you and no work." He grinned, moving to claim her lips "Mhmm... about that." She breathed, he stopped looking at her. "What?" "I'm needed." She sighed, "No Connie, you're still on holiday." He groaned. "I'm clinical lead Jacob, I don't really get holidays." She mumbled, "Fine." He sighed "Are you in a mood with me?" She whispered, "I can't say I'm pleased... I thought we'd get a couple more days off together, Firecracker here or not." "I can't change my job Jacob." He looked at her sighing heavily, "I'm sure they could spare you a few hours longer." He looked, a smirk beginning to grow on his lips. "Hours?" She arched a brow, "Yeah, hours Sweetcheeks." He smirked, pulling her closer.

The pair walked into the ED, Connie sighing instantly at the chaos that consumed the ED. Jacob squeezed her shoulder lightly, "If anyone can fix it queen B can." He spoke softly, kissing her temple, "Get me back on that plane." She muttered under her breath causing him to chuckle, he kissed her lips gently before they left in their own directions.

"I'm ready for bed." She whined as he strolled into her office, "Well this should help." He smiled placing a Coffee down before her. "Thank you." She grinned as he leaned over kissing her, "How long you got left?" She looked to the paperwork sighing "Who knows... I'm leaving before ten." He nodded kissing her head gently as someone knocked on her door, "I'll leave you too it." He smiled fondly.

"How was your holiday?" Charlie questioned, "We just relaxed." She smiled, looking to him "But I had the best time." He smiled fondly "That's good to hear... Why you back today?" "Henrick." She mumbled, looking past Charlie to see Jacob chatting with Elle, not being able to control the jealousy that ran through her. Charlie nodded following her gaze, watching her get up from her desk stepping outside her office. "You don't get paid to stand around." Connie snipped, turning back on her heel and going back to her office. "Everything Okay?" "Yep." She breathed, he nodded leaving her alone.

"That was about?" Jacob asked as he strolled into her office, "Jacob... work." "I'm here of my own back." He snipped, "So don't sit there treating me like one of your staff, I'm not getting paid for this." "So go home then." She exhaled, her eyes not meeting his, "What has happened in the past few hours for you to start acting like this?" "Here Jacob, I'm clinical lead, simple... don't want to be here you know where the door is." She sighed frustratedly, he scoffed loudly "Fine." He growled, opening the door "Call me when you're ready to talk, talk like I mean something to you." He added harshly, leaving her. She threw her head in her hands, sighing, annoyed at herself.

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