Chapter 5

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Carefully he pressed his lips to her forehead, slipping from the bed and going to use the toilet. A smirk grew on his face as he saw her sat up, resting against the head board. "I thought you'd done a runner again." She smirked, "Maybe next time." He teased, coming to claim her lips. "What times your shift?" She asked, "Ten." She groaned gently, "What?" He chuckled, "I'm not in today... I thought we'd get most of the day together." She muttered, kissing him again, he smiled gently "Quick question." She nodded, "I thought this wasn't a relationship." He smirked, she hit his chest lightly, "Shush... I already think this moving fast and it's scaring me." She spoke wholeheartedly and honestly, the vulnerability clear on her face, "Hey, what you scared about?" He asked softly, stroking her cheek, "Nothing, I'm just being silly... Now we don't have long."

She sat in the office her house homed, trying to get through the bits of paperwork and emails. She sighed heavily, looking to the time, hours till Grace being home. She missed Grace being little, as much as she may have got in the way, she kept her company and always provided her entertainment. Tapping her pen off the desk, she frowned as her doorbell sounded.

"Sam?" She questioned, "You free for a chat?" He asked, she nodded gently before he followed her through to the kitchen. After making them both a coffee, she sat down "So?" She looked, "I contemplated telling you, but soon enough Grace will tell you- she can't hide anything from you." He chuckled briefly, she smiled softly, "So what is it?" "Emma and I... We're expecting." He spoke hesitantly, she embraced him quickly, "Sam! Congratulations." She beamed, pulling back, "I thought you'd be... be- it doesn't matter." She rolled her eyes, "Sam... You're Grace's Dad as much as I hate to say it, you've been good to me over the past few years, especially with- Well you know." He hummed, "Thank you Connie... Friends pushing it?" "Yes." She smiled, taking a sip of a coffee, "How's Emma?" "Morning sickness is killing her." "Ginger tea and sniffing lemons helps." Connie smiled, he nodded taking a mental note. "I often worry about you Connie Beauchamp." He smiled, she frowned "Me?" "Yeah, you. You never ever stop to rest and you never have anyone to share anything with and I worry that one day you're not going to be able to cope... Connie it's been years since you was ever with someone properly. Michale was the last person you truly loved-" "I never loved him." She quipped, her eyes piercing him, he exhaled "You know what I-" "And I'm perfectly fine... Maybe one day I'll find the right person. Right now I have a daughter and career to focus on." He simply nodded, "So does Grace know?" "We told her last night, least to say she is excited." Connie smiled warmly, "you're a good dad Sam... as much as it pains me to say." He laughed gently, "Thank you." He grinned.

Once left alone again, she sat at her desk, bored. A smile glowing on her lips as he phoned,
"Hey you?" She spoke cheerily,
"Hey you, hows your day going?"
"Boring, other than Grace's Dad came over to say him and his fiancé are expecting." She spoke
"And how do you feel about that?"
"I'm fine about it, Sam and I are just friends now... I'm happy for him if anything." She spoke happily, "How are you?" She asked
"I'm good." He smiled, not that she could see him,
"Is it bad that I'm missing you?" She whispered,
"Don't worry, I'm missing you too." He spoke happily
He chuckled softly, "I best be off, work to do and I hear the boss can be a bitch."
"It's a good job she's not there then."
The pair laughed before saying goodbye and ending the call.

She spent the rest of her afternoon tidying and doing basic housework before leaving to pick Grace up from school.

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