Chapter 58

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Connie sat on the floor playing with Eliana, Jacob starting to prepare the dinner early. "When are Nanny and Grandad coming?" She asked, "They'll be here soon." Connie smiled a little, not wanting to show Eliana her sadness on the matter. "I'll be back in a minute." Connie smiled kissing her head, going through to the kitchen, sitting in her usual place. "Stop worrying." Jacob looked, she opened her mouth to speak before stoping with a sigh. "They Just don't like me and I don't know why... we'll I do know why." She sighed rubbing her face, he came and stood between her legs, "They'll be gone tomorrow evening." He smiled, taking her hands. "Sorry I know it's your parents." She uttered, Jacob smiled "Don't worry, I'll get the door when they come." Connie nodded "There going to comment on Grace not being here... but Sam needs her to go at weekends-" "Stop panicking." He smiled claiming her lips "I love you." Connie smiled, "I love you too." Jacob grinned, "Can I have a drink please?" Eliana asked.

"Mum, Dad... come through." Jacob smiled, embracing the pair. "Drinks?" He added "coffee please son." John smiled, "Mum?" "Same for me." Sandra smiled, "I wish you lived closer." Sandra sighed, Jacob simply smiled, "Grace is at her Dad's... Connie and El are through there." He smiled going off to get them their drinks, Sandra and John going through to the living room. Connie looked up and smiled as she listened to Eliana. The pair took a seat looking at them, "Is she walking yet?" Sandra asked, "No, not yet." Connie smiled through gritted teeth, "Ah, well she just needs to stick with it, she'll get the hang of it, she's probably just lazy." John laughed gently, Eliana looked and frowned "It hurts my feet." "She does know when she's being spoken about John." Connie spoke calmly.

Jacob came back in, the room awkwardly silent "Everything Okay?" "Yeah, Perfect." Sandra smiled, his father nodding. Connie's silence causing him to arch a brow. "We were just telling Connie how we think she'll pick walking up in her own time, some babies are just lazy." Jacob rolled his eyes with a sigh, "it's not laziness... if anything she works ten times harder than any other child, you've not been sat there while she's crying because it's hurting her so don't get involved in it." Eliana moved to her mother's lap, "I'm sorry." She whispered into her mother's ear, Connie held her tightly "Don't you ever apologise." Connie uttered, kissing her head. "Nice what you've done to the place." His mother smiled, "Well we had to have El's room built so we decided to have it all redecorated." He smiled, "You back working now she's in school Connie?" John asked, "No... she only does half days." Connie exhaled, "Because she won't walk?" Connie sighed heavily, bitting her lip she stood up, lifting Eliana up. "I'm taking her for lie down." Connie stated, looking at Jacob before wandering down the corridor to Eliana's room. "It's not that she won't walk." Jacob snipped, "She can't Dad, when will you understand that." He snapped, "We just don't want a disabled Grandchild if it's avoidable." His mother intervened. "Get out!" Jacob growled, "What?" His father laughed, "Go away... That's my daughter you're talking about and she's perfect they way she is so don't you ever! And I mean ever, blame her for this!" "We aren't blaming Eliana, just obviously Connie must have taken something-" "Go home! Don't blame either of them! Not anyone!" "Jacob we have nowhere to go." His mother exhaled "Then you're gone first thing, I'll pay for your tickets myself."

He came into Eliana's room, anger written all over Connie's face as she held her daughter as she sobbed. Jacob came closer taking her from Connie, "What you crying for baby?" "First it was because they said she was lazy and now because you were shouting." Connie sighed, "Sorry princess... I was just being silly." Eliana nodded wiping her eyes. "They're going first think tomorrow." Connie nodded as she moved into him "Told you they hate me." He moved to claim her lips, "But I love you so who cares?"

They sat around the table eating dinner, little conversation being passed. "So where is Grace?" Sandra asked "At her Dad's." Connie commented, "Would have been polite of her to skip." John sighed, "Her Dad has had a lot going on... it'd be unfair on either of them to miss, she wants to make sure he's okay... what I do with my daughter has nothing to do with you." Connie snapped, the room going back to silence. "Eliana you're holding your cutlery wrong." Sandra looked, Connie inhaling sharply as she turned to Jacob "Please get them to stop before I say something I think I might regret." She whispered, "Mum leave her to do it on her own, she's eating so it's fine." "But she's holing her knife and fork completely wrong." "Because she has low tone, her muscles aren't strong... she's working on it let her do it in her own time, it's got nothing to do with either of you... You don't care about her from one week to the next, so don't tell either of us how to parent her." Connie snapped angrily.

"If they didn't hate me before they definitely do now." Connie sighed as they lay in bed, "I just cannot stand when they start tearing holes out of her Jacob...Sorry." "Don't you apologise, they should be." He pressed his lips to her head "I love you... I fall in love with you more each day and I've not seen angry you in a while." He smirked, his hand sinking lower "No." She whispered, "It'll help relieve some anger." He smirked, "The last thing I need is for them two to hear us." She sighed, a small moan leaving her lips as his hand stroked her wetness.

"I always get what I want." He smirked, "Don't think you're clever." She smirked back, he laughed claiming her lips, "just ignore them, they'll be gone tomorrow and we can go back to being a happy loving family." He beamed, Connie smiled at him "You're amazing you know that?" "You tell me often enough Sweetcheeks." "Good." She smiled kissing his lips. "Night beautiful." "Night Muscles."

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