Chapter 70

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"Everything is ruined." Connie whispered as she stood on the threshold to Eliana's room a few days later, "I want to know who did it Jacob." She uttered, looking to the boarded up window, "Me too." He uttered, kissing her shoulder. "All this Sweetcheeks, it's by the by... we can get it all back, she'll just have to sleep with us for a few nights." Connie nodded sighing heavily she turned round, going back to the living room.

"When will Grace be home?" Eliana asked as Connie lay on the sofa with her, "Soon, so you can either sleep in Grace's room or with Daddy and I?" Connie smiled, "You and Daddy." She grinned, Connie laughed gently "How did I guess that one, Hm?" Eliana giggled as Connie poked her gently, "How's your arm feeling?" Connie smiled, "Better." She beamed, "Good." Connie smiled kissing her head, "Can we watch stitch now?" "Soon, not just yet." "Why?" "Because the police officer is coming to speak to us about the fire." Eliana nodded gently, "Mummy?" "Yes baby?" "Will you and Daddy still be getting married?" Connie chuckled gently, "Course we will." Connie smiled, kissing her head looking to Jacob as he placed the mug down, "Maybe Just not so soon." She sighed, Jacob smiling sadly as he lifted her legs, sitting down before letting them rest across his lap.

After speaking with the officer she exhaled, shutting the door. He moved his arms round her, kissing her gently, "Let's go watch Lilo and Stitch with El and then we can order in and once she's in bed we can watch something, you can drink lots of wine and we can shop online... have her room back in no time." Connie smiled fondly as he rubbed his hands down her side, "I might skip the wine." She spoke softly, "Why?" He burrowed his brows, looking at her. "Well El, what if she needs to go back to hospital-" "I won't drink." "No, it's fine honestly." She smiled, kissing his cheek. "Now, our baby wants us." She smiled, slipping from his grasp.

"Thankfully her chair is fine." Connie commented as he came and sat down with her. She rested her head on his lap as they shopped, she turned to look at the table. "Jacob." She sighed, "What?" "I said I didn't want to drink... it's a waste of good wine." "Just one Sweetcheeks." He smiled, "Won't do any damage." Connie looked back to the laptop, continuing quietly. "Jay, can you text Charlie asking where he got her unicorn from please?" Connie asked. She frowned as he slipped the laptop from her. "Jacob?" "Connie is there something I need to know?" He looked, "Jacob what are you talking about?" She sighed, "Really I have to spell it out?" "I don't know what you're talking about Jacob." She groaned sitting up, the room falling silent.

"Talk to me." He spoke softly as a tear rolled off her cheek, she dried her eyes with her thumb, "There's nothing to talk about Jacob." She sniffled, shutting her eyes tightly. "Please Con, it's only me." "All this Just has to happen now doesn't it?" She groaned, "I can't deal with the stress of this, living here, with El and a baby." She uttered, not thinking. "Con?" His head snapping to her, watching as she cried some more, rolling his eyes he pulled her close.

"How long have you known?" He asked as she finally calmed, "Morning of the fire... there just hasn't been the right time to tell you and now it's just chaotic here and it's no place to raise a child Jacob." She spoke, finding herself becoming tearful again. "I hate myself for saying it Jacob but I can't... I can't look after a baby properly, not with things like this." She uttered. He pressed his lips to her temple, "Shhh... If anyone can, you can- we can." He spoke softly "But no matter your choice Sweetcheeks, I'm here and I don't want you to ever hate yourself, ever." She looked up to him, their eyes meeting. "Jacob." She sighed, "Obviously my decision is to keep our baby." She stated, seeing the relief on his face. "All I'm saying is everything is just building up and being here... this house, isn't working." She sighed. He nodded understandingly, "Then we find somewhere new." He smiled, kissing her. "And you Sweetcheeks, you're Wonder Woman, you'll easily share yourself between El and our baby." He spoke confidently, she nodded cuddling into him "I really love you." She uttered, "I love you too." He beamed, "I'm guessing this wedding of ours is being delayed even more then?" He chuckled, she looked to him sighing, "when everything settles... I'll be down that isle faster than anyone." He laughed gently claiming her lips, "You're one of a kind." He beamed, "Ditto." She smiled, resting down cuddling with him, neither really knowing what to say to one another.

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