It's Magic?

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"Up! Get up you two! Now!" yelled aunt petunia. I share a bed with my twin brother, Harry. "Morning sis." said Harry rubbing his tired eyes "Did you have another one of those dreams?" "Yeah I did, it's to long to explain now but I'll tell you later." I replied. I have these dreams that are flashback backs of when I was a baby.

There was a rumbling of someone going down the stairs and back up. Then there was the loud jumping of the steps as white flakes to fell on us. "WAKE UP POTTERS WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO!" yelled Dudley our spoiled brat of a cousin. Harry and I shared a look and dropped myself back on the bed.

We both got out from the cupboard and went to the kitchen. "Start making breakfast and try not to burn anything" aunt petunia said. "Yes aunt petunia" Harry and I said together. We both made breakfast. "Where's my coffee girl?" uncle Vernon said. Harry handed me a mug and I poured the hot black liquid in it then handed it to him.

Once I finished making breakfast we both sat down to eat. "Who's going to do the dishes?" "share please?" we agreed and started eating. "How many are there?" Dudley ask, it was his birthday. "36, counted them my self." uncle Vernon said "36, 36 but last year I got 37." Dudley whined.

Both of us quickly ate thinking that everything was going to be pushed off the table in rage. "How about this. When we go out we'll get you two new present, how does that sound pumpkin?" aunt petunia suggested and Dudley agreed. "Be grateful you selfish git." I said under my breath. Not quiet enough because the three of them turned to you. Harry pulled me back. Dudley walked over to me looking angry but it didn't scare me. I just cocked an eyebrow and kept a straight face.

"What did you call to me, you motherless orphan." Dudley said angrily. "I believe I called you an ungrateful selfish git." I said in a matter of fact voice. I heard Harry lightly giggle then Dudley backed off and ran to his parents. "Do they have to come they'll ruin my birthday" he said fake crying. "They have to come there's no one to look after them. But we'll make sure that they won't do anything alright sweetheart." aunt petunia assured and then glared at us.

"Go get ready both of you and fix your hair boy and do something with that long mop of yours." uncle Vernon said. Harry and I got clothes from the cupboard and took turns changing. Harry braided my hair and I fixed his. We stepped out side and reach for the care handle but uncle Vernon stopped us. "I'm warning you, any funny business or both of you will have no meals for a weak understand. And cover those scars." he said. Harry fixed his bangs to cover his scar as I moved my hair to cover mine.

Weird things always happened when Harry and I go out even at home something strange happens. For instance when ever aunt petunia cuts Harry's or my hair it grows back over night. We both nodded then he moved out of the way for us to get in the car. "Rock paper scissors on who gets to sit next to that" Harry whispered motioning his head to Dudley. I whispered yelled "You sit next to him I had to last time!" "Come on." "Please." "....fine but I get to use your butterfly knife for the day." Harry finished.

I huffed and handed it to him, it was a butterfly knife that had dragons engraved on it

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I huffed and handed it to him, it was a butterfly knife that had dragons engraved on it. Then we got in the car.

We went to the reptile exhibit and were looking a the snake. "Move, Move!" Dudley said banging on the glass. "He's asleep." Harry defended. "He's boring that's what he is" he said then left. Then we walked up to it and and leaned on the rail. "Sorry about him, he doesn't know what it's like" "locked up in a cage all day" "having people press their ugly faces in on you." Harry and I said alternating sentence.

The snake got up and winked at us. "You can hear us?" We both asked. It nodded. "It's just, we've never talked to a snake before." "Do you, I mean, do you talk to people often?" It shakes his head. "Your from Burma, aren't you. Was it nice there," "do you miss them, your family?" we both questioned. The snake looked at a sign that said 'Bred in Captivity.' "Oh we understand." "we never met our parents either." I finished Harry's sentence.

We gave the snake a sympathetic look then Dudley yelled "Mummy, dad, come here look at what the snakes doing." pushing us to the ground. "You alright?" Harry asked and I nodded. Both of us glared at Dudley then the glass disappeared and he fell in the habitat.

The snake slithered towards us "Thankss." it said. "Anytime." we said simultaneously. When Dudley tried to step out and the glass reappeared, trapping him inside. We laughed seeing the Dursleys panic at the sight. Uncle Vernon turned seeing us laughing then we quickly stopped.

Once we got out of the car we were dragged inside the house. "What happened!?" Uncle Vernon yelled. "We don't know, one minute the glass was there" "but then it's gone" "it's like magic" Harry and I said alternating sentences. Vernon then threw us in cupboard and locked the door. "There's no such thing as magic!" He yelled then slid the slot shut. Harry and I looked at each other, huffed then sat on our bed.

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