Second Task

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This is two chapters in one again because they're both short. Also my new partner wants you to call her Rose. Talk to you all next time. -Skippy

I was walking to the second task with Ruby, Micaela, Celeste, and Chris. I was practicing the bubble head charm all last night. I haven't seen Draco since Severus said Dumbledore needed him last night. "You seem tense." Ruby said. "Do I?" I questioned sarcastically. "Just calm down, you've been training for hours yesterday." Micaela said.

"Though it's still potentially problematic." Chris said. "Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under water for an hour, Christopher?" I questioned sarcastically. "Just take a deep breath. You got this, (Y/N)." Celeste assured and I nodded. "Have any of you seen Draco?" I asked and they shook their heads.

I looked ahead and saw Harry. "Prongs!" I called, he turned to me and smiled as I walked up to him. "Hey princess, what are you using?" He asked. "Bubble head charm. What about you?" "Gillyweed." "Sounds dreadful." "Most likely is."

We got on the boats together to the platform for the second task. Once we got on the platform I took off my sweats to reveal my swim wear then put on my wand holster.

 Once we got on the platform I took off my sweats to reveal my swim wear then put on my wand holster

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"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These five treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own." Dumbledore said.

"Treasure?... Draco." I said to myself. "Princess, wait for me and we'll go together." Harry said. "Alright, prongs." I said. "You may begin at the start of the cannon." Dumbledore finished. The cannon blew and I performed the charm then a bubble formed around the lower half of my face where my mouth and nose were.

Harry's hands turned webbed, his feet turned into flippers, and he grew gills. He swam up jumped out of the water just to show off then swam to me. We both made our way to the bottom of the lake. We heard the same singing that came from the egg and swam to it.

We found the treasures of the champions, we were the first ones there. There was Ron, Hermione, Cho, Fluer's sister, and Draco. I swam to Draco and set him free. "Go on, I'll catch up." Harry said. I nodded and took Draco back. Once we reached the surface Draco gasped for air.

None of the others were there yet so I assume I was first. We got on the platform  and they handed us some blankets. "Are you alright?" I questioned. "Yeah I'm fine, babe." Draco assured. I grabbed his face and kissed him on the nose then we held each other for warm as we waited for the others.

"You look lovely, by the way." Draco whispered in my ear. I smirked then moved closer to him. Cedric came with Cho, Victor came with Hermione, and Fluer was taken out of the competition. Harry hasn't come back yet. "Where are you, Prongs?" I asked myself getting worried.

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