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I was on the field with my Quidditch team, we were having tryouts for a new seeker. I had my uniform on, I was number 7, and my hair was down. Flint spoke, "Alright team, our first person in will be trying out, is non-other than Draco Malfoy." I looked to see Draco in a Slytherin uniform.

"You didn't tell me that you were trying out." I smiled. "I wanted it to be a surprise, love." He smirked. "Alright, Potter, start the warm ups while I see what Malfoy got." Flint said. "But the second captain does that." I said. "Exactly." He said. I smiled at what's just happened and warmed up the team.

I finished warming up the team when Flint came back. "I'm gonna say that Malfoy did surprisingly well." Flint said. "Oh, and my father wanted me to give the team something." Draco said and got a brown package. He opened it, it had the nimbus 2001s in it.

"A gift for the entire team." He smirked. Everyone got one. "(Y/N), I have one just for you." Draco smiled. He got a nimbus 2001, it had a golden dragon on it just like the one on my butterfly knife. "It reminded me of you." He smirked and handed it to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you. And I think I can speak for all of us when I say that Draco made the team." They all agreed and cheered then we went to the Quidditch pitch. We were going to pass by the courtyard when the Gryffindor team stopped us. "Clear out, Flint! I booked the pitch for today." Wood said. "Easy Wood. I've got a note." Flint said.

"(Y/N)?" Harry questioned and I shrugged. Wood took the note and read it aloud. "'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.'" He looked up and questioned, "You've got a new seeker, who?" Everyone moved and Draco made his way to the front next to me.

At this time Hermione and Ron came up to us. "Draco?" Harry questioned. "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." Draco said and motioned his broom. "Those are Nimbus Two Thousand Ones. Where did you get them?" Ron gaped. "Gift from Draco's father, even made a special one for his girlfriend." Flint said.

Draco smirked then flung his arm around me and I turned my broom to show them the dragon. "What's happening here?" I heard. It was Pansy freaking Parkinson. "None of your business, Parkinson." I spat. "Oh the nimbus two thousand and ones. I'm guessing from Draco's father." She said, Flint nodded. "You see, Weasley, unlike some, his father can afford to buy the best."

I glared at her and clench my fist in anger. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent, just like (Y/N) did." Hermione said. "Hermione, Draco did tryout and made the team. After he gave us the bro-" I explained but Parkinson interrupted me. "No one asked you opinion, you filthy little mudblood." She spat.

Move out of my way, Mudblood. Rang through my head, I dropped my broom and my breath quickened. Draco turned to me looking concerned and pulled me into his chest. "You'll pay for that, Parkinson. Eat slugs." Ron snapped and shot a spell at her but it back fired.

He was blasted back and it looked like he was going to be sick. "Ron! Say something!" Hermione said. He threw up a slug. Colin came and snapped a picture. "Harry, can you turn him around?" He asked. "No Colin, move out of the way." Harry responded. "Take him to Hagrid's he'll know what to do." I insisted.

I can hear Parkinson laughing at Ron. I glared at her remembering the flashback back. All of a sudden a rain cloud formed only above her. Everyone looked shocked and confused all at once. I looked at my hands knowing that I did that and smirked. "Why you filthy little half-blood!" Pansy snapped at me.

"What was that!? If I were you, Parkinson, I wouldn't call my girlfriend that." Draco snapped. "Girlfriend!?" Parkinson questioned and Draco nodded glaring at her. "This is the worst day!" She whined the stormed off, literally it kept raining on her. Ron threw up another slug at that moment. "Flint, I'm going with them." I said, he nodded.

"I'll go too." Draco insisted. "No, you stay here and practice." "But what if you have another flashback." Draco said. He knew he was the only one that can help me through my flashbacks. Being in his arms and hearing his voice always helps me a lot. "Flint, (Y/N) will practice with me once we're finished." Draco said. He agreed and we went with them to Hagrid's hut.

Draco held my hand the entire way there. We got inside, explained everything then Hagrid went outside and got Ron a bucket. Ron threw up another slug in it. "Better out than in. Who was he tryin' ter curse anyway?" Hagrid questioned. "Parkinson. She called Hermione a, well, I don't know exactly what it means." Harry said a bit confused.

Hermione crossed her arms and spoke quietly, "She called me a mudblood." I winced at the word, seeing a flash of a green light, and Draco pulled me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his shoulder. "She didn't." Hagrid gasped. "What does it mean?" Harry questioned.

"It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation." Hermione said.

Draco laid his head on mine and rubbed my arm with care. "Yeh see, Harry. There are some wizards, like Parkinson family, who think they're better than everyone else 'cause they're what people call pureblood." Hagrid explained. "That's horrible." Harry said. "It's disgusting." Ron said and threw up another slug.

"It's cruel." I said. "By the way, are you okay (Y/N)? You started acting strange." Hermione said. Draco pulled me closer to him. "I had a flashback. That's the name you-know-who called mum, be-before h-he..." My breath quickened a bit. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, love." Draco said in a caring tone.

"Don't think about what she said 'Mione." I said. "An' it's codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood. There's 'ardly a wizard today that's not half-blood or less. If we 'adn't married Muggles we'd've died out long ago. Besides, they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can't do." Hagrid assured and put his hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Don' you think on it, Hermione. Don' you think on it fer a minute."

Hermione smiled at him. "Thanks for casting that spell at her, (Y/N)." Hermione said. "It wasn't a spell." I said. "Then what was it?" Harry asked. "I seem to have inherited my own type of powers. I can't really control them, all I can do so far is fire, ice, healing, sort of, and whatever that storm was." I explained.

"Either way, she deserved it. She called me a filthy half-blood." "And we all know that's not true." Draco said. "She called our mum that too last year and she called dad another foul name that I rather not repeat." I said. "That's when I confirmed my special powers."

"Is that why you attacked her last year?" Harry questioned. "You attacked her?" Hermione questioned, I nodded. "She bruised her badly and bloodied her up pretty good." Draco joked and we all laughed. "Are you okay now, princess?" Harry asked. "Yeah." I said and looked up at Draco. "Thank you." I smiled. He kissed my nose. "Anytime, love." He smiled.

Though (Y/N) didn't see it, Harry smiled a bit at the sight. Even though Harry and Draco still hated eachother, they didn't show it around her. That was the deal they made with eachother.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now