Draco & Mummy

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(A/N: I know this chapter is small but the next chapter is too long to combin it with this one. So, I will give you another sneak peak of the book version of this story! Bye, my lovies! -Skippy)

Harry and I walked through the field and entered the house. Ginny smiled at Harry then went to hug him. He hugged back and I wiggled my eyebrows at him. "But why didn't you tell us you two were coming?" Mrs. Weasley asked giving me a hug. "Didn't know." "Dumbledore." Harry and I said. "(Y/N)!" Fred and George beamed.

I beamed back and gave them both a hug. They took me away up to their room. "How's the joke shop going?" I asked. "Great! Thank you for the start up money." Fred said. "And because of that anything you want in the store is free." George said. "Thanks, I'll go visit it tomorrow." I said.

"I'm gonna go talk to the others." I said and went to the room where the trio was. "Hi guys." I said and sat down in the circle around a burning paper. I saw Draco's face on the newspaper then looked down. "I'm sorry, princess. I'm not trying to be rud-"

"It's alright, prongs. At least I know he's safe." I interrupted. "I'm just worried that something happened to him." "He's capable of handling himself." Ron said. "I know. It's just easier handling thing when were together." I said. "We'll you have been together about five years now, so both of you aren't going anywhere." Harry said.

"I'm not afraid of him leaving me. I'm just afraid of the risk we're taking." "Well what's life without a little risk." Hermione spoke. "You're right. We should head to sleep." I said. Hermione and I went to our room we shared with Ginny and fell asleep.


"Step up! Step up!" Fred and George called. I was walking around there joke shop with Hermione and Ginny. We were looking at a shelf filled with love potions. "Hello ladies." Fred and George said. "Love potions, aye?" Ginny said.

"Yes, they do really work." George said. "Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own." Fred added. "Meaning?" "Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" "None of your business." Ginny finished and walked away.

"These are adorable." I said as I approached a cage of pygmy puffs. "Can't breed them fast enough." Fred said. "Would you like one?" George asked. "No, I have another things to worry about." I said and met up with Harry.

We walked out side and walked through Diagon Alley. "How is it Fred and George are doing it? Half the alley's closed down." Hermione spoke. "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron answered. "Reckon he's right." Harry and I said.

We passed by a wrecked Ollivanders. "Oh no. Look." I said. "But everyone got their wands from Ollivander. Young. Old..." Hermione said. "Good. Bad. Speaking of which." Harry said. We followed his gaze to see Draco and Narcissa going down an alley.

"Is it just me? Or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron said. "Draco." I said. I followed them quietly with the others. Then they went into Borgins and Burkes loosing sight of them.

"Up here." Harry said on the roof. He reached out his hand to me and I grabbed it then he helped me up. Ron and Hermione joined us as we watched through a window from a roof. Draco was running his fingers along a dark cabinet.

Then a deatheater named Greyback came into veiw. We went down out of sight. When I looked back up the window was covered blocking my veiw of Draco. I sighed in disappointment then got down. "Are you alright, princess?" Harry asked as we walked back. "I'm fine, prongs." I said. At least I know Draco's more handsome than ever.

Sneak Peak

"Yes," said Dumbledore. "They'll have those scars forever." "Couldn't you do something about it, Dumbledore?" "Even if I could, I wouldn't. Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground." Dumbledore said. I giggled then I heard a strange noise.

"Finally decided to join us, Severus." Dumbledore said. A man with a crooked noise and black hair walked up. "I wanted to see the twins before they leave." Severus said. Dumbledore nodded then handed me to Severus while he took Harry. I looked up at him and smiled.

His nose looked funny so I reached up and grabbed it. He smiled and laughed lightly. "Looks just like her mother." He whispered. "We'd better get this over with." Dumbledore said. Severus dropped his smile some and I tilted my head a little. "Can I leave Y/N with a gift, headmaster?" He asked and Dumbledore agreed.

He took out a stick then pointed it at my head. "Y/n Lily Potter, I give you the gift of memory, both good and bad." He said then a blue light came from the stick and gently touched my head. "Could I -- could I say good-bye to them, sir?" asked Hagrid.

He bent his great, shaggy head over Harry and I then gave us a very scratchy, whiskery kiss that made me sneeze. Then, suddenly, Hagrid let out a howl like a dog. "Shhh!" hissed the lady, "you'll wake the Muggles!"

"S-s-sorry," sobbed Hagrid, taking out a large, spotted cloth and burying his face in it. "But I c-c-can't stand it -- Lily an' James dead -- an' poor little Harry and Y/N off ter live with Muggles." "Mumma..." I whimpered wanting to cry. Severus looked at me then calmed me down. I let out a similar howl to Hagrid's and they all laughed.

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