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There was Quidditch today and as the captain I needed to make sure we win. I was in my last class and I was packing my things to leave. "Excited for the match today?" I asked Draco. "Sort of. I'm pretty tired, that cabinet's been draining me." He answered. "Well, just do your best and catch that snitch at any cost." "Yes, captain." Draco said sarcastically and I hit his arm playfully.

As we walked out Parkinson pushed past me hitting my shoulder. "Watch it, pug face." I spat. "What did you call me!?" She snapped. "She called you pug face. The only word she was missing in that sentence is bitch." Draco said in a matter of fact voice. She glared at me. "Respect your superiors, Potter." "Hope you don't mean yourself." I shot back.

She shoved me hard and Draco caught me. I got up and shoved her back harder. Our fight started to break out then I tried to swing at her. "Miss Potter and Miss Parkinson!" I heard McGonagall shout. "Damn it." I hissed under my breath. She took us to her office and we bought explained to her what happened.

"To ensure that will never happens again Miss Parkinson, you will be serving detention today after school." McGonagall said and Parkinson groaned. "Miss Potter, you will not be participating in today's Quidditch match." She said and I scoffed. "But, professor, we're going against Gryffindor and I'm the captain, I have to be there." I said.

"You should have thought of that before you started a fight." "She pushed me first!" "I've made my decision, Miss Potter, unless you want to be serving detention as well I suggest you leave it at that." McGonagall finished and I stormed out of her office. I went to the great hall and saw my team and sat next to Draco.

"Why aren't you in your uniform?" He asked. "McGonagall suspended me from today's game. All because of a fight that Parkinson started." I complained then grabbed Draco's arm and covered my face in frustration.

" I complained then grabbed Draco's arm and covered my face in frustration

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"That was adorable." Draco smiled. "But what are we going to do about the game?" "Chris is the substitute chaser so he'll take my place." I said into his arm. "And you'll have to be captain, is that okay?" "Yeah it's okay." Draco said and kissed my head. "What happened?" Goyle asked. Draco explained everything and Goyle told the team and the Slytherin house.

"What's this about me playing today?" Chris asked. "I got suspended from today's game and you have to substitute." I said still on Draco's shoulder. "Look on the bright side." He said. "What's that?" "Parkinson's being hated on by the entire house." Just then Parkinson walked in and the entire Slytherin house booed at her.

She stomped her foot and walked out. "I feel a little better now." I smirked resting my head on Draco's shoulder clinging on to his arm. "You're really cute when you're frustrated." Draco smirked and I blushed then covered my face in his arm again. "Game time, Draco." Chris said.

"Wish me luck?" Draco smirked pointing to his cheek. I turned and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Good luck and win this game please." I said. "I'll do it for you." Draco said and went off with the team. "Come on, (Y/N). We need to get good spots." Ruby said. I nodded then we went to the Slytherin stands.

"Welcome to the Slytherin versus Gryffindor match. Slytherin lost their best chaser, (Y/N) Potter, because of a fight that Pansy Parkinson started-" "Jordan!" Professor McGonagall cut off. "Sorry, professor." He said.

The quaffle and the snitch were released then the game began. "GO DRACO GO!" I cheered and Draco smiled then blew me a kiss which made my heart melt. The chasers caught the ball and passed it to each other then shot and made it in. "YES!" I cheered. They made a few and the Gryffindor's made a few. Then I saw Draco and Harry go after the snitch.

"COME ON, LOVE!" I yelled and Draco smirked at me. They were neck and neck chasing it close to the ground then Draco stood on his broom and leaped forward. I gasped as he landed on the ground and on one knee. There was a second of silence then Draco stood up and raised the snitch in the air.

"YES! THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!" I cheered then rushed down to the field. Draco smiled at me and opened his arms then I ran to him. He lifted me up in a passionate kiss, raising the golden snitch in the air triumphantly while the Slytherins cheered.

"You did it-you did it-you did it-you did it!" I cheered giving him a kiss on the forehead and both cheeks the finished by giving him a long passionate kiss on his lips. "You proud of me, captain?" He asked. "I'm more than proud." I beamed and kissed him again. "I love you!" I smiled.

"I love you too." Draco smiled back then kissed me again. "Meet me at the astronomy tower so we can celebrate together." I said in his ear. I placed one more passionate kiss on his lips before going to get prepared. I finished setting up and placing the candles.

I heard Draco come up the stairs and I stood up. Once he was here he smiled at the little picnic I set up. "What's this?" He asked. "It's a little picnic, just for us. To celebrate." I smiled. "The candles aren't lit." Draco mentioned. "Oh right." I responded.

I snapped my fingers and the candles lit up. "Where'd you learn that?" Draco asked mildly surprised. "Practice makes perfect." I answered and sat down. "Sit." I said and patted the spot next to me. He smiled then sat down and put his arm around me.

"There's mostly sweets considering I did this last minute." I said. "Can I ask you something?" Draco questioned. "Yes." "Why are you really doing this?" I look down then he lifted my head back up with his finger making me look at him. "That cabinet has been draining your energy a lot lately." I confessed.

"I see how tired you are after you work on it, Draco." "Sit here." He said patting his lap. I did as he told then he wrapped his arms around my waist and mine were around his neck. "Don't worry about me, because every time I see you there reminds me that after all this is over I will still have you. You're my bright light at the end of this tunnel I'm in."

I smiled then Draco kissed me passionately. "I love you, my always." He smiled. "I love you too, my always." I returned. I rested my head on his shoulder then I feed him a piece of candy. This was a real celebration, a small picnic looking at the stars with my always.

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