Yule Ball

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I was in the great hall sitting with the trio and Draco. I was sitting between Draco and Harry. Draco was holding me close resting his chin on my shoulder pecking my cheek occasionally making me smile. Harry turned and started staring at Cho. She caught him and Harry tried to smiled but juice spilled out of his mouth. "Smooth, Prongs." I joked and he playfully shoved me.

"Look at this! I can't believe it she's done it again." Hermione said handing me a newspaper. "'Miss Granger a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow.'" I read aloud.

"Bulgarian bon-bon?" I laughed. "I mean he is kinda cute." "What about me!?" Draco said. "You're hot, there's a difference. Believe me, babe, you are ten times more attractive than he is." I said and he smirked. "Can you not flirt while I'm eating?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"I least I can flirt without spilling something on myself." I shot back. "... Touché." Harry said. "You should have seen what she wrote about us." Draco said. "Ah yes, I remember. 'The girl who lived and the Slytherin prince, a love that will feed the public for years to come'.'" I quoted.

"That's unoriginal." Ron said. "It should have been something like... 'The Dragon Princess and the Snake'." Harry said. "That's a good book title." I said. "I would read it." Hermione said. (*Casually winks at readers*) "She also wrote that Draco and Cedric got into a physical fight over me." I mentioned.

"What did she happened in the end?" Harry asked. "I chose Draco and ran away with him." I said. "Ran away? Where?" Ron asked. "I don't know, she said that sources will report that soon." Draco replied. "That's a load of rubbish." Harry said. "Parcel for you Mr. Weasley." Said a little boy.

"Thank you Nigel." Ron said. He looked at Harry and I. "Not now Nigel. Later. Go on." He scurried away. We looked at Ron confused. "I told him I'd get him Harry and (Y/N)'s autograph." He explained. "Oh look mum's sent me something." He opened the package to reveal a horrific looking dress robes.

"Mum sent me a dress?" "Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet? Ah ha!" Harry joked and I giggled. "Nose down, Harry." Ron replied. "Ginny, these must be for you." "I'm not wearing that it's ghastly." Ginny spoke.

Hermione and I laughed. "What are you two on about?" Ron questioned. "They're not for Ginny they're for you!" Hermione said. "Dress robes." I finished. "Dress robes? for what?"


"The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity." McGonagall said. We were in the great hall I was sitting between Hermione and Ruby on the girls side. While the boys were on the other side. McGonagall was in the center with professor Snape.

"As representitives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." Severus said. The boys groaned and some of the girl including Ruby since they're Slytherin.

I looked at Draco who was already smirking at me. "Silence. The houses of Godrick Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." McGonagall said.

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight." McGonagall said. "Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasly, will you join me." Ron grudgingly got up. "Might I have a volunteer couple from my house?" Severus suggested and McGonagall nodded.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now