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Draco's pov:

We walked by the executioner to go to Hagrid's hut to say our goodbyes to Buckbeak. I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand to help her feel better. Her dream finally came true and it was crushed by her worst enemy. "I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible." She said. "It just got worse." Harry said. We looked to see Parkinson with her group looking at Buckbeak.

All the rage in me took over. I marched up angrily to her with the others following. "Ah, come to see the show." Parkinson said. "You! You foul loathsome evil filthy little bitch!" I snapped and took out my wand then pointed it at her throat. She was pinned against the stone. I wanted to make her pay for ruining everything.

Your pov:

"Draco!" Harry snapped. "Come on Dracie, you wouldn't hurt me." Parkinson said scared. Draco's face was to covered in rage. "You don't think I'll do it, you bitch! You hurt my love, made her cry, and ruined her dream and you don't think I'll do it!" Draco said through gritted teeth.

I walked up next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Draco, look at me." I said but he kept his angry glare at her. "Draco baby, look at me please." I said then he did as I told and his expression softened. "She's not worth it, I should know. Just calm down, please."

Draco looked at me in the eyes for a moment then slowly started lowering his wand. He put his arm around my waist and we walked back to the others. "Did I mention that my parents said I could keep the head." Parkinson teased gaining her confidence back. Hermione marched up to her and punched her square in the face.

She ran off with her friends back to the castle. "That felt good." Hermione said. "Not good, brilliant." Ron beamed. We walked to Hagrid's hut. The trio went inside while Draco and I sat in front of Buckbeak outside. Buckbeak nudged me and let me pet him.

"Were you going to do it? I mean, were actually going to hurt her?" I questioned. "Everything in my body was telling me to do it." Draco said. I scooted close to him and laid me head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and kissed it then started rubbing it with his thumb. "I wish we could save him." Draco said. "I do too." I responded.

"Can you talk to him like you talked to the unicorn our first year?" Draco asked. "I can try." I said. I connected my foreheads to Buckbeak's. Can you hear me? I asked. Yes I can hear you, (Y/N). He said. What's going to happen to me? You're going to go to sleep for a while. I said. I'm going to die, aren't I? He questioned.

I nodded slowly. I had a nice life. I'm glad I met you two. Buckbeak said. We're glad we met you too. I said. I pulled away from him and rested my head on Draco's shoulder. "He's ready to die." I said. Draco wrapped his arms around me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'll be fine. I got to fly around Hogwarts like I'd always wanted and it's even better that I did it with you." I replied and smiled up at him.

He smiled back and kissed me lovingly. I put my hands on his neck pulling him closer and he placed his hands on my waist. "Ow!" Draco winced when he was about to deepen the kiss. "What happened?" I questioned. "This hit me." Draco said picking up a rock.

"(Y/N) Draco, they're here. Hide behind the pumpkins and we'll meet you there." Harry said and we nodded then got up. "Goodbye, Buckbeak." I said sadly and we went behind the pumpkins. The trio went out the back door and joined us. We watched as the Dumbledore, the minister, and the executioner went to Hagrid's hut.

Then Hermione and I heard a stick break. We both turned to it. "What is it?" Harry questioned. "Nothing." Hermione and I said. "Come on, lets go." Draco said then grabbed my hand and we went back to the castle. We stopped at the top of the hill and looked at the hut.

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