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I woke up the next morning to Harry looking at me. "Anything?" He asked and I nodded. We packed up and I explained everything when we began on foot. Harry smiled as I told the memory. We all continued our journey, Harry, Hermione and I were getting along perfectly. Harry and I even sang occasionally.

Until one night we were in the tent. Hermione was cutting Harry's hair while I was reading a book. "Oh my god." Hermione said in realization. "What?" I asked getting up. "I'll tell you in a minute." She said going to her books and papers. "Maybe you could tell us now." Harry said.

"Alright. The Sword of Gryffindor? It's Goblin made." Hermione said. "Brilliant." Harry said and I realized what she found. "You don't understand. Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade." "It only takes in that which makes it stronger." I added. "Okay." Harry said still not getting it.

"Harry. You already destroyed one Horcrux, right? Tom Riddle's diary, in the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said. "With a basilisk fang. If you tell me you've got one of those in that bloody beaded bag of yours." "Don't you see! In the Chamber of Secrets, you stabbed the basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor." I said.

"Its blade is impregnated with basilisk venom. It only takes in that which makes it stronger. Don't you see?" "It can destroy horcruxes." Harry replied. "Which is why Dumbledore left it to you in his will." Hermione added. "You two are brilliant. Truly." Harry complemented. "It was all Hermione." I smiled. "One problem." Harry said.

Then everything turned off then a click wad heard and everything turned back on to reveal Ron. "The sword was stolen." He said. "Yeah, I'm still here. But you three carry on. Don't let me spoil your fun." Harry and I exchanged looks. "What's your problem?" Harry asked. "Problem? There's no problem. Not according to you, anyway."

"Look, don't be shy. If you've got something to say, spit it out." Harry said getting up and closer to him. Ron glared at him then spoke, "All right, I'll spit it out. Don't expect me to skip up and down because now there's some other damn thing we've got to find."

"I thought you knew what you signed up for." "Yeah, I thought I did too." "I don't understand. What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we'd be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you'd be back to Mummy by Christmas?" Harry said.

"No, I just reckoned after all this time, we'd have actually achieved something. I reckoned you and your sister knew what you were doing. I reckoned Dumbledore had told you two something worthwhile! I reckoned you two had a plan!" Ron yelled. "We've told you everything Dumbledore told us! And in case you haven't noticed, we've already found a Horcrux!" Harry replied.

"Yeah, and we're about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them, aren't we!" Ron responded. Hermione went up to him as I went up to Harry. "Take it off, Ron. You would be saying all these things if you've haven't been wearing it all day." Hermione said trying to take the locket off.

"Do you know why I listen to that radio, every night? Do you! To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name or Fred or George or Mum!" Ron said. "You think I don't listen! You think I don't know how this feels!" Harry replied. "NO! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS! YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD! YOU HAVE NO FAMILY!" Ron shouted.

I quickly stopped Harry from going after Ron. I held in tightly, he wasn't calming down. "GO THEN! LEAVE!" Harry shouted. Ron got all his thing then went out. "Ron..." Hermione said going after him. It was too late he had already disapparated away. Harry was still angry. "Look at me, Harry." I said.

"Harry, please just look at me." He did as I told and his expression softened. "I'm still here. We're family until the very end." I said. "Remember what dad said, please calm down." He relaxed then wrapped his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder. "It'll be okay." I said softly. "I hope it will." Harry responded. "I hope I am too..."

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now