The Cottage

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Your pov:

We apparated to the beach near Bill and Fluer's house. "It's all right, guys. You're safe. We're all safe." Harry said. "Harry and (Y/N) Potter." We heard Dobby say weakly. We turned and saw that he was clenching his stomach. He was about to fall but Harry caught him. He took Bellatrix's dagger out of his stomach.

"Hang in there, Dobby, I'll heal you." I said. I hovered my hands over his stomach and concentrated, but nothing happened. "Such a beautiful place... to be with friends." Dobby choked out. I concentrated more but still nothing. I started to tear up. "Come on." I snapped.

"Dobby is happy... to be with his friends... Harry and (Y/N) Potter." He said softly. "Hang in there, Dobby. You're not dying, not today." I said. "Draco, in my bag there's a bottle, get it." I urged and Draco quickly grabbed the bottle of phoenix tears. He handed it to me and I poured all of it on Dobby's wound.

There was a still moment then Dobby inhaled deeply coming back to life. I let out a breath of relief as he got up. "(Y/N) Potter saved Dobby!" He beamed. "Family has to stay together." I said. He smiled then hugged me. "Dobby must go now. Goodbye and good luck to you all." He said the apparated away.

"What was that?" Harry questioned. "Phoenix tears. I took a small amount from Fawks everyday." I answered. We went to the cottage and told Bill and Fluer what happened. I sat on the porch outside when Luna sat next to me. "Muggles think they keep away evil." She said. She was talking about the wind chimes. "They don't."

"Are you okay?" I asked. "I should be asking you the same thing." She replied. "Why weren't your powers working?" "All I could think about was the baby. I tried to concentrate but I couldn't." "I should go. Draco's been looking at you, probably thinking about what he should say." Luna said then walked away. A moment later Draco sat closely beside me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You've been strong, my love." He said. He wrapped his arms around me and held my head on his chest. "But a someone once told me that even the strongest people have their weak moments." Draco said. That was all I need to start crying. He held me tightly crying with me as I held my arms to me.

 He held me tightly crying with me as I held my arms to me

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"She's gone." I sobbed. "I know I'm so sorry." Draco replied. I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and continued sobbing in his chest. Draco lifted my chin up with his finger so I could look at him. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this together. We're gonna learn from this and try again when we're ready." Draco said whipping the tears off my face.

"We're still young, we can try again when we're ready this time. Though the baby that you had in your stomach will still be in our hearts." Draco finished then kissed me lightly as if I might break. He pulled away then I rested my head on his chest. I took out my hand and a snowflake formed.

Draco put his hand under mine then we both blew the snowflake away as a memorial of our lost baby. Draco pulled me closer and rested his head on mine. "I love you, Draco." I said. "I love you too, (Y/N)." He returned then kissed my head. "Princess..." I heard Harry say softly.

He sat down next to me and gave me a hug. "You okay?" He asked. "I will be." I answered. "We're going to break into Gringotts." He said pulling away. "Okay, what's the plan?" I asked. "You stay here, you've been through something only Draco can understand. Stay back for this one."

"How will I find you three?" I asked. "With this." Harry said and handed me Ron's deluminator. "Ron agreed to let you use it, just click it and you'll find us like he did." I nodded then put the deluminator in my pocket. "Take care of her, Draco." Harry said. "Always." Draco replied then Harry left.

Draco grabbed my hand and took me inside where Bill and Fleur gave us some food. "You two alright?" Bill asked and we nodded. After we were done eating Bill and Fluer gave us a room. We went inside and we both got on the bed. Draco pulled me in his arms while I wrapped my arms around his torso.

I put my leg over him letting half of my body be on top of him while I rested my head on his chest. I relaxed in Draco's embrace and he started playing with my hair which made me smile a bit. "We weren't ready for that baby, were we? I mean, she was a surprise and we were happy, but we weren't ready for her." I said.

"We weren't, but we'll try again and have our life together." Draco replied. "Always." I said then kissed his jaw. "Since we're on the topic what would you want to name our children?" Draco asked and I smiled. "Well Scorpius for our first boy." I said. "And his twin?" Draco questioned.

"How are you so sure we're gonna have twin boys?" I smiled. "The twins part is genetic and the boys part is my decision in bed." Draco smirked and I giggled. "You're mental, Draco Malfoy." I responded. "And you, (Y/N) Potter, fell for me." He replied. "That was my own damn fault." I joked and he laughed.

"But I don't regret it." I smiled then kissed him lovingly. "I don't regret it either." Draco smiled as well then pulled me closer. I had another vision of Voldemort and I rolled off of Draco putting my hands on my head. "What is it?" Draco asked. "He knows we're hunting horcruxes." I said.

We both got up and I grabbed my things. "You need to get back." I said. "We need to make it look like you escaped." "Give me your knife." Draco said. "You're not cutting yourself if that's what you're thinking." I replied. "No, I'm gonna cut a piece of the sheets off to make it look like I was tied up." Draco replied.

I handed him my switch knife then he cut the sheet and tied the piece around his wrist. He gave me back my knife then I flipped it closed and put it away. "One more thing." Draco said. I looked at him then he kissed me passionately. "I love you." Draco said. "Always." I replied then he apparated away.

I heard Harry's voice whisper my name and clicked the deluminator. A ball of light appeared and went straight through my chest then I disapparated and met up with the others by a lake. "We're going to Hogwarts." Harry said and I nodded.

Draco's pov:

I apparated back home and saw my parents with my aunt. "Are you alright?" Mum asked. "Yes, I came as soon as I escaped." I lied showing her my wrists. They all nodded then my father and Bellatrix left the room. "How's (Y/N), is she alright? Losing a baby at her age, I can't even begin to think." Mother said sympathetically.

"She's alright." I replied. "How are you?" She said. "I'm fine, I just..." I trailed off thinking of (Y/N) and how much she must be going through. "I wish I was there with her." I said. "You'll see her soon enough, okay?" Mother said and I nodded.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now