The Slug Club

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⚠️Warning: SMUT!(❣️)

We were having dinner with Professor Slughorn and the rest of the Slug club. I was sitting between Draco and Harry while Hermione sat on the other side of Harry. The subject of parents came up. "What about you, Draco, how are your parents?" Slughorn asked.

Draco looked down then looked back up and forced a smile. "They're fine." I put my hand on his and he actually smiled at me. "And you, Miss Granger? What is it your family does in the Muggle world?" "My parents are dentists." Everyone turned to her confused except for Harry and I.

"They tend to people's teeth." "Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn asked. I laughed lightly to myself. "No. Though, a boy named Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. Needed ten stitches." The door opened and Ginny came in.

Her eyes were stained from tears and the nose was red. "Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again. Her and Dean." I whispered to Harry. He got up as she was about to sit down. He looked around then sat back down. Hermione and I watched in amusement.

"What?" He asked. "Nothing." I smirked. "Look up, someone's staring." Harry whispered. I looked up and saw McLaggen staring at me licking his fingers. I furrowed my eyebrows then rolled my eyes and he smirked. Draco noticed and put his arm around me.

"You have something on your lip, babe." He said. I look at him and he kissed me then pulled away and licked his lips. "Got it." He smirked and winked at me. I felt the heat rise to my face then I looked away smiling. "Well he isn't staring anymore." Harry whispered.

I stifled a laugh. "You know you remind me of your mother a lot, Miss Potter." Professor Slughorn said. I looked up and smiled at him. "She had a big passion for magical creatures, way more than potions." "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Harry said and I nudged him.

After the party everyone said their goodbyes and Draco and I made our way to the common room. "Did you have a good time?" I asked. "I did until McLaggen was staring at you." Draco said with jealousy flooding his voice. "You're jealous again." I smirked.

"I wouldn't say jealous. I just don't like it when other guys talk or look at you when I don't approve or who isn't your brother." I raised and eyebrow at him. "Okay, maybe I got a little bit jealous. But so what?" "To be honest it's kinda hot." I said. "And a little... arousing."

"Then in that case." Draco smirked. He threw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal. "Now I'm really aroused." I smirked. "Believe me I am too." Draco replied and smacked my ass. I let out a slight moan and Draco carried me to our house. He took us to his room, luckily it was empty.


He put me down and locked the door then connected our lips together. He pinned me to wall and kissed down to my neck. "Only I'm-allowed-to stare-at you-like that." Draco's mumbled between kisses. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat down on his bed and connected our lips again.

"Only I'm-allowed-to feel-your lips-on mine." Draco took off my shirt then I unbuttoned his and ripped it off. He laid back on the bed so I was now straddling him. I dragged my nails lightly down Draco's body. He let out a low growl, which was a real turn on, then Draco rolled over so he was on top.

He ripped off his pants along with mine then kissed down to the waist line of my panties. "Who made you this wet, love?" Draco asked in a husky voice. "You." I panted. "Damn right." Draco bit the hem of my panties before pulling them down. He kissed the inside of my thigh making me anxious.

"Draco please." I panted. "Please what? Tell me what you want." Draco replied. "Eat me." "With pleasure." Draco smirked against my skin. He kissed my soaking core before licking at a swift pace. I moaned and put my legs over his shoulders to give him better access. He started sucking and I entangled my fingers in his hair.

I felt a familiar knot grow in my stomach. "Draco, I'm close." I said getting up but he put his hand on my stomach keeping me in place and started licking faster. He spread my legs out more and kept licking. Then without warning Draco inserted two fingers causing me to moan extremely loud.

I couldn't hold it anymore and came on the spot. Draco licked me clean kissed back up and hovered over me. He licked his fingers looking me in the eyes. "You taste so good." He said lustfully. I connected our lips together again with more fiery passion.

I tugged on his boxers and pulled them down then grabbed his member. He groaned and dropped his head in the crook of my neck. "You've helped me so much." Draco said. "Let me pleasure you tonight. And let everyone hear who you belong to." I smiled then moved my hands up his body.

Draco aligned himself at my entrance then thrusted into me deep and hard. I let out a loud moan then Draco started kissing my neck. I spread my legs out more so that he could go deeper. We both moaned with every thrust. Draco found my sweet spot and at the same time hit my g-spot, to make it even better he was rubbing figure-eights in my clit as well.

I was screaming out in pleasure and tugged on his hair. "Say my name, baby girl. Let everyone know who's making you feel this good." Draco groaned between kisses. "Draco! Ah, Draco!" I screamed in pleasure. "Ah! Fuck me harder, Draco!" He started going harder and faster. I felt a warm knot return.

"I'm gonna come!" I moaned. "Hold it!" Draco groaned going faster. I let out an extremely loud moan and started clawing at Draco's back. "Now, baby, come." Draco commanded and I released on him giving one long and final moan. Draco pulled out and came followed by a stream of moans and grunts.


Draco closed the curtains around his bed and laid down next to me. He pulled me in his arms and I rested my head on his chest listening to his fast heart beat. "You're mine and mine only." Draco said. "Always." I replied. I pulled the covers over both of us and started to fall asleep.

"(Y/N)?" Draco questioned and I hummed in response. "I love you." He smiled and kissed my head. "You missed." I smiled. He chuckled then lifted my chin up and kissed my lips softly. "I love you too, Draco." I said softly. Then we both drifted off to sleep.

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now