Perfect Night

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Hey readers, I just wanted to warn you all that this chapter has smut in it. I didn't write it because I don't know anything about that stuff or how to write it. I partnered up with another writer, who would like to remain anonymous, and they also wrote the next one which I think you'll like because I liked it a lot. So when you see this emoji (❣️) that means the smut is starting and when you see it again that means it's over. I hope you enjoy and I'll talk to you all next time -Skippy

I was taken to the Slytherin common room still on Draco's shoulders. He finally put me down on a table. "Open it!" Chris cried out. "Do you want me to open it!?" I called and everyone cheered. I opened it and a loud screeching noise was heard from it and I quickly closed it. "What the bloody hell kind of hint is that?" Draco questioned.

I thought about it for a moment remembering the books on magical creatures I've read. Then it hit me. "Draco, follow me." I said and rushed to the lake with Draco. "Get ready, we're going for a swim." I said once we got there. "What? Now?" He questioned. "Why?" "Just trust me." I said.

I started to strip down to only my undershirt and under shorts. Draco stripped down to only his boxers and his tank top. I went in without hesitation, it felt cold and nice. "Come on." I said. Draco got in then swan next to me. "It's cold." He shivered. "I know, it feels nice." I said. I lifted the egg up and examined it.

"So, why are we here?" Draco questioned. "There are creatures called merpeople in the black lake. Their speech is clear only in water but outside of water it's a loud screeching noise." I explained. "I'm gonna open the egg under water then we'll both go under and listen." I instructed.

He nodded then I opened it under water. We both went under and it started singing a song. Something about having to receive something they took and only having an hour to do so. We rose to the surface. "We solved it! We solved it!" I exclaimed and hugged Draco. "Let's get inside." He insisted and we got out.

I cast a spell to dry us both. I got my clothes as Draco put his back on then went to my room. Nobody was in there yet. "I can't believe you solved it the first hour." Draco said. "Maybe I'm just that good." I smirked. "I know you are." He smirked back. "Let's get ready for bed." He said then took off his shirt. I looked at the scars Draco's chest and bit my lip.

"What?" He asked. "The scars on your chest make you look really sexy." I said. He smirked then wrapped his arms around my waist and connected our lips together. I slithered my hands up his chest then wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly moved his hands down then gripped my ass causing me to moan.

He deepened the kiss then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Draco placed me on my bed and he was between my legs not breaking the kiss. My hands went down his body to undo his belt then he stopped. "I don't want to rush you. I don't want you to do this in the heat of the moment, love." Draco said.

"Draco, I rode a dragon and solved a puzzle with in the first hour of getting a hint. This is going to be the thing that will make this the perfect night." I assured. "But are you sure that you want to do this?" He asked. "I don't want you to regret doing it with me." I cupped his face then kissed him softly.

"I wouldn't regret doing it with you. You are the most amazing, most wonderful person I've ever met. I love you, Draco, and I'm ready to give myself to you." I smiled. "I trust you." He smiled back then kissed me passionately. "I love you too, (Y/N), and I'm ready to give myself to you too." We connected our lips together passionately again.


Draco licked my bottom lip begging for entrance which I gave. Our tongues danced with each other as Draco's hands took off my shirt then began to kiss my neck. His hands went down to my pants button then looked at me for permission. I smiled and nodded then he took off my pants.

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