Polyjuice Potion

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Harry's pov:

We were in the girls bathroom about to drink the potion Hermione made to find out if Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin. I know if we get caught (Y/N) would get mad but we've got to find out. "Everyone got their hairs?" Hermione questioned and we nodded. "Put them in and drink up."

I put the hairs in then covered my nose and drank. It was disgusting, I felt like I was going to throw up. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Ron gagged then ran to a stall. "Me too." Hermione said and followed. I went to the sink and I was going to throw up.

Then I felt weird, I look in the mirror and I changed into Goyle. "Harry?" I turned around to see Ron, only he looked like Crabbe. "Bloody hell." "You have to sound more like Crabbe." I told him. He said it again in a lower voice, "Bloody hell." "Brilliant." "Hey, where's Hermione?" Ron questioned. "Just go without me. Hurry, you're wasting time." She said and we left.

We walked to the dungeons to find the Slytherin house. "What do we do if (Y/N) does things with Malfoy?" Ron asked. "What do you mean by things?" I responded. "What if they're snogging or something?" I thought about it for a moment and I grimaced at the thought.

I definitely don't want to see Malfoy's hands all over my sister. "Try to stay calm, act normal, and try not to throw up." I said. "Or get angry." I finished as we walked down the stairs to the dungeon. We heard foot steps then looked to see Percy. "What are you doing here?" Ron said in his normal voice.

I nudged him. "What are you doing here?" He said in a lower voice. "I happen to be a prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night. It's not safe these days." Percy said. Ron and I nodded afraid to speak. "What're your names again?" He asked.

"Crabbe. Goyle." We heard. We turned to see Malfoy. This is gonna be bad. "Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?" He spat as he walked towards us. He looked at me confused. "Why are you wearing glasses?" He asked. "Uh... r-reading." I said and took them off.

"Reading? I didn't know you could read." He said then gave a slightly impressed looked. He glanced at Percy. "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?" He asked rudely. "Mind your attitude, Malfoy. You want to show a little bit more respect to a school Prefect." He said. He glared at him then turned to us.

"Come on, fellas. We need to make a quick trip to the great hall." Draco said. We went to the great hall and walked to the Slytherin table. "Micaela, have you seen (Y/N)?" He asked a Slytherin girl, who I assume is my sister's friend that she talks about, Micaela Nanni.

"She's been in the library a while. Ruby brought her some food, but she didn't have dessert yet. She said she doesn't want her concentrations to be broken." Micaela explained. "Okay then." Draco replied. He grabbed a napkin then grabbed a cookie and a brownie. He wrapped them up and placed them in his pocket.

I noticed a Hufflepuff was sitting at the Slytherin table, which never happens. "What's a Hufflepuff doing sitting here?" I asked rudely trying to act the part. "Goyle, it's me, Celeste. You eat the sweets I make you all the time. I'm part of the friend group." She said. "Oh, right." I tried to play off. "Let's go." Draco said then led us to the Slytherin house.

Draco's pov:

Once we entered the common room and took the sweets out of my pocket and placed them on the table. I laid on the couch while the boys stayed standing. "Well, sit down." I said and the took a seat on the opposite couch.

"You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. He'll be sacked if it doesn't stop soon. Father always said Dumbledore's the worst thing that's ever happened to this place." I said. "You're wrong." Goyle snapped.

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