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I was in the library with Hermione going through the books trying to find out what the monster in the chamber was. I had my school bag that Hermione gave me with me. I wasn't talking to her because I found out it was her idea to make Polyjuice Potion. "You know, if we're going to work together we need to talk to each other." Hermione said.

I closed the book that I was reading and turned to her. "Fine, what do you want to talk about? Do you want to talk about how you went against my wishes and made Polyjuice Potion to find out if my boyfriend was the evil heir of Slytherin or do you want to talk about how you didn't believe me when I told you he wasn't?" I questioned sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, all of us are. Harry can't bare you not talking to him and I can't either. Can you forgive us?" Hermione said. I did miss talking to them too. "I'll consider it, just keep looking." I said and Hermione nodded. I opened my book and found something.

"Hermione, look!" I said and showed her the page. "This has to be it, it all adds up." She said. "But with a creature that big how could it get around?" "The pipes!" "We have to get this to the boys." I said and ripped out the page in the book. "You didn't have to do that!" She gasped.

"It's not the time to be a goody goody right now, Hermione." I said. "...time to kill..." I heard. "Hermione, it's here." I whispered. I took out my pen and wrote a note on a piece of parchment. I also wrote the word 'pipes' on the page I ripped out. I folded the note and the page then held it in my hand.

"Come on." Hermione whispered, she had a hand mirror with her. "Let me rip you up..." I heard it again, it was getting closer. "Hermione, it's getting closer." I whispered shakily. "If we get petrified, I want you to know that I forgive you, Mione." I said and Hermione hugged me quickly then pulled away. She held up her mirror and looked around the corner.

She gasped and turned pale then froze. "Mione?" I questioned. She was petrified. My breathing quickened and ran away from the voice. "...I'm closer then you think..." I heard it. I took out my switch knife and flipped it open. I used the blade to look behind me. I met a pair of yellow eyes and everything went dark.

Draco's pov:

I was in the common room with the fellas and professor Snape came in. "Mr. Malfoy, follow me." He said. I got up and followed him. "May I ask what's this is about, professor?" I questioned. "See for yourself." He said. He led me to the hospital wing where I saw Professor McGonagall with Potter and Weasley.

They both led us inside. "This may come at a wee bit of a shock for all of you." Professor McGonagall said. They led us to two beds where we saw two stone like figures. Granger.... and my love. "(Y/N)." I gasped and sat down on her bed. She looked like she was holding something up as she laid sideways.

"They were found in the library. Along with these." Professor Snape said. He held up a silver hand mirror and (Y/N)'s switch knife, it was open. "Does this mean anything to any of you?" McGonagall asked. "That's (Y/N)'s switch knife. She keeps it with her at all times." I said.

The teachers nodded then left. I looked back at my love and tears threatened to fall. So many emotions went through my body but the two main ones were sadness and anger. "Are you okay?" Potter asked. "I'm an idiot!" I snapped getting up and kicking the night stand next to (Y/N)'s bed.

"I should have been there but I wasn't! Instead I was hanging out with those two idiots!" "Calm down." "Don't tell me to calm down, Potter! She's your sister you shouldn't be calm either." "You don't think I feel the same as you right now! The last thing we did was fight!" Harry shouted as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"That's another thing we have in common." He said. I turned back to (Y/N), a tear rolled down my cheek, and sat back down on her bed. "She wouldn't want us to fight." I said. "I'm helping you two find this monster that did this to her." "Are you sure?" Ron asked. "Yes. What do you know so far?" I asked.

"Hagrid might have been the one to open the chamber in the first place." Harry said. "That's stupid. He's a Gryffindor, or was a Gryffindor." "I saw him with the monster in a flashback that a diary showed me. It's weird but it's true." "Then let's go ask Hagrid himself." I said. I grabbed (Y/N) switch knife and flipped it closed and put it in my pocket. "Let's fuck shit up, boys."

The Dragon Princess and the Snake (Dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now