Ministry of Magic

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I woke up with my naked body entangled with Draco's. I smiled remembering last night then started kissing his neck. He began to wake up as my kisses trailed up and landing on his lips. "Good morning, handsome." I smiled. "Good morning, gorgeous." He smiled back.

"We should get dressed before your brother kills me." He joked and I giggled. We got up then got dressed and went down stairs. I made a simple breakfast then the trio came down. "Morning." I said. "You two are up early." Hermione said. "Got a lot of sleep last night." Draco responded.

"Didn't sound like it." Harry smirked. Draco and I shared a look then blushed. "You're not mad?" I asked. "No, who knows when you'll see each other again. It was both of your first time after all." Harry said. Draco and I shared another look. "Right?" Harry questioned. "Are you hungry?" I asked and placed a plate of food down for him.

He furrowed his eyebrows then his eyes widened. "You two have done it before?" He questioned staying calm. "We've been together for six years, Harry, of course we have." Draco smirked. "You know what, all that will be a lot to take in." Harry sighed.

"You're telling me." I smirked and winked at Draco. His eyes widened and his face turned bright red. "Do not make those types of jokes right now." Harry said and I laughed. "Guys, you might want to see this." Ron said entering the room. We followed his to a raided room. "Lovely." Draco said sarcastically.

"Regulus Arcturus Black." I read on the door. "R.A.B." Harry said. We all walked back downstairs and sat at the table. "To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you read this... I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it..." Harry read.

"R.A.B. was Sirius' brother?" Draco questioned. "Yes. Question is, did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?" Hermione said. We heard a strange noise from the cupboard. Harry rushed towards it and took out Kreacher the house elf. "Been spying on us, have you?" Harry said.

"Kreacher has been... watching. Kreacher always watches." He replied. "Maybe he knows." Draco suggested. "Ever seen this before?" I asked holding up the locket. Kreacher didn't reply, only glared at me. "Kreacher, we own this place." "Sirius left it to us." "Which means we own you too." Harry and I said.

After that statement Kreacher answered every one of our questions. "Before he died, Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to destroy it. It was the last thing he asked of Kreacher. But no matter how Kreacher tried, he could not.." "Who, Kreacher? Who was it?" Harry and I questioned. "Mundungus. Mundungus Fletcher." He answered.

We all exchanged glances. "Find him." Harry and I commanded then Kreacher vanished. Just then Draco groaned in pain and clench his left arm. "Draco, what's wrong!?" I asked worried. "My arm." He winced and groaned again. I quickly moved up his sleeve, his mark was moving and the skin around it was bright red.

He groaned again then it stopped. "It burns you?" Harry questioned. "From time to time." Draco sighed. "You need to get back." I said sadly. "But I can't leave you." Draco replied. "You're always with me." I said grabbing my locket. "This stone will always glow."

Draco embraced me in a tight hug. "I love you, my always." He said. "I love you too, my always." I returned. Draco kissed me passionately for a few long moments. I pulled away and our hands parted slowly. I smiled at him one last time before he apparated away.

Once he left my smile dropped some and I walked over and sat next to Harry. He was looking at his snitch as I put my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. A moment at we heard Kreacher come back with Fletcher and Dobby.

"Harry and (Y/N) Potter! So long it's been." Dobby beamed. They all tumbled out of the small place and Hermione disarmed Fletcher. "As requested, Kreacher has returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher!" "Dobby has also returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher!" Dobby added.

We all interrogated Fletcher and he confessed to taking the locket and giving it away to some witch. "Who was she?" "This witch?" Harry and I questioned. Fletcher tried to remember than showed us a picture of Umbridge on the newspaper.


We stunned four ministry aides to use their hair for Polyjuice potion. They're was a husband and wife, Umbridge's assistant and another random man who was also in the daily prophet. "Ok so, (Y/N) and Ron will take the husband and wife." Harry said.

"Why?" I whined. "Don't complain." Harry said. "I'll take the other man and Hermione will be Umbridge's assistant." "Remember what we said. Keep your eyes down. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Act as normal as possible. Just do what you see everyone else doing. We do that, and with a bit of luck, we get ourselves inside. And then..." Hermione spoke.

"It gets tricky." Harry and I said simultaneously. "Correct." Hermione responded. "This is completely mental." We said. "Completely, utterly, without question." Hermione agreed. "The world's mental. Come on, drink up. We've got a Horcrux to find." Ron said. We all drank the Polyjuice potion then changed into the others clothes.

We all entered the ministry and once we did two people came and took me away. "Hey! Get off me!" I snapped. "Shut it, mud-" "Don't call me that!" I glared. They took me to a court room and sat me down in the chair. Above me was loads of Dementors being held back. A moment later then the pink devil herself came in with Hermione. "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?" She questioned.

"Yes." I replied. "Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred? Wife to Reginald?" Just then Ron and Harry came in. "Reg." I almost snapped. Harry grabbed him and push him inside next to me. "A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today, Mrs. Cattermole. Is this that wand?" Umbridge asked. I looked at Hermione then she nodded slowly.

"Yes." I said. "Would you please tell the court from which witch or wizard you took this wand." She said. "I didn't take it. I got it in Diagon Alley, at Ollivander's, when I was eleven. It chose me." I said. "No, no, I don't think so, Mrs. Cattermole. Wands only choose witches. And you are not a witch." Is she trying to frame me?

"But I am! Tell them, Reg! Tell them what I am!" I urged to Ron. He looked nervous and didn't say anything. I heard a sort of screeching noise then looked to where is came from. There I saw the locket on Umbridge. Harry took out his wand. "What are you doing, Albert?" She asked.

"You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies." He said. "Stupefy!" We both yelled stunning Umbridge. Hermione grabbed the locket then we all ran out of the court room. The Dementors were accidentally let free and they started going after us. "Expecto Patronum!" I casted sending them away.

We walked out of the lift then the potion wore off. "It's them. Harry and (Y/N) Potter!" One of the workers said. "Seal the exits." A white haired man said. We ran down the exits as they all shut off and went in the last one just in time.

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